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There isn't a lot here, but it's worth a read if you've got the time. I've finally gotten around to adding summaries, so hopefully you'll enjoy these more now! ^^

Halfling Rogue

........Zelas calls Xelloss before her with an interest in his personal life; an interrogation and a surprising directive change the way Xelloss thinks about his lord and master.....X/F.

Chibi J

I Don't Want You to Want Me
........Loneliness consumes Filia, and she has a visitor who could take the loneliness away--if only she'd let him. Songfic. There's OOCness, but it's minimal. X/F.

When Change Separates
........Time and circumstances have changed Zelgadis and Lina; now, as they meet again after many years, will they be friends or will change have pushed them forever apart? Z/L.

........After the final destructive battle, one remains alive amongst the ashes.....Minor X/F.

Who Made the Maker?
........Sequel to 'Aftermath'. After life, what is there for Mazoku and Ryuuzoku alike? Minor X/F.

For Love of Justice
........What is justice? A way of life, a truth to be cherished--or a lie Amelia is forced to live? Deviates from canon storyline just a little (I was uninformed at the time).

And the Wheel Goes Round.....
........While on a jaunt for dessert in a strange town, Amelia is captured by the diabolical Martina, who has sinister (albeit extremely unlikely) plans for her captive. The others depart to find her--and Zelgadis splits off on his own, finding some strange clues that don't seem to fit. Is Amelia's capture part of something bigger, or is Martina just stirring up trouble again? And how do the Mazoku figure in? Z/A, L/G, unfinished.

Happy Happy!
........Poem. Rather nutty, sometimes doesn't rhyme correctly.

I Wonder
........Really strange poem. Doesn't always scan, makes no sense.

There's Tweedle-Dum, There's Tweedle-Dee, and Then There's Xelloss
........An extremely wacky Slayers parody, with very inaccurate info and random self-addition (as the author, not an OC). Flying chimps, undercover fic-writing Mazoku, Xelloss in a tutu, etc. Some X/F.

Slayers Top 10 Lists
........Humor lists about the Slayers cast. Some parts unfinished/forthcoming.

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