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Sayu blinked in confusion. What just happened? Hey, chaotic-demon-possessed-by-Set-boy was unprotected! But that girl was in the way... Oh well, she could wait. She would wait for the perfect moment... A smirk appeared on her face. Just wait, demon-boy, wait and see...

Meanwhile, with the poor, lost, Gizamon...

Gizamon tip-toed through the absolutely-black room. "I'm just being paranoid. I'm just being paranoid. I'm just being para - " He bumped into something. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" The little Digimon turned and ran as fast as he could, to stupid to realize that he'd bumped into a wall again. Out the door he went, and running down the halls as fast as he could. Hey! Was that the exit?! "YES!!!" Gizamon, not stopping for a second, ran at the door, and, going through it, left a big hole in it. But he didn't care. "I DID IT! I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" So what if he was a Digidestined Digimon?! He didn't like his partner anyway! "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA --- " He bumped into a rock. "Aoooooooowwww!" He howled, running around in circles. "MY HEAD, MY ACHING HEAD! AIYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Snuffling sadly, full of self-pity, the Digimon climbed up onto the rock, and went to sleep.

Kyrainia's eyes hardened as she shakily tried to suppress all the painful memories. It was too much, too soon.

She watched as the dome disappeared and Chris...well...he seemed to be normal again. She scowled, it was time for him to learn that she didn't forgive easily...and never forgot.

Her face set hard and determined, she slowly walked over to Chris, ignoring her little digimon's protests.

"Chris...?" Without waiting for a reply, she swiftly kicked him...hard. "You god damn bastard..." she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. She began to walk away.

Fiona looked in the direction of the black dome. It... wasn't there anymore. DarkSaibdramon had de-digivolved, and Chris was hugging Kamika. She blinked. "Wha... what just happened? Did I miss something?"

Sprintmon sighed with relief as he saw his enemy, DarkSaibdramon, dedigivolve back to normal. The sinuous Digimon shuddered slightly, and started to glow. Within a few moments, he was lying in a tiny yellow ball on the floor, barely conscious.

When Isthian saw what happened, he shuddered as well. However, it was for a rather different reason. "GET A ROOM, YOU TWO!!" he shouted.

Chris's breath whooshed out in one big gasp, and he tensed up slightly. Luckily, Kyrainia had only kicked him in the hip, so it wasn't that painful. He blinked. "Er... what was that for? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, you are so right that you did something wrong," Christo said, obviously angry, "You only turned into an evil whatsit, tried to kill us all, and--and--and I can't think of a third thing."

Well, maybe she didn't have to wait long after all. Pushing through the growing mass of people around chaotic-demon-boy, she glared furiously at Chris, before pulling him away from Kamika, and beginning to punch him angrily.

"DUN P'AY DAT G'ME W'ME, 'OSSESSED B'SET BOY!!!" She screeched, not buying the 'amnesia tactic.' She then gave him a forceful kick in a very painful area. "I'DUN TAE'IND'Y T'BEIN' 'TACKED W'NF'R TA'TI'S!!!" Sayu was referring, of course, to that stupid whirlwind thing. She didn't like the stupid whirlwind thing.

Kamika's eyes flew open. Suddenly people were attacking Chris, WHILE he was laying on top of her lap. "ACK!!! People! Stop!!!" She yelled out loudly, trying to get their attention. "Stop attacking him!"

Puttimon sweatdropped from across the room. Walking over, she wondered what in the world was happening here.

Sayu whirled on Kamika, eyes ablaze with fury. "'E's 'ossessed b'SET, dammit! DIE, cha't'c d'mon b'y!" With that, she turned on Chris again, attacking him with renewed anger. "T'ELL W'I'ZA'ON! I C'N FITE ON M'OWN!" Cursing Chris to die a painful death by every God and Goddess she knew - and loudly, at that - she didn't let up for a minute, not letting anyone else near him before she'd taken out all of her stored anger from the past few days.

Isthian was rather delighted to find that, not only were Chris and Kamika no longer kissing, but Chris was being beaten to a pulp by multiple girls. Now THAT was entertainment!

However, Thian was slightly worried that there might be more of those things they'd met earlier around -- you know, those metal doodads. Gardenmons, or whatever. He walked over and poked Fiona in the arm a few times. "Hey, wanna go run off somewhere?" he asked her.

His now-In-Training partner was entirely forgotten.

