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Puppetmon cackled. The children had left Machinedramon's fortress! Machinedramon was dead, but he had been boring anyway. Running to his map, he picked up the dolls. All were moved to different sectors of his forest, and the humans split from the digimon. The two human males were together, the newest girl and the girl with the Penguinmon, the girl with Mushroomon and Labramon, the girl with Labramon and Mushroomon, the insane girl who insisted she was the buttermoth princess (this one was his favorite, he didn't want to kill her, she'd be added to his collection of "toys") and the one with Puttimon, Tsafmon and Penguimon, Foxmon and Puttimon, Gizamon and Tekumon. He turned to his twenty-three TVs, sixteen of them on, and he watched to see their reactions before he started his yaoi/yuri funness...

Chris barely had time to react to Sayu beating on him AGAIN before he felt the oddest sensation. He blinked, and then suddenly he was somewhere deep in the forest. He realized he still had that funny necklace in his hand from fighting the Machinedramon, and put it on. Then he heard someone gibbering madly. He looked down to see Isthian huddled up on the ground. Chris blinked. "What are you doing here? More to the point, what am I doing here? Where's everyone else?"

Kamika stood up as she regained her balance. "Geez. . . What in the WORLD was that?!" She muttered in annoyance. Looking around, she couldn't find ANYONE, not even her Puttimon! "What the. . ." Spotting a figure in the distance, she walked towards it, hoping it was friend instead of foe.

Puttimon looked around from its position on the floor. "Kamika?? Kamika!!!" She yelled out, looking for her partner. Not getting a response, she shrunk down. "Where. . . Where is she??" She whispered softly to herself. Shaking her head and gathering some courage, she stood up. "I'm going to go find her!" Not noticing the other digimon in front of her, she tripped over Foxmon. "Ack! Foxmon??" She said as she spotted her.

Taira laid there and watched Poyomon use her stomach as a trampoline. "Poyo! Poyo!" Eventually she grabbed it in mid air. "Why didn't you tell me about the slide before!" It merely blinked and motioned its eyes towards Kamika.

Taira turned her head and smiled happily. Getting up she ran over to Kamika and held out Poyomon. "I found the bad guy! It's Machinedramon!" Once again the little baby digimon said "Poyomon!"

"Puttimon! You need some digiglasses! Are you blind or something...owwie.." Foxmon rubbed the tip of her nose. "Hey, where are we?"

Isthian eventually got bored with his gibbering, and looked around. He also stood up, so that he'd stop being at such a disadvantage to Chris. "We seem to be in a forest," he commented, exercising his astute mind. "I bet everyone else is off playing with my Digimon." He nodded, satisfied with his conclusion.

His Digimon was less quickly calmed, however. Wollymon squealed fearfully and bounced over to Penguinmon, the only other creature in sight. "Wo-wo-wo-wo-WOWWY!!!"

Penguinmon looked at the tiny little digimon and sweatdropped. "What is this thing?" he said, poking it.

Chris sighed. "Brilliant deduction, Holmes. You've done it again."

Sayu shook her head, confused and disoriented from the sudden transportation. She quickly realized she had only one companion from her former fifteen or so. And, of all the luck, it was screamy girl. Blaughkth. Wrinkling her nose and glaring disdainfully at Fiona, she huffed and scowled to herself.

Gizamon blinked, and his first realization was that Sayu was not there.

"YESH!!!!" He beamed happily, and then realized that he was not alone. "Awww." And THEN, he realized that he wasn't alone, but the digi he was stuck with was none other than... a male! "DOUBLE YESH!!!!!!" And, of his own free will, he ran up to Tekumon and gave him a big, exaggerated, sloppy, kiss.

Puppetmon was laughing hysterically.

Christo looked down, looking for Labramon. "Mushroomon? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Kyrainia?"

"Where's Christo?" Labramon thought out loud, "One minute she was here and the next..."

The poor little over hyper digimon looked up at Christo and nodded. "I should be! I shouldn't be without her! But I don't know where she is!! I don't know where I am!! Do you know where we are?"

Kyrainia grimaced looking around the new area. "Good god, where the bloody hell am I?" She sighed, glancing around. She then spotted the little digimon, Labramon. "Oh great. This is just bloody great. I'm all of a sudden in a place that I don't even bloody know, and I'm stuck with some bloody digimon. Hell, it's not even my bloody obnoxious digimon!" She sighed, "I swear...someone out there hates me," she muttered.

