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Serena's Destiny: The Power Within Her
Written by Sailor Daisy

Chapter 1
The Silver Imperium Crystal

It was now New Year's Eve, eleven years after the princess received her power and saved her parents life. Prince Darien, from Earth, was seen climbing a weeping willow looking for the princess. Their were grown ups chatting away. Kids Dancing, singing, and playing to the music's beat. Darien moved aside some branches seeing the princess lying in the field of moon flowers looking up at the sky that shone so brightly that night. It had been the perfect night, the perfect night to celebrate, to have fun with the people of the moon even........the perfect night to fall in love. As Darien sat there on that branch he suddenly feel in love with Princess Serenity. Her long blond hair dancing in the wind. And even thow he couldn't see them he know that those big blue eyes were looking up at the sky that shone so brightly. Darien had heard many stories about the princess; how she had gotten her powers 3 years ago, saved a baby, and saved the princess of Mars when she got stuck in a whrilpool. Darien started to climb down and when he was on the ground he started to walk over to were the princess was. Darien walked up to her and put his hands on her sholders. Her eyes were closed; suddenly they popped, she jumped up and her moon crecent began to glow. Than when she saw who it was her moon crecent died down.
Please don't scare me like that, Princess Serenity said, I could of shot a beam at you.
I know you wouldn't of, Prince Darien said smiling.
Well you're right, the princess said sitting down next to were the prince was sitting, If i hadn't of opened my eyes.
The prince laughed.
Well it's true, Serenity shot back at him.
They sat their chating and laughing . They were talking and laughing about what would happen when she was queen. They were broken off when they heard people shouting....5.......4........3.........2....... 1 Happy New Years!!!! Everybody screamed. Serenity laughed looking up at the fireworks of every color.
Happy New Years Prince Darien, Serenity said.
Happy New Years to you too princess.............. he started but couldn't finsh becouse they turned at the sound of a loud boom and lots of screams. Princess Serenity started running with Prince Darien soon following. When they reached the court yard they saw that they were being attacked again. Princess Serenity ran to the weeeping willow and started to climb to the top. When she reached the top she thought of protecting her family and friends just as before and just as she suspected when she jumped of the willow she started to spin. But instead of her just stop spinning;she began to spin even faster. She titled her head back to see what was happening and out of no where a locket appeared above her. She heard many people shout from under her; look it's the Silvar Imperium Crystal. Shes getting her full power!!!!!!!! Queen Serenity watched this all from the crowd. Ever since the princess got her power shes been helping everybody like a true princess would. Now that she has her full power she can control anything. Queen Serenity looked up to see a bright light surrond Serenity. When the light disappeared she was dressed in a white salior suit and a short blue skrit. There were two red bows, one ont he front holding the Silver Imperium Crystal and one in the back.There were white gloves on her hands reaching up to her elbows.Red high heels appeared on her feet and a golden tiara appeared on her forehead that covered her moon cresent than 2 round red hair pieces appered on her pigtales.she thursted her head back and her mon crescent began to glow through the tiara and finally appeared on top of the tiara. When the transformation finshed the princess turned to look at the attackers who had just shot a beam her way. She heard cries and screams from below her, but the princess just yelled, "Moon cresent beam protection" suddenly,as quiock as lighting,a yello beam made a wall that protected everybody on the ground. Four blue beams crashed into the wall turning it blue. The princess folded both of her hands leaving only her thumb and fore finger from each hand. She put her thumbs on her lips and she put her fore finger on her moon crescent covering it; she than pulled her hands away slowly and pointing at the blue spot in the wall and she put her hands in a ball than slowly pulled them away. When the blue ball was as big as a room in the palace, and pu tfour fingers in the ball, two from each hand, and drooped her hands by her sides and the ball separated into four smaller balls. She than closed her eyes an dthan opened them and pointed at the attackers and the balls shot forth and stoped at the wall and gathered more energy than before. The balls than shot forth heading for the attackers and hit. Than out of no where four other girls appeared midair in salior suits. They were the princess' of Venus, Mercury, Mars,Jupitar. Than Prince Darien was lifted out of the air and turned into Tuxedo Mask............