"What about your digimon, 'Thian? Are you leaving him behind?" asked Christo, picking up the-intraining-form-of-Tsafmon and showing him to Isthian.

Fiona sighed and rolled her eyes. "Anything to get me away from these nuts," she said, pointing to the small mob of girls that had gathered around Chris. She then looked over at Isthian. "...not that it's any improvement."

Poor Podima was getting rather black and blue. The sad thing was, he still didn't quite understand what he had done. He ineffectually attempted to block the seemingly-possessed girl's blows while all the while protesting "What on earth DID I do?" Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. 'No... it couldn't have been... that WAS a dream, wasn't it?'

Sayu paused a moment. Glaring death down upon him, her eye began to twitch. "Do? DO?! Y'BLODDY, RA-DAMNED IDI'T!" She pounced furiously, using every move in the book. "DIE, SET!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!"

The digimon woke with a start, sensing something was wrong. Nyah, it must be Sayu acting up again. He'd never get used to being a partner! Sigh. Wait. Was... he... out... here... all... ........................alone? Eheh, heh heh... .............Help. Gizamon ran around, screaming bloody murder, before rushing back inside the swiffer-sweeper. And somehow made his way to the room where everyone was. He paused a moment. The evil people. Hmn. All on his scary lonesome, or with a bunch of scary people? The people, because SAYU would PROTECT him! MWAHAHA - Wait. SAYU, protecting HIM? ... Shit. Glancing around in a panic, he spotted someone who looked too stupid to be a danger, and launched himself into Isthian's arms. He clung to the human's shirt, shivering and whimpering pathetically. Nothing was any fun, except teasing Sayu, but she didn't look to be in a mood to be teased right now. So, he simply held desperately to his human "protection."

Isthian blinked at the Digimon Christo was proffering to him. "That's not my Digimon! Lizard-thingy's much freakier than THAT!" He suddenly grunted. "And this isn't my Digimon, either!" Thian attempted to poke the Gizamon that had just leapt upon him with a finger, but failed because he was too heavy. He settled for keeping a firm grip on the odd little Digimon instead, hoping to keep it from ripping his shirt too much. "For that matter, I'm not even sure what this thing is. Unless they change colors when they get smaller again...?"

The little Wollymon that had once been Tsafmon, and had more recently been Sprintmon, just whimpered, shivering in Christobel's arms.

Kamika turned from side to side. So many things were happening at the SAME time that it was crazy! Hobbling from side to side, her eyes started to spin. "Oro. . ." She mumbled as she tried to stop herself from spinning. "The room's spinning. . . That's not quite good. . ." She fell over from the dizziness.

Puttimon was so completely confused as well. It was almost "like trainer, like digimon". She fell to the ground. "Mommy. . ." were the last words out of her mouth.

Gizamon, happy that this human boy wasn't dropping him, beamed up at Isthian, starry-eyed. "Hey, why don't we switch partners?! Then I'd be yours, and your digimon would be Sayu's!" He pointed at the girl who was currently beating up on Chris. "Yes, that's a very good idea!" His beam brightened smugly, and he sealed the bargain by giving Isthian a great, big, (yep, you guessed it) KISS. On the lips, no less.

"UGGGGCKAGGGHAA!" Isthian made that and other strangled choking noises before turning his head aside and spitting repeatedly. He flung the offending Digimon away from his chest in much the same way that one shoves away a soccer ball, and would assuredly have been pleased to hear it collide with something, but was too busy gagging to listen to anything else.

Wollymon, for his part, quivered and looked very much like the cute little yellow smiley... sphere that he was. Although he was more pathetic than cute, and weak than happy, at the moment.

"Poor little Thingymon, not being wanted." Christo murmured, "I think this is yours, Thian, just de-digivolved or something."

"AIYEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Gizamon landed on the floor with a dull *thud.* Standing, shaking his head, he turned tear-filled eyes on Isthian. "You don't love me?!" The digimon whined, hurt. Then, indignation set in. "Well... well... well, I love him better then you, anyway!!!" He found himself pointing at the nearest male: Wollymon. Considering the other males in the room, that wasn't too bad a choice, so he kept it. Yes, Wollymon would do just fine. The Gizamon was happy now.

"Huh. Maybe it is mine." Isthian considered that possibility for a moment, came to a decision, and then put on a great show of indifference for the benefit of the females. "I'm not sure either way, but it's not polite to make girls do the carrying, so I'll just take that off your hands for you." He reached out for the little yellow Wollymon.