Kamika blinked. One thing went through her ear and out the other until it FINALLY settled in. "WHAT?!" She stared at the Poyomon and turned back to Taira. Shaking her head and rubbing her temples, she mumbled beneath her head. "Can someone get me OUT of here??" Sighing, she just looked at Taira with a bewildered look on her face. "Where DID that Poyomon come from, Taira?"

Puttimon sweatdropped. "Sorry Foxmon. . . I don't tend to . . . pay attention to my surroundings. Somehow, I think I got that from Kamika." She shook her head. "But. . . anyway. . . I think, we're nowhere NEAR our partners. I don't know HOW it happened though. .." She murmured.

Isthian looked at Chris with confusion and annoyance. "What the hell are you rambling about now, Podima?" he asked, a little put out. Then a look of fear crossed his face as he realized who he was talking to, and the tone with which he next addressed the older boy was considerably more polite. "That is... if you feel like explaining."

Wollymon was also annoyed, confused, and a little afraid, but only the first was directed at his companion. He bounced away from Penguinmon again, with his annoyance quickly overcoming his fear and freeing his tongue. "I'm Wollymon!" he squealed with narrowed eyes. "I used to be Tsafmon, but I used up most of my energy by digivolving to Sprintmon!" His expression was instantly replaced by its more normal look of delight. He stayed that way for a few moments before opening his eyes more widely again and looking around. "But... where are we?"

Christo looked around, "No, I've never seen this place in my life," she said. She looked down at Mushroomon. "Come on, let's see if we can find Kyrainia."

"And Labramon." Christo added as an afterthought.

"You say bloody way too much." said Labramon, REALLY quietly.

"Okay! Let's go then! I wanna find Ky! Wait...Kyrainia...she hates the nicknames...I don't know why...I'll have to work on that. Oh well! Let's go!" Mushroomon chattered cheerfully.

Kyrainia shot a glare at the digimon. She was deciding she liked the situation less and less. The police back home was almost more inviting. "So how about we go and try to find your little person... Christo wasn't it?" Kyrainia sighed. "And maybe I can find my little digimon while we're at it. Then maybe we can find the rest of our little company and we can finally figure out how to get out of the hell hole. Wait no...that would mean people in our group showing intelligence. And I very much doubt they have it in them." she sneered, standing up. "Shall we go then?" Not waiting for an answer she started to walk off in some random direction.

Chris snorted. Strangely enough, Isthian was showing him a tad more respect than usual. He wondered why. "Eh, I didn't expect you to get that one, anyway. It's an American saying. See, Sherlock Holmes is this detective in stories written by this British author... but wait. Shouldn't it then be a British saying?" He sweatdropped. "I'm not making much sense, am I? Anyway, Sherlock Holmes was this detective, and he solved every case that people put him on. But us Americans, our saying evolved to be sarcastic. Go figure. Whenever someone says something painfully obvious or stupid trying to figure out something, we say 'Brilliant deduction, Holmes. You've done it again.' Or, at least, I do." He sweatdropped and shrugged. "We're Americans. Go figure."

Tekumon coughed and gagged, grabbing Gizamon with his robotic hand and yanking him off. "WHAT THE HECK?" He blinked. "First, you're much worse at that than Foxmon is. Second, you're a guy, and I'm a guy. See anything wrong here? Now, don't do that again!"

Gizamon blinked, completely confused. "No, I don't see a problem. Shounen ai is a GOOD thing. And, ewwwwwwwww, you do that with FOXMON?! She's a GIRL!!!!!! ICK!!!!!!!!!" Gizamon pouted. Very cutely, I might add.

Puppetmon cackled to himself. Time to have a little fun... First, he grabbed the Isthian-doll and the Chris-doll and forced them into a glomping position. And left them like that. Then, he made Kamika-doll and Taira-doll kiss. The other dolls who ended up kissing were: Kyrainia and Labramon, Sayu and Fiona, and Foxmon and Puttimon. All the others found themselves glomping each other.

Sayu went very green in the face when she and Fiona were suddenly, magically kissing. Pulling away immediately, she sputtered and gagged. "EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screeched, spitting now.

Gizamon was happy. Finding he couldn't pull away from Tekumon anyway, he hugged the other Digimon tighter still.

Fiona pulled away also, wiping off her lips with the back of her hand and spitting. "What was THAT for?" she said, pointing accusingly at Sayu. "Go kiss girls all you want, but DON'T kiss me!"

Isthian looked at Chris, becoming more and more confused as his speech went on. "That... is the stupidest thing I have ev..." His scornful reply was cut short by the feeling of a great force against his back. He stumbled forward and landed against Chris. Hard. And then couldn't move.

