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Sayu bristled a moment longer, before she relaxed a little and looked around. Frowning to herself, she cocked her head. Rustling...?

Four was not the number of Kiwimon sent out. The number, ironically, was seventeen. Root Beer, Orange Soda, Feathers, and Beaky Weaky were the only ones smart enough to find their prey. The others were not quite so smart.

These two, Merry and Christmas, had gotten bored looking for Taira and Isthian and run off. After having playing around, such games as Tag, Hopscotch, and Hide and go Seek, they stumbled upon Fiona and Sayu. This was the rustling heard by Sayu.

"Humans!" Squeaked Merry, exultant. "Friends, friends! Yesh. WHEEEEEEE!" The Kiwimon glomped Fiona as best a Kiwimon could. Christmas giggled drunkenly (she'd found some beerberries) and waved her nonexistent wing at Sayu.

Sayu was twitching convulsively, but that's beside the point.

And, of course, Gizamon shrieked again. And this time, he did get away from Tekumon. And began running around Tekumon, sobbing hysterically. He suddenly bumped into a Kiwimon. Yes, two had found this cute little pair, as well. Their names, were (GET READY FOR IT!)...

Chrissie Poo and Sayuie Chan. Sayuie Chan was the one Gizamon had bumped into.

"Uh... hi?" Gizamon cocked his head. Sayuie Chan fluttered her eye lashes flirtatiously.

"You busy tomorrow night?" She asked, giving Gizamon the looks all girls in love give the boy they're in love with. Gizamon stared, then began to tremble.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shrieked, running and hiding behind Tekumon. Chrissie Poo surveyed Tekumon, then grinned, giving Tekumon a suggestive look.

"Care to find somewhere... private?" Chrissie Poo asked, a smile growing on his face.

"AHHHH!" Fiona screamed, trying to pull the Kiwimon away from her. "What is this thing? GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" she tugged at it some more.

Kamika blinked as suddenly Kiwimon appeared seemingly out of nowhere and just grabbed Taira. After a few minutes passed, it FINALLY registered in her mind as she watched the Kiwimon walk away. "Wh. . . Where are you going?!!?" She yelled out, chasing after the digimon, not wanting to leave Taira with the "maniacal" digimon. Who KNOWS what they'd do to her?!

Puttimon sweatdropped as she saw Labramon turn back. "Er. . Yeah. . ." She walked up to her, "Let's head back to them. I don't want. . . Anything to happen. . ." She whispered, almost to herself. Then without waiting for a response, she just started walking forward, not even KNOWING where it was leading.

Mushroomon grinned, again, if that was possible. "Okay!! YAY!!"

Kyrainia clenched her fists in anger. This was sickening. Absolutely sickening. Two digimon...kiss...she shuddered. She'd almost rather kiss Chris than kiss a bloody DIGIMON! Wait...scratch that, she'd take kissing a digimon over kissing Chris any day. Besides, Chris was poor, pathetic, and probably very overly virginal. Probably couldn't kiss anyone properly. She smirked, leaning against the tree, and took to trying to figure out which digimon she was stuck with.

Thian stared dumbly at Chris for a second, wholly confused how to answer. This was because he had gotten so worried about what he was going to say that he didn't even have time to form an opinion to express, thus trapping him in a spiraling loop that was fortunately cut short by a pair of Kiwimon showing up, arguing over him, and then starting to beat him up. Thi felt his shirt rip as Root Beer shoved him forward. He was unable to comment angrily on this, however -- he was too busy yelping in pain as the Kiwimon pecked at his head.

Off in a relatively non-Kiwimon-infested part of the forest, Wollymon was being yanked at by Penguinmon. "I'm not holding on!" he squealed. "I don't even have any hands!"

Christo looked around. "Now which way to go?" she asked the air. She saw three possible directions, and there was only one way to choose. "Eeenie, Meanie, Minie, Mo, catch a digimon by the toe, if he squeals, let him go, Eeenie, Meanie, Minie, MO!" And she hurried off.

