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"WHAT?!" Isthian leapt to his feet, "It can't be IMPORTANT?! That's my country you're talking about! AND STOP HITTING ME!!" Everything from Devi-Chris to Sprintmon was seemingly forgotten.

"Y'think I give a damn 'bout yer stupid coun'ry? Hah! An' no way innell am I gonna stop hittin' ya!" To prove her point, she slapped him. Hard.

Isthian stumbled back a step from the force of the blow, grunting. "Okay, that's it! You're going DOWN!" He tackled Sayu with no further ceremony.

YES!!! A FIGHT!!! Before she hit the floor, she turned so that it was Isthian who was going to be beneath her, instead of her beneath him. Sayu used a move she loved in this position: pinned his arms with her arms, pinned his legs with her legs, and landed a headbutt to his stomach. Who cared about the other kids, and the evil-dude who was also possessed by Set? She hadn't had a good fight since she got here, and almost killing Gizamon hadn't counted.

"Ooooh. Determination. How wonderful to see." He grinned. "This will be more fun than I thought. But as for your question as to why you are the biggest threat... Ah, I may as well subscribe to the standard villain theory of telling the victims all before I kill them..." He shrugged. "The way that it goes is that you have the strongest connection to this host body, apparently." He nodded. "Judging from his memories, a VERY strong connection. Anyway, that connection might be able to help you use your own powers to drive me out of this host... but that'd be impossible." He sneered. "What's with the bemused expression? Yeah, you got some powers too! You don't even know about them yet, I suppose. Whatever. All of you filthy kids have the power to strengthen your stuffed animals, but nobody's even close to unlocking that yet. So no danger, but I just want to toy with you a bit without interruptions before I do to you what I did to that other human. Perhaps... you could even be turned." He smiled cruelly and advanced slowly on Kamika. "Do you remember how you felt when... hmm. Yes. That memory. Do you remember how you felt when you saw Taira sitting atop this host body? Back when you were all..." He shuddered. "...having fun at the lake. Remember that surge of hatred and anger that coursed through you? Now, that was power! Do you remember how you struck out at her, holding nothing back? You didn't care if you hurt her badly or even killed her. You just struck. Imagine having that sort of power all the time." He was within a foot of Kamika now. "Survival is all about power. I can guide you on the path to true power and evil. Otherwise, you will die right here. Make your choice."

"Oi! Get off him!" Christo yelled, pushing Sayu. "Nobody in this group can hit 'Thian, except Fiona--" Christo jerked her thumb at Fiona, "--and maybe me!" She then saw the danger the Rookies were in. She made no sound, but her mouth and eyes widened with fear. "LABRAMON, LOOK OUT!" Christo yelled, finding her voice.

Labramon heard her partner yell, and managed to dart out of the way just in time. As she got her bearings, she became aware of a strange feeling. She could feel fear, yes, but Christo's as well as her own. Labramon looked down at herself. She was glowing. "LABRAMON DIGIVOLVE TOOO..." She heard herself cry out, "SHIISAMON!!!"

"Whoah," said Christo, "What just happened?"

As whiney-girl seemed to not care about her beating up on possessed-but-not-even-close-to-evil-boy anymore, Sayu stayed on top of him, just sitting there, hitting him occasionally in the stomach, just to make sure he had a bruise, at least. If he threw up, she was ready to jump away. Sayu, getting bored, glanced over at big-black-dome-thing. Who knew or cared what was going on in there? Maybe they were making out. Ew. In Sayu's opinion, boys were for beating, not kissing. Let alone doing... well, let's not get into that. Sayu shuddered at the thought. Turning her head in Shiisamon's direction, she wondered briefly where Gizamon was, then stopped caring all together. Stupid Digimon was probably getting himself killed.

Gizamon walked uneasily down the halls. Maybe running away from all the eeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllll people wasn't such a good idea after all. What was happening to Sayu while he was away? What if she needed him? Phft, yea right. From what Sayu had told him of an AVERAGE day on the streets of Egypt, she'd manage herself well enough in Digiworld. And there were so many other kids and Digimon with her! She'd be fine. He was the victim here, after all. Maybe he oughta go back... naaaaaaaaahhh. He could when he -- wait. Hadn't he passed that wall with a dent in it before?