"Freaking out" barely even BEGINS to describe how Thian felt at that moment.

The little yellow Wollymon was far less disturbed to find himself pressed against Penguinmon. I mean, come on. He's a friggin' smiley face! Everything about him practically screams "hug me!"

Sayu glared at Fiona, still gagging. "Y'cr'tsi 'r sun't'in'?! YA kiss'd MEH!!!!" She shrieked at the other girl, angry as hell.

"ME?" Fiona screamed. "KISS YOU?" She shook her head. "No, YOU kissed ME. I had no INTENTION of going anywhere NEAR YOU. UGH." she turned around to see what Isthian was up to, and his reaction, but he wasn't doing much better. Fiona sighed. "What is this world COMING to?"

Penguinmon, meanwhile, had found himself glomped by Wollymon. He tried to pull it off, and after a long struggle, finally succeeded. It was amazing how tight of grip that thing had, considering... it had no arms.

Christo was just walking along, minding her own business, when she was over come by an overwhelming urge.


And she did. Glomp Mushroomon, I mean.

Labramon just leapt up and kissed Kyrainia. She had no idea why, she just... did.

Sayu regarded Fiona as if she were crazy. Again. "I sw'r n'Ra's n'm dat I di'NOT!" She barked angrily. "Bu' i'YA di'n, an' AH di'n, who ma'e us kiss?" She growled, silently vowing instant death to whoever had made them kiss.

Mushroomon looked up at Christo, very confused. "Err..."

There she was, just walking along, minding her own bloody business, then suddenly this stupid digimon...kisses her? Kyrainia shrieked, throwing Labramon away from her. "What the bloody hell was that? Good god...being here's bad enough...being harassed by some damn bloody creature's..." She broke off into a very long creative bout of swearing.

Kamika's eyes popped up as she suddenly got kissed by Taira. Barely touching Taira, she pushed her away anyway. "WHAT IN THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!?!" She screamed, falling to the ground in complete shock. "WHY'D YOU GO AND DO THAT?!?!" Freaking out, she moved back more and more.

Puttimon didn't understand. Foxmon just leaned over?? WHAT WAS SHE DOING??? Puttimon moved back in shock, stepping AWAY from the loony digimon. "Wh. . . What was THAT?!" She exclaimed, half not understanding what was going on. "Wh. . . Why did you do. . .That?! WHAT WAS THAT?!" She blinked at the digimon in front of her.

Puppetmon was laughing hysterically.

Taira blinked as Kamika just came up and kissed her out of the blue. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She then threw the Poyomon at the girl and yelled "GO MACHINEDRAMON SAVE ME FROM THE RABID CHIPMUNK WOMAN! SHE TRIED TO GIVE ME RABIES!" Taking off again Taira tried to climb a tree and hide behind a very small branch. Poyomon didn't like this Idea of being thrown "POYOMON!" It attacked Taira with the classic bubble attack. Causing Taira to fall out of the tree and land with a very hard *thud*.

Foxmon was just staring at Puttimon after they kissed. "Not to be all weird or anything...But you kiss better then Tekumon!" Blinking again and sneezing. "But none the less... Why in the DIGIWORD DID YOU DO THAT!"

Wollymon blinked peacefully at Penguinmon. "What was that all about?" he squeaked.

Kamika gasped. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She glared at the seemingly insane Taira and walked over to pick up Poyomon. "You SERIOUSLY need to work on your direction if you think that I was the one that moved towards YOU. Why would I EVEN THINK about that?!"

Puttimon stared at Foxmon in confusion. "Kiss? IS THAT what this was??" She arched an eyebrow. "But beyond that. . . I KISSED YOU?!!? You're thinking rather wrong..."

Chris blinked as some strange force pushed Thian and him together and.... left them there. This was not a good position. "HEY, LEMME GO! GETCHER HANDS OFFA ME!"

Tekumon blinked. "Gizamon, I think you have the wrong idea of how these things are supposed to work..." Suddenly, for no good reason that he could see, he and Gizamon suddenly glomped each other and didn't let go. "WHAAAT? LEMME GO!" Tekumon started running around and bashing Gizamon against various trees to try to dislodge him.

"Hey, don't even ask me, I have no idea why I'm doing this!" An insane grin suddenly spread over her face, "But... GLOMPING THINGS IS FUN AND YOU'RE SO GLOMPABLE!!!!!"