Labramon followed Puttimon, whatever doubts she might have about the other digimon's sense of direction. Still, she didn't have any idea where to go, so it made sense to follow another's lead.

Merry went flying.

"LOOK! LOOK, CHRISTMAS! IT'S MY LIFE'S DREAM! I'M FLYING!" Merry cheered, before he crashed into a tree. "Jingle bells, jingles bells, jingle all, de waaaaaaaaaaaay..." Merry walked around, off balance for a moment, before he collapsed, unconscious.

Christmas was still waving drunkenly at Sayu, so she hadn't noticed this at all.

Chris blinked as two Kiwimon burst onto the scene, blabbered for a second, and then started seemingly attacking Isthian. "HEY! LET HIM GO!" Chris grabbed Isthian by the arms and started pulling, creating a tug of war. As he pulled, he looked down at Isthian. "Oh, by the way... *grunt* If I do manage to save you... *yank* don't try to kiss me or anything."

Tekumon took a step back. Then another. Then several more. "Uh... I think I'll pass..." He turned his head slightly to where Gizamon was cowering behind him. "Think it's a good idea to run?"

Thian shouted in pain as he was pulled and yanked at in a not entirely respectful way. In between tugs, he managed to gasp out, "I wouldn't... UNH!! ... dream of it! And HEY! BE CAREFUL!!"

Taira blinked as two Kiwimon simply came up all calm and tackled her to the ground. "ACK RABID BUTTERMOTHS!!!!!!!!!!!" She started to kick as the Kiwimon dragged her away. "I INSIST ON SEEING YOUR LEAD BUDDERMOTH"

Feathers, the one who was dragging Taira off, ignored Kamika. But Orange Soda paused and cocked his head.

"Mean you what? Her Master wants!" Orange Soda said cheerfully, before he followed his companion off.

Two more Kiwimon had just stumbled upon Puttimon and Labramon. Their names? British and Dizzy Wizzy.

"Top o' the mornin' to ye," British exclaimed, feathers bushing up and making her look like a giant puff ball. Dizzy Wizzy grinned, eyes crossed.

"Dizzy Wizzy was a bear, Dizzy Wizzy had no hair..." He started off, confusing himself.

"What kinda digimon are they?" Labramon looked curiously at British and Dizzy Wizzy, having never seen a Kiwimon before.

Taira giggled as she was being dragged away by Orange Soda; frankly she was having a blast singing "I'm off to see the WIZARD! The wonderful wizard of Oz..." After that she basically made up the words since she forgot them anyways. Once she got to Puppetmon's lair she started spatting things about how he was plagiarizing poor Pinocchio. Then she started to say that she was his agent until she was distracted by the Kiwimon. "THEY'RE SO CUTE!"

Foxmon moved and eventually had gotten away from her attacker. Eventually she tried to run away, not knowing who she would run into. She just wanted to get AWAY.

Puppetmon giggled. "New toy, ish fun!" The Digimon squeaked, patting Taira on the head, before shoving her in his closet. "Play with you later! Both!" And he shoved Isthian into the closet with her, sending in a Kiwimon to keep his toys from "breaking." Then, they were shut in the closet, and locked in. The Kiwimon pulled a string hanging from the ceiling, and the closet lights turned on.

"Hrellor." She chirped cheerfully. "I'm Bob."

Isthian wasn't very surprised that two Kiwimon overpowered Chris. Nor was he particularly surprised that they had overpowered himself, as well, but this was mostly because they had startled him so much that he was currently blocking out his entire capture, with remarkable success. However, no amount of denial on the past could make the fact that he was locked in a closet with his fiance and another Kiwimon -- or at least what might possibly have been another Kiwimon, as compared to the same Kiwimon (he wasn't sure and didn't care) -- any less real. Because as far as he could tell, he was, indeed, locked in a closet with his fiance and a Kiwimon.