Fiona drew her attention from Penguinmon and Devi-Chris for a moment at Christo's mention of her name and glanced over at Sayu, who was now on top of Isthian and still beating the crap out of him. She was grateful for the interruption, though.

Penguinmon stopped running and looked back at Fiona. "Fiona!" he cried, "We have to help Kamika!"

"Wait one moment!" Fiona said, then turned back to Isthian and Sayu, "Hey!" she yelled, attempting to pull Sayu off of Isthian. "Christo's right, I'm the only one that's allowed to hit Isthian!"

Great. Now... ahm... what to call this one? Oh! Oh! Screamy-girl! Now screamy-girl was trying to pull her away from her prey. Awww. Standing, brushing away Fiona, she stepped on Isthian's stomach. Putting all her weight into it, as well. Smirking to herself, she quickly got out of the way (just in case, y'know).

Isthian was being pummeled. Absolutely pummeled. Aside from having had the breath knocked out of him when Sayu landed on him, there was all that abuse his stomach was taking. He assuredly would have thrown up, had he had anything to eat that day. As it was, he was left choking, gagging, struggling to breathe, and generally feeling pretty horrible.

Sprintmon, hurt though he was, could sense his partner's anguish. He struggled to his feet, then leapt over to where his partner lay with a few quick bounds. The sinuous Digimon grabbed the back of Sayu's collar in his mouth, and growled warningly in her ear.

"HEY!" yelled Christo, turning her attention back to Isthian and Sayu at last, "I said get off him! Or are you deaf?" she said, hitting Sayu as hard as she could.

Shiisamon looked up at DarkSaibdramon. "You've got a choice," she said, "Either you mess with me, or you leave us alone. You DON'T want to mess with me," She paused, "I'm giving you three seconds to make your decision." Shiisamon held up three fingers. "One," she put one down, "Two..."

Sayu struggled angrily, twisting, turning, attempting to land a kick SOMEWHERE on this Digi. "LEGGO AME, DAMMIT!!!!" She shrieked at him. While twisting, her digivice fell to the floor. She didn't notice. Sayu then started using some... ah... very colorful words. All in one sentence, too. And then, finally, "DIE, EMBODIMENT OF SET!!!!" But, since this was Sayu, it sounded more like: "DIE, EMMODIENT O'SET!!!!" And she wiggled until her sweater came off (with her (semi) white t-shirt underneath, thank goodness), and, indignant, she spat at Sprintmon. Yea. SPAT.

"Am I even here, as far as you're concerned?" asked Christo, hitting Sayu again, "And why do you talk funny?" She continued hitting Sayu, trying to get her off of Isthian.

Sayu, one accustomed to fighting for everything she had, easily dodged or blocked Christo's hits. "Talk funny? Y'all da ones're talkin' funny! Where'm from, a'da peepell a'know talks like dis. An'i'ya as'm, y're on'y a whiny kid, whiny-girl." Well, she didn't know their names, so why not call them what she'd dubbed them?

"I do not whine! And where I come from, NOBODY talks like that. Well, the weird kid from across the road does... BUT NO-ONE ELSE. And I don't whine!" Christo yelled. She stuck her tongue out at Sayu.

Sayu blinked. She hadn't understood a word of what whiney-girl had said. "Uhn? Why'd ya stop talkin' n'Gyptian? Can'stan' a'ord o'dat ot'er 'ang'ige."

Isthian had been startled when the girl had not only fought back, but fought back well. He'd been even more startled when his winded Digi had come to his rescue. Once that new girl had started blabbering in the ungodly native tongue of hers, "startlement" was no longer an accurate description, and he was purely and utterly baffled.

He couldn't even begin to comprehend fact that he had two other girls helping him.

Thian stood up with a dazed look, and started stumbling over towards the dark dome that contained Chris and Kamika. "I'm too out-numbered here... Even the alien'd be an improvement over this."

Sprintmon, for his part, stayed behind, snarling at Sayu. "I might not know what you're saying, but you'd better be quiet and listen to me because I will NOT let you hurt my partner. Understand?" He gave her a sharp poke with his muzzle in emphasis.