Thian poked Gizamon with a toe. "And you leave the little guy alone. I'm not sure I want him playing with you."

Chris continued to take the beating dumbly, still trying to process the truth. "Are you saying that... what I did... wasn't a dream?"

"Ya, sure." Christo carefully gave 'Thingymon' to Isthian. "Now lets get out of here before any more Whatsitmon's show up." said Christo.

Sayu snarled as she pounced on Chris and pinned him. "A'Y'DE'F?! O'CO'SE DAT'S W'AM S'YIN', SET-OSESSED F'EAT!"

Gizamon pouted. "Well, fine. Be that way. BUT I MUST HAVE MY GAYNESS!! AIYEEEEEEE!!!" With that, Gizamon ran around the room a little, before stopping by Sayu and prying her off of Chris. "Evil creature!" He scolded his partner. "Don't kill my GAYNESS!!!!" Sayu stared at him a moment before bursting into hysterical (and evil-sounding) laughter.

Taira stood against a wall wondering what the heck she was ganna do. You had the new girl trying to plot Chris's death. Chris returning to normal...Ky trying to do something. Christo trying to get Thian to take his Digimon....Thian leaving with FIONA! "THIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE....!" She broke into a flood of tears and wailed out of the room tripping over Chris accidentally hitting him, Sayu and Kamika. "NO ONE LOVES ME................ WHAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Foxmon blinked still confused beyond belief as well. Then she saw Tekumon unconscious on the floor. She ran over to him and licked his cheek.. "Wake up...please...I promise they won't hurt you if you wake up..." And she started to become watery eyed.

Chris sighed in relief as Gizamon pried Sayu off of him. Of course, a few seconds later, he was knocked over by Taira. He hit the ground soundly and stayed down, still a bit stunned and trying to process what his brain was telling him.

Tekumon's eyelids fluttered slightly, and then opened. The first thing that came into focus was Foxmon's face. He smiled. "Hello. I just had this odd dream that I want to tell you all about..."

Isthian received Wollymon with care equal to that with which it was being given. "Thank you, I..." But he got no farther before Taira started screaming. Oh, god.

"NO! No, no, of course not! I still think you're gorgeous! It's just... I was just... Oh, here! Catch!" Thi turned sharply on his heel and tossed the little Digimon over his shoulder at the girls behind him. "Taira, come back!! We can work this out!!" He set off running after the red-headed girl.

Kamika's spinny eyes just extended more as she felt something move onto her. "Aya. . . . The room just WON'T stop spinning. . ." She mumbled from the floor.

Thian Hanasaki continued his mad pursuit of his girlfriend. Fiance. Thing. Whatever. Regardless of what she was, however, he chased after her, shouting his pleas. "You can't just leave me!! We were going to get married! Remember? The beautiful wedding we planned? Right when the blossoms of the buttermoth bush would be bursting into bloom? You even have a ring!" Suddenly Isthian stopped, both running and speaking. "Er..." he resumed nervously, a few moments later, "speaking of that ring... Is that what I think it is, over there?" He pointed an apprehensive finger at one of the doorways to the room.

Sayu, after being prevented by her Digi from killing the embodiment of Set, glanced towards the door. She looked back at Gizamon. "Dat's n'e'my. Whacha wait'n fer? AT'CK IT!!!" She booted Gizamon in the Guardromon's direction. Gizamon stumbled a little, stuck his tongue out at Sayu, and obediently began to attack the shadowy figure in the doorway.


He watched the group of children he'd been tracking. He WOULD have started his fun sooner, but that dumb ol' Machinedramon had to go and ruin it. And now he had to wait for them to get out of the... well, whatever Machinedramon called his so-called 'hideout.' But then, the boredness would end, and the funness would begin!

Puppetmon pranced over to his toy chest, and began setting up his toys. After getting his playmat of the digiworld spread out, he used his powers to make the Digidestined-lookalike-dolls represent the children they resembled, and the dolls moved on their own to where the one they represented stood in relation to the map. So, none had left yet. Pooies, that was boring. He would have made them leave, but he didn't have power over Machinedramon's factory-territory. Just like Machinedramon would have been unable to possess the boy had he been in Puppetmon's forest-maze territory. Puppetmon himself was in a colorful mansion in the center of the maze.