Who was, apparently, called "Bob."

Well, okay, he could deal with this. "Bob" was something he could handle. It was a stupid, American sort of name, and he had a little trouble pronouncing it, but that was alright. "Hello, Bob," he said, and was rather pleased with himself for doing so.

Outside in the forest, Wollymon was very happy to find that he was suddenly freed from his death-grip on Penguinmon's face. He was less happy to find, however, that this resulted in him flying backwards into a tree. He expressed this decreased happiness by emitting a high-pitched squeal as he flew, and a more involuntary squi-THUNK as he hit the tree.

Chris looked up from where he'd been knocked down to the ground to see Thian being dragged off screaming. He sighed. "Crap. Why does this always happen to us?" He grunted, trying to get up. Finally, he managed to get into a sitting position against a tree- those Kiwimon had beat him up pretty bad. "Wonder where Tekumon is...?"

Bob poked Isthian in a cheerful greeting. Smiling as well as a Kiwimon could, she glanced back at Taira, before speaking.

"As Master Puppetmon's new toys, you are expected to behave yourselves and not resist him. Is that clear? Master Puppetmon doesn't like breaking good toys, but he will if he has too." She gestured brightly towards a box, knocking it over. Out fell hoards and hoards of Kiwimon bones... as well as a few that looked suspiciously like dinosaur bones. "This," Bob continued. "Would be the remains of the Kiwimons Zip, Zap, and Boing, as well as the Agumon Agumon. Have a nice day!" And Bob fell over and died.

Puppetmon sighed and glanced at the closet. "Bob died again, didn't she?" Ioree, Puppetmon's best 'toy,' asked, following his Master's glance.


Kamika just blinked once. "Taira. . Taken. . ." She blinked again. "That direction." She said as she pointed down a random path. "Might as well. .." She shrugged and started walking, wondering WHAT or WHO took the other girl.

Puttimon wandered down the path with Labramon. "Er. . Do you know where we're going??" She asked, scratching her head with her hand. . . er paw.

Puppetmon, getting bored now that Bob had died again, played with the dolls, moving them into bigger groups this time. Here are the groups:

Group 1 - Chris, Kyrainia, Sayu, Wollymon, Labramon, Puttimon, and Penguimon.

Group 2 - Christo, Fiona, Kamika, Tekumon, Gizamon, Mushroomon, Foxmon.

Sayu blinked, finding herself randomly somewhere else. But at least she wasn't with that weird, scary girl that had kissed her. Ick! Then, Sayu found herself face to face with Chris. She paused a moment, then...

"YEEEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! CHA'TIC D'MON SET-'OSSESSED FREAK!!!!!" She then proceeded to attempt to beat the living daylights out of Chris. Ha ha.

Gizamon blinked, shrugged, and clung on to Tekumon again. "LET'S GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!" He squealed. Yes, Gizamon has joined Isthi and Taira in their insaneness.

Kamika blinked as suddenly she was moved. With just a single blink, she finally saw . . . LIFE!!!! "Oh lord. . .Where did all of you come from??" She asked.

All Puttimon could remember was walking down the path with Labramon then suddenly being moved. "The possibilities. . " First thing Puttimon saw though was Sayu's attack on Chris. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and stared. "Wonder if I should help him. . ."

Isthian was very startled, and distressed, by his new friend Bob's sudden death. "Did I do that?!" he squeaked, entirely irrationally.

Outside in the forest, Wollymon found himself no longer lying at the foot of the tree against which he'd been flung. He bounced around a little, which was quite as soothing as it looked. "Hello, everybody! It's good to see you again! Has anybody seen my partner? He's a boy, kinda funny looking, and about this high" -- he bounced particularly vigorously, although up to no-where near the head-height of a human. "I just kinda haven't seen him in a while, an' I miss him."

After blinking in utter confusion, Kyrainia leaned back against a tree and surveyed the scene in front of her. She was stuck with Chris and some girl who she didn't know. And some digimon, but since none of them were her own she could really care less.

