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2KR Free Counter
2kr Free Counter

In this section you can make your own layout, for free! It's very simple, first you choose what kind of layout you want. The types you can get are a table with a left column, a table with a right column, or a table with both columns. Follow all the directions and it will work. My suggestion is to do everystep before you preview, up until your finished it may look a little weird.

Step 1: Table Choice
Choose which style of layout you want then copy-n-paste the code onto your site.

Left Column Table:

Right Column Table:

Both Columns Table:

Step 2: Banner Creation
Choose which banner you want to use then Right Click it the "Save As". Then to add text go to Gifworks and click "File" then choose "File Open" from there. When that loads choose "Browse" and locate the banner from where you saved it. When you have located it click "Upload Image". Now you should see the banner you choose if not start this step over. If you do see it your ready to put on text. What you do is click "Edit" then from there go to "Insert Text". If your this far you can probably figure out what you need to do on your own, but just in case here we go. Choose which color you want from the big chart, then choose the FONT, SIZE, and STYLE. Where it says [enter text here] delete that and put your site name or whatever you want the banner to say. Now your on the final step of making text just click where you want it to be centered at on the banner. You just made the banner! Save it the same way you saved the one you wanted below.

DBZ Banner:

GW Banner:


Step 3: Finishing Touches
This is the last step. All you do is fill in everything in the layout like were it says COLOR put what color you want, and were it says BANNERURL you put put the URL of the banner you made. And then when your finished with that put the URL in the links where it says LINKURL, and put what the link is named where it says LINK NAME.

Hurray! Your finished with your layout now just put it on all the sections of your site and remember to put the content of the page where it says <---Page Text---> (get rid of "<---Page Text--->" when your done).

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