He wasn't an immensely strong Digimon. He relied on his dolls and his invisible strings to do his work for him. Besides, fighting was boring - he just wanted to play around!

I bet you're wondering how he's evil.

There's a phrase people use, that would describe this Puppetmon's mind perfectly...

"Head in the gutter."

That not clear enough?

Alright, let's do simple terms. The following words describe this Puppetmon unlike any others could.

"Perverted, yaoi/yuri/torture couples obsessed freak."

If you still don't get it, then you don't want to know. Actually, even if you do get it, you do NOT want to know.

The Guardromon that had been lurking in the doorway was caught off-guard by Gizamon's attack -- AND off-balance. She bounced backwards against the wall of the corridor behind her, and then, through some bizarre and very poor programming choice on the part of her creator (or perhaps just bad luck), stumbled forward and ran into the opposite wall. And then bounced back. And bounced forward. Again and again, until she finally collapsed sideways into the passage, effectively blocking it. She started to steam and smoke slightly.

Isthian blinked at the fallen Digimon with amazement. "Well... that was easy, now wasn't it?"

Gizamon smirked, and preened. "Who da man? I'M da man! WHOOOOOO!!!! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA -- " His hysterically evil laugh was cut off by a kick in the side from Sayu.

"Shu'p, y'damn keet're!"

"Awwwwww, you're no fun."

Fiona blinked as well and rolled her eyes. "Really. It was harder to defeat the Pod-freak over there," she motioned to Chris, "then it was to defeat the huge metal... metally thing." She blinked again. "Well," she said, to no one in particular, "are we going to get out of here, or what?"

"Well, I'm getting out of here, even if you lot want to stay," Christo walked towards the door, "Come on, Labramon!"

"You're welcome to come with us, if the thought of leaving has even crossed your minds." she added as she walked out of the door.

Sayu shrugged, and started out. Gizamon pouted a little, but the pair were soon out of the room and out of the swiffer-sweeper. Gizamon wouldn't let Sayu go to far, though, because he liked his yaoiness and wanted to be with the group, where he could have some male interaction. And he had to stay with his partner, because he wanted to get big and strong and impressive, so he had to Digivolve, and for that, he needed Sayu. Sayu didn't like the idea of group travelling, but she would humor Gizamon. For now.

Kamika groaned as she sat up. "Geez. .. Where's everyone going??" She mumbled.

Puttimon crawled her way over to Kamika. "Come on Kamika. . . We have to get moving. .. They're going to leave us. ."

Kamika shook her head and managed to stand up, grabbing Puttimon too. Moaning slightly, she wondered where everyone was going and instead of talking, just followed Sayu for some odd reason.

Kyrainia glared at the group but followed nevertheless. It wouldn't help to be all alone around here.

Thian groaned as he emerged into the bright sunlight of the outdoors. "I guess the saying's true -- you never really know what dark is until you've been trapped inside a giant sausage all day." That was either a bizarre Japanese phrase that just doesn't translate right into English, or Isthian was making it up off the top of his head. I wouldn't lay money on it either way -- would you?

Regardless of what it was, however, it did remind Thian of something. He pulled out his small notepad and tapped the Gizamon's back. "Before we leave this thing, hopefully forever, I just have to know -- what do YOU think that building looks like?" His pencil hovered over the pad expectantly.

Thi talking to a Digimon should perhaps have reminded him that he had not seen his own partner since he had hurled it over his shoulder to run after Taira. This, however, it completely failed to do.

"Man, where is the exit in this place?" said Christo, randomly walking through corridors.

Gizamon blinked a little, and turned to regard the great metal building. "Hm, I'd have to say... either that weird thing in human males' pants, or those weird things under human females' shirts." BAM!!!! Sayu had heard that, and, disgusted, had stomped on Giza's head.

"P'VER'D JEIK!!!! I 'OPE ANUBIS 'AS Y'FER B'EAK'AST!!!!" She screeched at him.

Isthian chuckled appreciatively at Gizamon's answer. "Clever! But you're on your own now..." He quickly walked away from the little Digimon, and started attempting to flirt with Fiona, for lack of anything better to do.

