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Serena's Destiny:The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 7
Heaven's Meadow

The ride to Heaven's Meadow was like any ride for me and my mother. But for the others it was like a fantasy dream come true. For example: When Darien learned that Magic could fly into outer space he wouldn't shut up. When Ami learned that there were more than nine plants that was unknown to mankind she went crazy. When Mina learned that fairies, mermaids, dragons, wizards, unicorns, centaurs, aliens, and many things I even forgot were in the meadow she went crazy. Raye went crazy when she found out we would have to keep our identity safely hidden and the fact that we were all princess's of planets human's couldn't even step on. Lita almost fell off Magic's back because she was so happy when she found out that we would be fighting evil for the rest of our lives. And when I found out that me and Darien would one day rule the future earth and moon. I nearly fell off of Magic!

* * *

When we arrived at Heaven's meadow the others were on complete shock. Of course I couldn't blame them because it was 1,000 miles long with any flower, tree, and fantasy creature imaginable. I jumped off Magic's back into a bed of tulips. When my feet touched the ground I felt a tingling feeling on my back. I didn't have to freak out like I did when I first came here. I heard gasped from behind me and turned around. I saw a flick of silver as I turned around. I knew what it was so I didn't worry; but when I saw my friends faces I thought something was really wrong.
What? I asked, What wrong?
W-W-What are those? Ami asked, pointing at my fairy wings.
What, my fairy wings? I asked giggling.
F-Fairy? Darien said, wings?v I giggled at the his surprised face.
Ooooh i got an idea, I thought. I looked up at the sky and thought about flying. I felt a light breeze on my back as the ground disappeared from under my feet. I opened my eyes and laughed at everybody's faces. I flew down and pushed everyone off of Magic's back. They all fell onto the ground. And in a matter of minutes my mother was flying right next to me and the others were starring at each others wings with a look of horror on there face's. I landed gracefully on the ground and almost fell to the ground laughing but I felt two arms around me. I looked up to find Tulip, Rose, Lily, and Bella (AN: OK remember these are fairy people. So I don't think anybody would be named that) my childhood friends in heaven's Meadow.
Holy s-
Serenity, Queen Serenity said cutting me off.
Sorry Mother, I said, as Bella started laughing.
Serena, you were always getting yourself in trouble, she said through giggles.
Yeah, Lily cut in, like the time she got caught by the unicorns playing in the cave by sparkling pond.
Are the time she threw a party in D2R2's spaceship, Tulip laughed out.
Are the time she decided to go to with the unicorns to the horn fair, Bella said, having to stop every two words to laugh.
Hey, shut up would ya, I said, whacking her on the head, I still want to go to that fair.
The four fell to the ground laughing leaving me to shake my head in pity.
OK everyone, I said, as the four ceased laughter, we need to teach them how to fly.
Lily walked up to the four, who looked like they had just seen, OK everyone, Lily started, all you have to do is think about flying and-
She was cut off by Darien being lifted up into the air.
Well, I said, that's one of them learning to fly.
Uh-oh, Rose said, Serena, I think hes in trouble.
What do you mean? I asked, turning to her.
The angel Kittens(AN: OK i know that Angel Kitten's sounds weird but just picture them as kittens (they always stay kittens) with wings), she said, pointing behind me.
Oh no, I said, as I jumped on Magic's back.
Magic rose up into the air.I felt the wind pass over my face and threw my blond hair as Magic flew higher and higher. I noticed the other fairies in the corner of my eye. Magic hurry up, I said kicking her side. When I could see Darien I swung my legs over, preparing for the switch. When we reached Darien I grabbed him bye his waist and flung him onto Magic's back as I jumped off. The Angel Kitten's were only five feet away when they saw me. When they realized who it was they came to a complete halt.
What do you want? I asked them, as the other fairies came flying up to me.
We need your help princess, a black one said, we found a baby on our cloud one day sleeping. We have come to favor this baby. We found her again unconscious with many scars and bruises. We're not sure what happened to her but only the unicorns can heal her. We received word that you were here, a little gray one said, so we started looking for you when we saw Prince Endymon we were going to ask him-
What Diana (AN: No, it's not Rini's Diana. That Diana isn't even alive yet!!!!!!!) is trying say your highness, a white one said, is that you are the only one that can find the unicorns.
Yes, I understand, I said, where is the child?
Two calico kittens came up to me and placed a little girl no more than nine years old in my arms.
I turned to Bella, Bella you and the others teach them how to fly, I'm going to leave Magic with you so she can lead ya'll to me. Darien, Mother, come with me.
OK, Bella said, as she Lily, Rose, and Tulip flew down to where Lita, Ami, Raye, and Mina were still waiting on the ground.
I took my brooch off and threw it in the air.
Once I said this a ray from the sun came out from behind a cloud and shown to where the Spring Forest was. The Spring Forest, I thought, of course, on earth it was mid August, but here it was mid May; so that means they would just be having their young. As we followed the ray of sun light I looked down at the child. She had a Redish-pink hair color. Hair face was covered with scars and bruises. I saw the shimmering pond ahead. Elios was there already there in the clearing. Elios was the strongest and was the wises of any other unicorns. For Ex: He is the only unicorn strong enough to morph into a human. I landed gracefully on the ground in front of him - I can't say the same for Darien though.
What is it little princess? He said bowing, making his blueish-white hair fall over his eyes.
The angel kittens found this child with many scars and bruises, unconscious on their cloud today. Will you save her? I asked.
Give the child to me, he said.
I placed the child in his hands. I was sure she was alive because I felt her breath on my arm.
He touched each of her scars and they turned an ugly shade of purple than they disappeared completely.
There was one scar that I didn't like at all. It was a big old gash on her right knee. It was sure to leave a mark; no matter what Elios, or any other unicorn, could do. When he fixed up the gash he handed the child back to me. She will have to be nursed back to health. The city of Atlanta would be the best place.
Well, Elios said bowing, Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Prince Endymon, I must go.
Thanks you, Elios, Diana said, bowing her head.
You are most welcome little kitten, he said, patting her head.
Good-day everyone, he said, before turning around and magically transforming back into a unicorn.
OK, I said, we got to go find the others than we got to (AN: can you imagine a princess saying "we got"?) bring-
I was cut off by a loud giggling from behind me. I turned to find everyone was flying us, well except for Mina who was laughing so hard at the new experience she kept falling than floating back up. Look there are the others lets go, I said, as I floated up in the air. When I got up to them Bella and Rose just shrugged their shoulders and said, She can't keep herself up. While Lily and Tulip just keep laughing at the sight.
Mina, I said, why don't you ride on Magic's back.
OK, she said, I'm-giggling-starting to get diz-giggling-dizzy.
She floated, well fell, too, over to Magic and fell on his back.
OK, we have to go to the Lost City of Atlanta, I said, the-
Whoa, Whoa, slow down, Darien said, Lost City of Atlanta? Isn't that just a fairy tail?
Darien, Have you not been listening? (AN: now that sounds more like a princess "have you not?") I asked, this is heaven's meadow for crying out loud, we just saw unicorns, there are four fairies behind you, you have fairy wings. What do you want dragons two come out for proof?
But how do we breath under water? Darien asked.
Bella, I moaned, please explain. Sure, Bella said.