DarkSaibdramon grinned evilly as one of the rookies digivolved. "Come now... one is no match for me. Surely you can do better than that. Heh heh heh!" He looked around. "Can't any of you other stuffed animals digivolve, too? That would at least make it fun. I suppose that I have to add some... incentive." He flapped his wings and rose into the air, quickly flying over to Sayu, Fiona, Christo, and Thian. With a tail-smash, he knocked Sprintmon over to where Shiisamon was, and Sprintmon dropped Sayu in the process. DarkSaibdramon then towered over the four children. "Now... weaklings. Listen here. A human child will die very soon unless you digivolve. I wish to at least have a challenging fight for once, and two champions is no fun at all." He extended his claws and raised them high in the air, ready to strike if nothing happened in the next few minutes...

Sayu had been about to inform Sprintmon that she had no idea what he was saying, and that she didn't care for being poked by a large creature-thingy. Now, she got the general idea as to DarkSaibdramon's presence, even if she didn't understand the words. "Dunno wha' y'were sayin'." She informed him curtly. "Bu' m'cowar' o'a'Digi r'n 'way. So, kill one o' deirs, i'ya wan', b'lea'e m'ou' o'it."

Meanwhile, Gizamon... was knocked out. He'd run into a wall.

Fiona shook her head. "It's not like I could understand anything when she was speaking English, but now it's even... worse." Penguinmon tapped her arm and pointed to the ground. Someone's digivice had been abandoned and left on the floor. Fiona checked, and since she still had hers, she figured it had to be the girl's.

She picked it up and cautiously walked toward Sayu, holding out the Digivice. "Yours?" she asked, not quite sure if Sayu could understand her or not.

It was worth a try, wasn't it?

"Erm, you digimon had better get moving here..." Christo sweatdropped.

"Stay away from my friends! TIIDAIYA!" Shiisamon attacked DarkSaibdramon with all the power she could muster.

Sayu took the digivice, and growled at Fiona - the closest she was going to get to thanks.

Kamika sucked in her breath. Just THERE. He was standing in front of her. If she even said ONE thing wrong. . . He could kill her with one shot. All she could do was either agree or DO something. Of course, she still hadn't thought up the SOMETHING. So what left? Could she stall? Was there really enough time? With her heart beating hard that she was sure Puttimon could feel it at that point, she spoke to him. "Yes, I may have been angry at that point. Yes, I did strike out at her. But I won't do it again. I won't abandon my friends and you can't convince me otherwise." She closed her eyes tightly as she finished what she was saying. She prepared herself for what she knew would come.

Sprintmon quickly sprang to his feet and rushed to help Shiisamon. "SPRINT BOMB!!" he cried, launching his attack.

Isthian, for his part, obliviously continued his stumbling progress over towards the dome. He reached it and started pounding against its wall with his fists, shouting inarticulate demands.

Fiona quickly stepped back. "The digivises help us understand each other," she explained. "Which comes in handy..." As an afterthought, she stepped back a little bit more.

Sayu shrugged, then smirked at Fiona's (aka screamy-girl) stepping-backness. Then, she realized that not only did she not know their names, but they didn't know hers! GASP! ...Oh well. Whatever.

Taira was blinking solemnly to herself. So much was going on around her and she had no clue what to do. Foxmon was trying to go fight but Taira made her stay by. Eventually Taira decided she would go help out her Fiance since it seemed the most logical in her current state of mind. "Ya!" She ran quickly into the new girl and started to pummel her. "How dare you hurt my man in that manner you horrid beast of a rabid thing!" She gave the girl a hard right hook and started to pull hair. If she was sane her attack would be better, but give the girl some credit she is insane! "You can't just pop out of thin air and start hurting people like that you you....arg!" And she punched her jaw once more.

Sayu growled in surprise as this new girl attacked her. Well, at least this one could fight. Not bothering to wipe the blood that was dripping from her lower lip, she retaliated by giving Taira a kick in a... very sensitive... area.

"Ra," She muttered to herself. "Dese peepell ahr bloody WEAHD." Sayu then gave Taira her own right hook, before jumping away lightly, and licking the blood off of her lips.