Taira sat blinking and sniffling wondering where her fiance took off too. But since both Isthian and her currently have a very short attention span she shrugged. To her right she saw the problem with gaziman and all the others toying around trying to do things. Since, she was now bored she scanned the room for Thian. Finding him Taira rose from the ground and went over to him. Took his notepad and wrote him a little letter. Then she gave it to him and gave him a short kiss. "Bye!" She simply said.

Foxmon was too concerned with Tekumon to understand what Taira had planned.

The note:

Oh love of my life Buttermoth prince Isthian,

I have heard voices calling me in the halls of this ancient swifer sweeper. I must goto them. I'll be fine. Your love will forever save me from harm. I shall return and we will get married and have lots and lots of butterpillars. My mission calls for me.

Princess Taira. "Names Moth, Butter moth."

Next thing the group knows Taira had disappeared and the only trace of her is the loud echo of her yelling the bond theme music.

Taira followed the small hallway, continuing to shout and make weird moves with her head and arms. She was obviously on some james bond kick. Most of the gaurdromon had been cleared to a new floor, confused by the weird highpitch noises the girl was making.

Machindramon hit his hand on the table by the screens. "They are so feeble and yet they are still here. I am ganna have to get help on this one..." With that Machindramon took off into the air and took off into the distance. Taira was on her way, following some small trail of spiders for awhile and coming across the room Machindramon was previously in. On this massive desk stood a Poyomon, Machindramon must have been tormenting it or planning to eat it...who knows. "Poyomon!" It said and Taira screamed "IT'S MACHINDRAMON! AHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Poyomon!" It squeaked again. Taira looked at it with a sly look. "Names...Futeki...Taira Futeki...the buttermoth princess! And I order you to tell me where the sugar is!" The Poyomon started to back away and fell off the desk. "NOT GANNA TALK ARE YOU! WELL....COME WITH ME!" With that the girl grabbed the confused Poyomon and started out of the room when her eye caught hold of something shinny.

"Is that what I think it is!" She squeezed the tiny digimon in her arms ("POYO!"). "FIRE WORKS!" The truth was it was some massive explosions and not good in the hands of an insane girl. The problem was...that it was incased in a weird metal box with a glass top, along with a big button that said "Fire!" Taira yelled jumping up and down. "Should I press it?" She asked the Poyomon. "Poyomon!" It looked really against it. So natural- Taira pressed it and the floor beneath her gave way. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" She said as the girl and the tiny baby digimon started to fall down a shoot that made weird turns and hills. "Roller coaster time!"

In the building a loud metallic like voice started making announcements. "This temple will self destruct in 5 minutes. All employees please evacuate the area immediately!" Red lights started to go off and the voice will repeat this every thirty seconds.

Chris had been slumped on the floor sobbing for the past few minutes while everyone left. "It... can't be... It's not possible... Could I really have... done that?" He looked up. "I...killed someone... I killed Sora." He shook his head violently. "No! NO! NOO! This has to be a bad dream! I'm gonna wake up now, right? RIGHT?" He pounded his fist on the floor, not noticing the surprisingly large mark he left. A few tears dropped into the new hole. Finally, he looked up. The tears were still flowing, but in marked contrast, there was a furious look on his face. He stood up shakily. "Machinedramon... this is all your doing... I'll GET YOU! YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS! He ran out of the room, not even noticing that Tekumon wasn't with him, having followed Foxmon out.

He ran down the halls, searching madly for the Machinedramon. Suddenly, he heard some deranged singing and a loud "POYO!" He paid it no mind, because he had just seen his prey.

The Machinedramon was about to take off for who knows where when Chris ran up, shouting "DON'T YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME!"

Machinedramon looked down at him and laughed harshly. "So, the boy has returned. Fool! What chance do you have against me?"

Chris clenched his fist. "You monster... you took control of me and made me kill someone! Blood calls for blood... now YOU will die!"

The Machinedramon blinked. "You have no chance against me! Insignificant bug! You are an aberration to this beautiful fortress, and I shall remove you!" He raised his foot to stomp Chris, laughing. "You don't even have your little pet with you! How could you possibly defeat me!"

Chris noticed for the first time the absence of a certain flying digimon, and sighed. But then he smiled. "I don't need Tekumon to defeat you!" He raised his arms, and began to concentrate. All the while, Machinedramon's foot was speeding downwards. Chris's hair and eyes began to glow silver, and then a strange silvery aura surrounded his body. He raised an arm, and a strangely deep voice unlike his normal one rang out. "Your reign has ended, Lord Machinedramon. You will not be able to warn your allies." He brought his hands together. "For the humans in this world are beginning to unlock their potential. Once they all work together, they will be unstoppable." He pulled his hands away from each other, and bolts of data-electricity began to shoot between them. "One had unlocked her power before, and now there will be two." He smiled thinly. "It is over for you." His hands began to crackle with energy. "DATA IMPLOSION!"