* * *

We were having a fight about what kind of creatures were here in Heaven's meadow. When Serena said the lost city of Atlanta, I thought for sure she was going to kill me. I mean come on unicorns OK, mermaids, not OK. I mean we're talking about a human with a fish tail. But I stopped bickering when the fairy know as Bella explained to me that here the impossible can happen. Of course when she said this I was waiting for Aliens to come flying in on their UFO's(AN: that would be cool don't ya think?), I thought.
Yes, Bella said, there are Aliens but they only come here once a year and usually hide in the milky way.
H-How'd you know that? I managed to stammer out.
If you even happened to notice I'm a fairy, I have powers, too, you know, she said, No offense Prince Endymon but you were much more intelligent in your own day. (AN: Ooooh put downnnnn)
You know, I said, your right.
But ether way we're supposed to protect you, the princess, and the others, she said than continued, Since all of you have just received your power, we are to help you at any cause until you and the others can take on the full responblity of protecting the princess.
Why is it so important that we protect her? I asked.
You'll see, she said, first we have to get the child to Arial.
By now we had reached an ocean with many seashells on the beach. Serena turned around to face and as she did I noticed how beautiful she was. She had a dress similar to her mothers; white silk all the way to her feet. Her short brown hair had turned into long, golden-blond hair that reached down to her hips. It wasn't in the usually buns as I remember. But it was down so it fell around her like a golden waterfall. Her eyes were like baby-blue diamonds. And-
Darien, if you have something to tell me, a voice in my head said, tell me, don't think.
I looked over to where she was.
Have you got something to tell me? She asked me, a bit of laughter in her voice.
No, I said, not really.
Yeah right, I heard her say under her breath.
OK, she said, all you have to do is fly above the ocean and dive strait down. You will be able to breath under water so don't try to hold your breath.
Once your under the water, she continued, all you have to do is follow the light and it'll bring you to Atlanta. Any Questions?
Everyone became quiet.
Can I take that as a no? She asked, shifting the little girl in her arms.
I nodded my head after looking at the others who nodded, too.
OK, I'll go last, she said, floating aside, Darien, do you want to go first?
I looked at her to make sure she wasn't joking around are playing a trick on me.
She had a serious look on her face so I guessed she wasn't joking around.
I floated over the ocean and dove strait down into the water. As the water splashed over my body I noticed that the water was warm. That's weird, I thought.
I heard a splash from above me; I turned around to see Mina diving down with a tail?
I looked down and, without thinking, I opened my mouth and gasped.
There where my legs used to be was a green fish tail!!

* * *

I wish I could have seen Darien's face when he saw he had a tail. I sure would of paid big money for that. I started to float above the ocean as my mother dived under water. I leaned forward getting ready to dive in. Well, I thought, Atlanta, here I come, I dived forward and hit the water with a splash. I saw that the others for me; I opened my mouth, follow the light, I told them. I looked down at the nine year old child. She now had a tail so she could swim around, I wonder what her name is...........?