Taira was now starting to enjoy this. Her memory was beginning to come back, but it wasn't ganna stay. Fighting was a strong point in Taira's life so this would be fun. "Yes, we are weird and don't you forget that." Taira said cracking her bruised jaw and ignoring the pain below her waist. "Nice hook..." Taira gave a small glare and started to walk towards her again, till she was face to face. "What is your name..? I should know it before we continue this, unless you want to apologize to Thian!" She pointed to the boy with his hands on the dome. She blinked. "THIAN DON'T DO THAT! KAMIKA HAS TO DO IT! LET'S HOPE SHE USES HER HEAD AND HER DIGIVISE!" Taira was now using the girl as a brace to get above her head. She moved back from the girl, "Anyways...what's your name or do you prefer Rabid buttermoth woman?" She smirked.

Sayu stared at the girl a moment, then broke into fits of hysterical laughter. "M'name's Sayu, in'ane-'ossessed-b'Set-kid, b'Ra'id bu'er'ot' wo'an i'f'n'!" Still chuckling a little, she tackled Taira.

Taira lost control of the situation the moment she couldn't understand the girl. The wind was out of her lungs, but Taira decided she would fight back anyways. She kneed the girl in the stomach as they both fell back. Taira hit her head on the ground and was starting to get a headache. Next, Taira attempted to push her off, "My name is Taira." She rolled the two and Taira straddled her and punched the girl in the eye.

Sayu hissed a little, and used her favoritest-of-all-time move: she brought her hands to Taira's throat, and tried to suffocate her, while pinning her to the ground. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

With Gizamon --





Gizamon? *pokes* Damn. Still unconscious. Stupid wall...

Taira gave a small gag as the hands closed onto her throat. Squirming she brought her own hands to Sayu's throat trying to force her upwards. Once a big enough gap was created, Taira lifted a knee between then and made her loosen the grip and increase the distance. Taira soon got her foot up to Sayu's chest and she kicked the girl away. "Pays to be flexible!" Taira growled at her, rubbing her bruising neck.

"Foxmon, get Isthian away from that dome!" Foxmon gripped onto the back of Thian and pulled hard, causing the two to fall backwards.

Sayu hissed again, this time in agitation, and, exasperated, pushed Taira back to the floor, and sat on her, putting her feet on the other girl's stomach, and putting her hands around Taira's throat. Then, she brought her head back, and then brought it down violently on Taira's forehead. And, getting bored, she stood, skipping backwards a few feet so that Taira wouldn't be able to reach her without standing up and moving forward. "B'in' 'ab'd 'as s'er's, eh?"

"WAGH!" Isthian was yanked away from the dome by Foxmon, much to his irritation. He rolled over and gave her an irked poke in the leg. "You things play way too rough for my taste!" Since the dome was apparently off limits, he stood up, brushed himself off, and went over to watch his fiancee and that odd rogue-girl fight to the death. After all, there was always the chance Taira's shirt might get torn off, right?

"Oh, no, oh, no..." Fiona was, as usual, in a state of panic. She squirmed nervously and wrung her hands. "She's going to kill her... someone help her..."

Taira gave a slight groan and shook the dizziness away from her head. The fight was getting old. "Where is this girls translator anyways, like I can really understand you!" She stood up cautiously and glared at Sayu. "You fight well... But you won't survive me now!" Taira looked up into her face and put her goggles onto her head. "Now, time to get down to business." The gaze took on a serious look and she just stood there cackling to herself.

Sayu raised an eyebrow. Translator? What was wrong with the way she talked? Stupid rabidly-insane-goggle-girl.

"B's'ess? I d'ut i'y'c'n fi'te a'y b'e'er den y'ave b'n." But she made no move to approach and/or attack the other girl. After all, this was getting boring. Sayu was tempted to just turn around and walk away. Problem was, she still had a score to settle with Possessed-by-Set-Chaotic-Demon-boy (aka the Chris Podima). And as soon as that dome thingy disappeared, she was gonna GET him...

Devi sighed in disappointment. "Pity... you showed such promise. Ah, well. This shall be where it all ends." He raised his right arm high in the air, and it morphed into a black razor-sharp blade., then looked at her with disdain. "You could at least die with honor. Defend yourself! Don't just cringe. Do your worst, for now is the final hour of your life!" He swept his arm downwards.

DarkSaibdramon flapped his wings strongly, blowing Sprintmon's Sprint Bombs at the other gathered children. "If that doesn't get you to digivolve, nothing will..." He yawned.