All was steely-white for a second, and the ground shook.

Machinedramon screamed in horror as he began to break apart. "YOU... HOW CAN YOU HAVE THIS MUCH POWER?"

Chris smiled. "Simple. Because we were destined to. Now you will never take control of anyone else ever again!"

Machinedramon laughed hollowly. "I never took control of anyone, fool."

Chris blinked. "What? Then who?"

Machinedramon was almost all gone by now. "The one who took control of" He faded away completely.

"NO! WHO WAS IT? WHO? TELL ME, DAMN YOU!" Chris smashed his fist into the floor again, leaving again a hole in it this time. Suddenly, the building shook again. A robotic voice rang out. "This building will self-destruct in five minutes." Chris then realized whose deranged singing he had heard- Taira's! Suddenly, he noticed something silvery floating in the air at eye level where the Machinedramon had been. He reached up and grabbed it. It seemed to be a medallion of some sort, of an odd several-sided shape sort of like a diamond, but with more sides, and inside the medallion was a rectangle of silvery metal with what appeared to be a computer engraved into it, bordered by 0's and 1's. He blinked as his aura got even brighter, and seemed to go into a sort of trance. He rose a few inches into the air, and floated off at top speed.

Where everyone else was, outside the fortress, the whole building seemed to shake, and then was ripped apart by many, many explosions from inside. Large clouds of dust were kicked up and nobody could see anything for a few minutes. Then two shapes began to emerge from the dust. The shapes became clear a matter of seconds later. It was Chris, all silvery and trance-y, and carrying Taira and the Poyomon. He placed them gently down on the ground, and then straightened up and spoke again in that odd voice. "Since ages long ago, four have ruled the world. Undefeatable in all their glory, all had to bow to them. But it was prophesied that one day eight would come. It was said that then one would be lost and one would be gained, and that they would unlock power absolute, defeat the four, and free the world. One has been defeated. Three remain. The next is a dweller of the forests, and enjoys creating chaos and confusion. Chosen, beware." His eyes closed, the light faded, and he slumped to the ground. He stood back up, apparently back to normal. He smiled. "Well, hello, everyone... er.... what are you all staring at? Do I have a booger on my nose or something?" He blinked and turned around, seeing the destruction. The entire fortress was in ruins. "WHOA! Okay, what'd I miss?"

"This building will self destruct in five minutes." Christo heard the little voice coming from the loudspeakers. She stared at Labramon.

Labramon stared back, "We have to run."

And run they did. They ran through the corridors for a length of time that Christo couldn't tell the... erm... length of. Christo and Labramon were only thinking of one thing. To get out of the giant sausage/swiffer sweeper/computer/thingy before the whole thing went ka-blooie!

"Look, there's an exit!" Yelled Christo. She and Labramon doubled in speed, and reached the exit just in time. They ran forward a few meters, then Christo grabbed Labramon and flung them both onto the ground, just as the building exploded.

Fiona saw Isthian coming toward her out of the corner of her eye. She sighed and turned to him. "What do you want now, you pansy of a nancer?"

Sayu stared at him a minute, then paused briefly in her beating up of Gizamon.

"Wha's y'p'ob'em?! 'OSSESSED-B'SET-CHA'IC D'MON-B'Y!!!!!" She screeched, pouncing on him. "DIE! DIE! DIE! IATEU! DIE!!!!" And thus, Chris got his second beating by Sayu.

Gizamon, however, had listened to what Chris had said. That's what the humans were here for? Not good. If only he hadn't been given the mission to spy on the children, then he never would have met Sayu, and he wouldn't have been forced onto the opposite side. He should have listened to Scubamon and Whamon when they'd told him not to leave his master's side. Then he wouldn't have been found by Metalseadramon, and he wouldn't have gotten that mission... The little digimon shook his head. Sayu wasn't attached to the group, and she already disliked one of them. Maybe he could get her - and therefore him - out of this... Yeah. He still had time. Maybe being partnered to the Destined of Pride wasn't so bad...

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