"But--but--but," Labramon stuttered, "I didn't do anything! Something else made us!" And with that, she ran off into the woods, crying.

"Christo! CHRISTO!"

Gizamon cuddled with Tekumon. "Nuh-uh. I dunno how we got forced together like this, but I LIKE it!" He chirped, snuggling closer to the other digimon.

Puppetmon was thoroughly enjoying himself. Seeing that Labramon was trying to run away, he grabbed her doll, and on a sudden impulse, switched it with the Foxmon one. Now Labramon was with Puttimon, and Foxmon was with Kyrainia. Giggling to himself, he stared mostly at the screen with Taira on it. Hey, she'd changed! Booie, that was no fun. Pouting, he turned to watch the one with Isthian, instead. He liked the boy. He wanted the boy. The boy, when all this was said and done, would be his. He would destroy the Wollymon, and all the other Digimon, and decide what to do with the humans later. But he wanted that boy.

Penguinmon blinked. "You mean you don't know?" He blinked some more. "Well, then."

Poyomon blinked and did not like Taira at all in her new state any better. With a big burst of energy it attacked Taira again straight into the tree. A coconut provided the final blow. *BONK!* After blinking a few times a look of shock, appall, and horror crossed over the girls face. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RABID CHIPMUNK WOMAN! Kiss me again and I'll eat you! You may give me rabies!" With a few huffs and a puff she dusted her shirt off again and looked to Kamika. "Now, where is my man Thian.... Off doing some manly buttermoth prince detective secret agent thing I assume...." Looking around Teeg became sorta Hyper and confused. "Speaking of being gone...Where is the other buttermoths and buttermons.... Besides that one!" Poyomon sweatdropped and gave up. "IT'S SO CUTE! I'll call it Bob!" With a final ^_^ from Taira and a Keru face from the little ball digimon (¬_¬) all was back to insanity... Again...

Meanwhile off in the far distance Foxmon poofed and was suddenly in front of the British talking humon. "Hello Ky.. Have you seen my partner?"

Kamika sweatdropped madly. "What is going on here?" She dropped her head and just sighed. She fell to the ground. "I just HAD to get stuck with the strangest female I know. . ."

With just a blink, Foxmon disappeared. "Okay. .. Just WHAT happened here?! How are we disappearing so suddenly??" Puttimon questioned. This was getting more and more confusing by the minute. "What am I supposed to do now??"

Taira looked at Kamika. "I'm not strange you are! You are the one with the strange notion that kissing people you don't know is a good thing. If I were to ASK you to kiss me that you be different! But I didn't...Wait till Thian gets word of what you did... RCW!" Then for some strange reason Taira just tackled down Kamika "Kiss meh!" Her being crazy... "I'm a buttermoth!" And she starts to kiss her all over the face, Seemingly now under free will of insanity.

"You think I want my hands to be here?! AND GET YOURS OFF OF ME WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!!" And, yes. Isthian was actually shouting in Chris's ear. Poor Chris...

Wollymon, over in his bit of the forest, was bouncing idly. "Well, now that that's settled, whacha wanna do?"

"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Kamika screamed as she felt Taira suddenly tackle her out of NOWHERE. She tried her best to push Taira off of her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUTTER FREAK?!?!" She squirmed her way out of the kissing and stood up. "FIRST you yell at me. Then you kiss me out of nowhere?!" She shuddered and stood a "small" distance away from Taira.

Labramon, who had been, as you may remember, trying to run away, nearly had a heart attack when her whole world flashed, and she was suddenly staring at Puttimon. "What the hell?" she cried out, "I just wanna be back with Christo! Why are you doing this to me?"

Christo grinned, putting Mushroomon down. "Come on, Squishmon! Let's go find the others!" she yelled out hyperly, pointing at a random path. She ran off down said random path, leaving Mushroomon/Squishmon to catch up.

Puttimon stared at the digimon in front of her. "ME?! I didn't do anything!! And I want Kamika! So don't start whining. . .Let's just go and try to find them, okay??" She sighed and shook her head. "Let's hope this is better than when I was with Foxmon. . ."

"I didn't mean you," sniffed Labramon. She did cheer up a little, tho, "Do you think the others are still back at the ruins of that Swiffer Sweeper Thingy? Well, Kyrainia's not..."

Chris was practically foaming at the mouth. "WELL, I CAN'T! AND STOP SHOUTING IN MY EAR! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" He stopped dead as one of Thian's hands squeezed... something. "YEEEAARRRGHHHHH! I'LL KILL YOU!!"

