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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy


Queen Serenity ran through the corridors looking for the princess. Where is she? she thought to herself. All of a sudden she heard a crash then a cry. She turned around to find a collum that had fallen right in front of the princess.
"Serenity!!!" She called at the princess.
MommYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?! she screamed. "where are you?"
"Princess," the Queen cried out again "I'm coming."
"Mommyyyyyy." the princess cried out again as she felt someone pick her up. Thinking it was the reason why her home was being destroyed she started to kick and scream.
"Put me down," the frightened princess screamed.
"Serenity," said a familar voice, it's ok sweet so please stop honey.
The princess looked up to find her mothers beautiful face. Her long, beautiful, silver hair flying behind her as she ran.
She looked up to the queen and said tears in her eyes, "mommy? Mommy, I'm sacred. What's happening to the palace?"
"We're being attacked honey," she said doging a fallen collum.
"But what about the other plants?" Princess Serenity asked.
"Their on their way right now," she said smiling glad that even under attack her only daugter remembered the other kingdoms in the universe.
"Mommy," asked the princess, "where are we going?"
"We're going to the underground chamber" she said looking down at the princess.
"Oh," said the Serenity hugging her mom even more.
They soon arrived to the chaber were the king and diana with her only surriving kitten were already there.
The princess jumped out of her mothers arms and ran to her dad's arms crying.
"Daddy," she cried, "I'm so sacred. whats going to happen to us? Where are the other plants?"
"It's going to be ok," repiled the king. "the other plants are on their way. Go play with Diana why don't you."
"OK," she said walking over to the gray cat. "Diana, do you know if we're going to be ok?" she asked the cat.
"Don't worry little princess it'll be alright," Diana repiled.
It was then that she noticed a black kittan pop it's head from behing Diana's back. "Diana, whos that?" she said pointing at the black kittan.
"That's Luna," she said turning to look at the little kittan, "shes the only one that survied the attack."
O"h Luna, the princess said, i'm so......."
But she couldn't finsh because she heard shouting from outside. Thinking it was another attack quickly ran to her mom who was now listening too.
The princess listened and heard what sounded like 4 people shouting "Sailor Scout protection shield." Than heard them shout again "Sailor beam."
It's the salior scouts, Queen Serenity said. "Sebastian we must help the others fight."
"You're right," he said.
They both turned to the princess. "Serenity, I want you to stay here diana and luna, ok sweet?" the Queen asked.
Serenity nodded in aggrement. "I love you mom, dad ," she said looking up at them sadly, because serenity knew if nothing worked and they had to use their full power it could take their life. The princess watched them run out of the door; twenty secounds after they left she stood up and started to to run after them not letting them see her.As she ran out the door she ignored Diana's cry for her not to go. But i have to she thoght to herself. I know somethign wrong is going to happen. I could try to make up an attack and if it didn't work(since i really don't have my powers yet, she thought) Icould always use my protection shield that alwats worked no matter what.
She arrived at the battle sean, seeing that the enemy was about to attack. with out thinking the princess jumped over her soon surprised parents started to spin. As she started to spin she heard her mother shout "SERENITY NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" But it was to late the princess had already stoped spinning midair and put four fingers on her forehead with her moon crescent in the middle and shouted "Rainbow ribbon surround." Her moon crescent shined even brighter and out came shot a dozen of rainbow colored ribbions surrounded the enemy and pulled them all together in a tight cricle. Queen Serenity looked up at her daughter just as she shouted "Red rose thorns surround". Suddenly she drooped her arms to her sides and leaned her head back and thousands of throns flew from her out of her blond pigtails . Surrounding the enemy it began to pock at them with their sharp points.
Queen Serenity was telling the other scouts to attack but was broken off by her daughter yelling "White Moon Rose Destroy" At that the Queen stared up at her five year old daugter and suddenly a white light surrounded her, princess Serenity, the king, and the four salior scouts she watched as her only daughter lifted her finger and pointed at the enemy and the bright light followed her finger than hit the cricle of enemies and in a blink of an eye they disappered leaving only the ribbion that quickly faded away. The white light soon faded away just as she landed slowly on the ground unharmed. Her dress had now no more tares on it the Queen noticed as she landed on the ground but that was the least of her worries, right now she thought.
She ran to her mom. "mommy!!!!!!!," she cried.
"Serenity how did you do that?" the queen asked.
"I felt something was wrong a little bit after you left and followed you and than i made up all those attackes and thought really hard about what they would do and they just happened," the princess said.
The Queen hugged her even tighter amazed that her only daughter age five already had her powers.

Must we do this? the servent asked the queen. Yes, said the queen, the princess is only five years old and already has the power to defend the kingdom with that power. If we let her live we shall never defeat the moon kingdom. But must we Kill her so young? asked the sevent. No, the queen said smiling, i have an idea; we shall wait eleven years from now; than we shall get our revenge.