Sayu's eyes widened as she saw the attack nearing her. "BLOODYELL!" She yelped, and dove out of the way quickly. No Digimon around was currently hers. For all she knew, hers was dead. Ah well. His fault if he was.

Gizamon was awake again! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! The little yellow-and-orange Digimon was, again, completely lost. Until he went through a doorway, and came to a room. A big room. A big, dark room. "Hello?" He called tentatively.

Kamika snapped her eyes open suddenly. She didn't know what she was doing but something in her body just reacted. Tilting her body back, she dodged his attack, right when he threw his arm down. She fell to the ground by the sudden action and Puttimon slid out of her arms, stopping at the edge of the dome, a long way from where Kamika and Chris were. Along with that, Kamika's digivice somehow got knocked out of her pocket when she hit the ground, landing right next to her right hand. She sucked in her breath as she saw Chris towering over her. With a shaking body, her right hand started to move around, somehow knowing of the fallen digivice. She couldn't think straight and all that went through her mind at that point was "Find the digivice." Not that she knew WHY but she just HAD to find it.

From across the dome, Puttimon shook her head. As she gained her better consciousness, she looked up to see Kamika on the ground with Chris standing. "Oh no." She said as she tried to stand up, the fall taking everything out of her. "What can I do?" She whispered to herself.

"Aghhh!" Christo screamed, throwing herself to the ground and rolling out of the way. "Push off, you *censored* *censored*!"

"You leave my friends alone! AND the new girl!" Shiisamon growled, "Or I won't be held responsible for my actions."

Devi-Chris growled as the girl dodged his attack. Then things began moving in slow-motion for him. Her digimon was knocked away, and her digivice fell out of her pocket, and bounced a few times before coming to a stop. The digimon got up from the ground just as the girl grasped the digivice. He blinked as he felt a strong connection form between the two, and an enormous flood of power was created. He reached out his hand futilely, with a shout of "NOOOO!", knowing that this was what would be his doom.

"Everyone! Give Kamika all the help you can spare! It looks like this might be the end of out Techno-possessing friend over there." Christo called out.

"TIIDAIYA!" Shiisamon, this time, sent her attack towards Devi-Chris.

Kamika closed her eyes tightly as the light shone. She didn't know HOW the light was appearing and WHY Chris was so scared of it, but she knew it was affecting him somehow. 'Please let this work. . .' She thought hopefully in her mind. She just wanted this to work desperately.

Isthian hadn't seen his Digimon's attacks blown back towards him, since he was facing the other way, but he COULD appreciate the fact that everybody else was throwing themselves to the floor. Not being one to be left out of the "fun," he dove aside, and so managed to avoid the blast. The floor, sadly, was not so lucky.

Thian's new position left him in a fairly good position for the other main spectacle, though -- the dark dome, which was starting to glow milky white. Were he not so startled by the blackness of the floor not three feet away from him, he would assuredly have been startled by that. As it was, he regarded it with uncomprehending interest.

DarkSaibdramon growled as all the humans managed to dodge. They were getting too damned lucky for his taste. Suddenly, he sensed a strong undercurrent of fear and hatred coming from his master, and his head whipped around to look at the dome, which was becoming pure milky white.

Devi-Chris howled in pain and fear as a bright light shone out from the digivice. He looked around furiously to see his dome of darkness being changed to a milky white color. "This...power.... I can't believe a weakling like you could unlock it..."

Shiisamon hurried over to join Christo. "What's going on?"

Christo, meanwhile, was staring at the dome. "I don't know what's going on in there, Kamika, but all our sakes, I hope it's something good..."

Kamika closed her eyes brightly. 'What's going on?? What's this light?! Could this be it?? The thing that'll help me save him??' With a sudden breath, she yelled out, "CHRIS!!!"

Devi-Chris grunted as this new force shook him. "I will not... surrender..." He took a few steps forward. "I will destroy you first...."

Kamika's eyes filled with tears. "Don't. . . LET HIM GO!! Chris!! Hear me. . ."



Devi-Chris grunted under the force getting stronger. "Damn you, you little wretch! You'll ruin everything! All my beautiful plans... You care nothing for him! All he is to you is a toy!"

Kamika shook her head. "You don't know anything about human feelings!! He's more to me than that. . He's my boyfriend. . And you took him away from me!! I won't forgive you for that!"