Tekumon almost gagged and attempted to move away from the snuggling Gizamon. However, as they were apparently practically glued to each other, this did little. He then realized that Gizamon was touching his robotic arm and tried sending a little electric shock through it, hoping that would get the little bugger off of him.

Gizamon yelped, being a water-based digimon, and tried to bolt away. He couldn't (as Puppetmon was currently making sure all glomping couples couldn't pull away from each other).

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! I SOORRRRRRY, I SORRRRRRY, I WANNA GO BACK TO --------------------- " Gizamon snapped his mouth shut, and contented himself with whimpering in pain.

Puppetmon cackled gleefully, and forced ALL couples to kiss. Mwaahahahaha, this was so much FUN!!!!!!!!!

Penguinmon shrugged. "Find Fiona, I guess," he answered. "She shouldn't be on her own like this. She could hurt someone." He began walking off in a random direction.

Kyrainia screamed as she was suddenly kissing yet another digimon. She wasn't even sure which one it was this time. "ARG!!!"

Mushroomon was far too confused to have much of a reaction to suddenly kissing Christo.

Kamika was once again taken back by Taira's sudden assault ONCE again. Pushing her away as QUICKLY as she could, she gaped at the female. "WHY DO YOU KEEP KISSING ME?!?!!?" She wanted to scream, yell, HIT. . . ANYTHING to stop this horror!

Puttimon blinked again as ANOTHER digimon attacked her for a kiss. Reacting the same as before, she pushed Labramon away. "WHAT THE. . . YOU'RE AS BAD AS FOXMON!!!!!" She shuddered and stepped as FAR away as she could.

Taira wasn't actually trying this time. Before it was just for fun, but now it was as if something was trying to make her love Kamika. "I'm not kissing you...we are both putting in effort!" She said before Kamika was kissing her again, but looked as if it wasn't of her own intent. This time they could fight it off or they were in major pain.

Foxmon felt a force to pounce onto Ky and kiss her.

Isthian would have liked to retort angrily at Chris, but was unable to because the two boys were suddenly forced together in a rough kiss. He was naturally horrified this, but... really... Chris wasn't that bad a kisser...

Poor Wollymon, however, was not particularly kissable. Being nothing but a rubbery smiley face, he mostly just went SQUISH. Potentially suffocating the equally, if not more, poor Penguinmon.

Sayu hissed, finding herself kissing Fiona again. Gagging, the girl pulled away as best she could. Her eyes were flecked with red, and that was the color Sayu saw. Our friendly little runaway was feeling very murderous at that exact moment.

Gizamon purred, forgetting his pain as he was forced into a kiss with Tekumon.

Puppetmon giggled, watching all their reactions. Then, he pushed a big pink button. A group of Kiwimon entered to room.

"You called, Master?" One squeaked. Puppetmon nodded.

"Yeah! See that stupid-looking kid with the brown hair?" He pointed at Isthian. "And the weird girl there?" He pointed at Taira. The Kiwimon nodded. "Get them! I want them! I WANNEM! GIMME! GIMME!!!!! GIMME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Kiwimon hurried out of the room to do their Master's bidding.

"WHAT THE HELL--- SOMETHING'S MAKING US KISS!" Christo yelled out as well as she could with her mouth practically glued to a digimon.

"It's not my fault! Something else is doing this! We have to get out of this forest!" Labramon cried out. And she ran off.

"Are you gonna get out of here, or what?"

Fiona pulled away as well, and fell down to the ground. "OKAY!" she said, spitting. "That's ENOUGH. I told you to stop freakin' kissin' me!"

Penguinmon, meanwhile, was having problems of his own. He had been glomped by Wollymon again, and was having trouble getting air inside his lungs. "MMPH MMPH MMMMMPH!"

Sayu glared, eyes becoming more red if that were possible. "I'EN' MEH, DAMMIT!!!" She hiss/screeched.

"Well it WASN'T ME!" Fiona yelled back. "And there's no such thing as ghosts, so it must be YOU."

Wollymon cleverly deduced what Penguinmon's problem was, slightly helped by Penguinmon biting him while trying to talk. He somehow managed to squirm his way to the side, which reduced somewhat both his own pain and Penguinmon's.

Sayu gave her a look that said, 'one more word from you and I will kill you slowly and painfully.'

"Isis 'elp'a i'un're w'r c'es ou'o'y' m'ut'." She snapped, to reinforce her glare.

Fiona glared at Sayu, but stayed quiet. She had been unable to understand just what Sayu had said, but with the power of deductive reasoning, had decided it was probably a threat. Instead, she turned around once more and began to walk away.