"HA! That is a laugh! If he's so precious to you, why is it that you don't seem to care for him?"

Kamika's tears fell down her face. "Care?? You have no idea what you're talking about. . . You're just a stupid fool who took over his body to beat us! I will show you something. . . Human emotions are a reckon to be dealt with. . . Because. . . . guess what? I TRULY AND DEARLY CARE FOR HIM! AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE THAT FEELING AWAY FROM ME!"

"AAARRGGHHHH! Blinding...." Devi-Chris threw his hands over his eyes as the light intensified and solidified into one point in the air, hanging right over Kamika.

Kamika opened her eyes. Suddenly the light seemed to have dimmed down and she saw something floating in front of her. "What . . .the??" She muttered slowly. The small item stood in the middle of the light and stopped when she approached it. "What are you??" She said softly.

Devi-Chris uncovered his eyes slightly. His eyes then popped wide open. "No! How did you manage to get your crest already? This is going all wrong!"

Kamika looked up as she heard "Chris's" words. "Crest? What are you talking about??" She grabbed the item and the light dimmed down. "What is this?!"

Puttimon stood her ground. "Kamika! That's your crest. . . You can use it to defeat him!"

Kamika stared at Puttimon. "And just HOW will I do that??"

Puttimon shrugged. "How am I supposed to know?"

Kamika fell over. "Puttimon!"

A small smirk formed on Devi-Chris's face. "Maybe I can still win this after all... how lucky I am that she is such a fool." He stretched out his arm toward her. "The answer, you foul wretch, is that you cannot! Your best attempt has failed you! Even your caring for your 'boyfriend' will not help you now..." He cursed to himself quietly. He had not meant to say quite that much...

Kamika blinked as she stared at her "crest." 'What does he mean?? Caring?? What does that have to do with anything??" Her heart pounded as she clenched her hands. 'I can figure this out. . . especially if it means. . I get Chris back. . . ' "I'll figure this out!" She yells to "Chris". "With my feelings, I CAN and WILL figure out how to use this crest!" She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her digivice.

"GYAHH!" Devi-Chris tensed up as the new power went off the charts. "This power.... it's just not fair!" He popped a vein, and shouted over his shoulder, "And would someone turn off that IRRITATING "Hey Digimon" music?!"

Kamika kept her eyes closed as her digivice glowed. "I'm going to get rid of you. . ONCE AND FOR ALL!" She yelled. "And with all the feelings I have. . ." Next her crest glowed. "You thought you were invincible. You THOUGHT your plan was foolproof. But guess what? IT WASN'T!" Her eyes snapped open. "And I'm bringing you down!"

Devi-Chris screamed as the bright light shone out at him. "My beautiful plans... all gone.... It IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I swear, THIS IS NOT THE LAST YOU WILL SEE OF ME! I CANNOT BE DEFEATED!!!"

Kamika held her digivice out and clenched her crest near her chest. "You're GONE!!! Leave Chris alone! And get out of his body!" The light shone over the body, enveloping Chris completely.

"AAAARRGGGHHHHH...." A dark aura formed around Chris, eventually dissipating away into nothingness. The boy collapsed to the ground.

Kamika breathed out as she put down the digivice and ran towards Chris. "Chris, Chris??" She took him into her arms. "Wake up, will you?"

The dome surrounding the two of them shattered into little pieces and fell to the ground. Chris's now-blue eyes fluttered open, and he looked straight at Kamika. "Kamika... I had the weirdest dream."

Kamika smiled as tears ran down her face. "Yeah?? Tell me all about it later. . ." She hugged him tightly.

Chris smiled and hugged her back the best he could. For a second, he thought he heard a voice say "Someday... I'll be back....just you wait. Then I will destroy all of you..." He shrugged it off, thinking he was just imagining things, and hugged Kamika all the tighter.

As the dome shattered, DarkSaibdramon roared. A black light enclosed him, and then shattered as well. Lying prone on the ground was Tekumon, back to normal and perfectly unconscious.

"And so the battle ends..." Shiisamon said, as she de-digivolved back to Labramon.

"She did it!" Christo wrapped Labramon in a hug. Her marble-like eyes glittered with light, and tears of happiness, mixed with relief, were streaming down her face, "Labramon, I can't believe it! She did it! WAY TO GO KAMIKA!"

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