Penguinmon took deep, gulping breaths, slumped against a tree, and sighed happily. "Thanks," he said to Wollymon, and then began attempting to pull the little yellow ball off of his face.

Mushroomon pulled away from Christo, looking at her with wide eyes. "I'm confused! What would be making us kiss? There's nothing here..." The digimon pouted, if that was possible for the poor thing, and glanced imploringly at the girl in front of him. "Am I that bad to kiss?"

"No, but it REALLY freaked me out. I mean, glomping is one thing, but..." Christo pulled away as best she could.

Puttimon blinked as she saw Labramon run off. "W. . Wait for me!!!" She yelled out, wanting to find Kamika too. "Don't just leave me all by myself!" She chased behind.

Labramon stopped and turned around. "Sorry!"

Mushroomon sighed, slightly hurt. "Well...fine then." He was suddenly feeling very neglected.

Chris gagged as he felt something inside his mouth. This had gone too far! What the heck was going on? "MmmMMMPH! Mmmm MMMMM mm PH!" (Translation: WHAAAT? Get OFF of me!) He attempted to pry the uber-horny Japanese boy off of him, but failed miserably. However, he had the feeling this wasn't just because of the fact that he had no arm strength whatsoever. Sadly, the kiss continued, unwillingly.

Tekumon gagged as Gizamon kissed him AGAIN and snuggled up AGAIN. "MMPH... mmm mmph mm MMPH mmph mmm mmmmmmph MMMM!" (Translation: HOLY... what does it TAKE to get you OFF?") He attempted to shock the Gizamon off again. *BZZT*

"OW!! Owowowowowow! Hey, that's my face you're pulling on!" Wollymon squealed with pain as he was stretched out to a shape that couldn't rightly be described as "spherical" anymore. "This doesn't seem like a nice way to repay me! Eeeeeee!!"

In another part of the forest, Isthian was being forced to break away from his kiss by the critical need for air. He chuckled softly, his eyes still closed. "You'd be a much better kisser if you'd just relax a bit more," he chuckled softly. "Not, of course, that I'm saying you were bad or anything -- not at all!" He opened his eyes to emphasis this point, then blinked. "Chris! I-I-I, I mean, ah... CHRIS!" Thian shoved away from the blonde boy hard, still stammering and looking horrified.

Christo picked up Mushroomon and cuddled him, "Ohhh, I didn't mean it like that. It just surprised me, that's all. Come on, we'll go find Kyrainia."

Penguinmon continued to pull. "Well, if you would just let go this would be a lot more easier for the both of us!"

Chris gagged for a few seconds, wiping his mouth frantically. "Man, if there ever was a time I needed mouthwash..." Then he heard Isthian's comment and glared daggers at him. "Look, you little horny punk Jappy, you keep your lecherous hands and lips offa me, gotcha?" He spat to the side, still trying to clear his mouth ineffectually. "And what the hell was that about being a better kisser? Unlike you, I happened to know that I was kissing a GUY! And, also unlike you, I have a PROBLEM with that, gotcha?!" He blinked. "Now, why the heck were you able to pull apart from me after I tried and couldn't?"

The Kiwimon had split up. Two of them, Feathers and Orange Soda, went in Taira's direction. The other two on the mission, Beaky Weaky and Root Beer, started after Isthian. Beaky Weaky and Root Beer found their target, first.

"SQUAEK! Yesh, dat one!" Root Beer announced, pointing a nonexistent wing at Isthian.

"SHRAAAACK! No, de ot'er one!" Beaky Weaky snapped, nodding her head at Chris. The two argued for a minute, but Root Beer, being the (slightly) smarter one, won.

"BRAAWWWKKK! Told ya so, told ya so!" Root Beer announced gleefully.

Did I mention they sounded exactly like parrots?

So the two rushed Isthian. Beaky Weaky grabbed his shirt in her beak, and Root Beer tackled him. They needed him unconscious to drag him off.

Did I mention that they'd forgotten Chris existed?

Meanwhile, Feathers and Orange Soda had found Taira and Kamika.

"One that is, the her yes!" Orange Soda announced, looking at Kamika.

"Nuh, nuh! 'Tis 'tis t'other t'other 'un 'un!" Feathers snapped, glaring at her companion.

"Know now, didn't I!" Orange Soda sighed, hanging his head. "Sorry, am!" Feathers preened a little, and then they both tackled Taira, completely forgetting there was more than one human in the clearing.

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