She raised an eyebrow and smirked as she watched the other girl attempt to kick Chris's butt. She was still unbelievably pissed off at Chris for all the memories that he had made resurface during the whole possessed bit, and in general didn't want anything to do with him ever again. So really, he deserved to get beat up.

And apparently this girl was thinking the same thing. "Well at least there's one person here with some sense..." she muttered.

Mushroomon jumped up and down, rather confused. All of a sudden he was stuck with a bunch of different people, and over all it was just making his head hurt. Too confusing.

Fiona blinked. And then she blinked again. And again. And when she opened her eyes the third time, she was surrounded not just by Sayu, (in fact, Sayu was totally gone) but by several people.

This was just too much for her poor mind. She backed up against a tree and started rocking back and forth.

"Wh--whoah! Great, another group!", Christo said, then she suddenly looked down at her stomach. "Is anyone else getting REALLY hungry?" she asked the group in general.

"Christo's not here." Labramon said, after getting over the shock of being moved AGAIN.

"HEY! OW! DAMMIT! OWWW!" Chris attempted weakly to fend Sayu's frenzied attacks off, but wasn't doing very well. He had bruises all over, and one cut on his arm where she'd done only the gods knew what. He started looking around frantically, trying to see if anyone was around that could help. Of course, all he saw was some of the other digimon, and.... Kyrainia..... "Crap. I'm screwed."

"GETTOFFFMEEEE!" Tekumon flailed about, doing random small electric shocks and frantically seeing who else was around that could attack him or help him. With a sigh of relief, he saw Foxmon. "FOXY! HELLLLP MEEE! GET HIM OFF!"

"Yes, y'are!" Sayu sneered, then proceeded to hit, kick, and bite him. She also, at some point, landed a kick there. Yeah, the place that really hurts a guy. "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE, EMBODIMEN' O'SET!!!!!!"

Gizamon clung to Tekumon, and sent a glare at Foxmon. "What does SHE mean to you?! She's a GIRL! EW! I bet I've kissed you more than she has!" He stuck his tongue out at Foxmon. "You better stay away from my guy!"

Taira looked down at Bob and poked her side. Since the digimon seemed to be dead Taira pushed it away and started looking around the closet. Spotting Thian, Taira pounced, jumping onto him and kissing him excitedly. "Oh, I missed you! I thought that buttermoths had eaten you! And the Pinnocio wanna be out there brought you to me! I looooooooooove you!" She gave him one more enthusiastic kiss and peered around the closet again. "LET'S PLAY DRESS UP!" She jumped off him and started throwing dresses at him. "Oooooh! ORANGE!" Taira held in her hand an old fashion orange dress with lace over it. Glancing to Thian she threw him a Red Pirate out fit. "Here! Now let's play 'Captain, SAVE ME!' "

Foxmon's eye twitched slightly when she heard the Gizamon mention marriage to her mon. HOW DARE HE! She grinned and stood in front of Gizamon. "This is my man...BACK OFF!" The fox-type digimon growled and stood ready to defend. "Or I might have to hurt you so bad you will be stuck as a digi-egg for a year! GOT ME BUNNYMON!" She showed her teeth and the diamond above her head glinted off the sun shinning through the trees.

Gizamon hissed back, standing protectively in front of Tekumon. "I en't lettin' no stupid GIRL take who's rightfully mine!" He growled, tensing for attack. "Don't worry, Teku-honey," Gizamon purred at the Digimon over his shoulder. "I'll set this rat to rights." Giving Tekumon a full-fledged kiss (drawing it out to taunt Foxmon), he then turned back to the female Digimon. "You gonna fight, or are you gonna just stand there?" Gizamon challenged.

Puppetmon perked up. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! This's gonna be so AWESOME!!!!" He sat in awe, staring at the tv screens greedily. Ioree sweatdropped, and sighed a little. "Hehehehehehehehe... first the girl tackles the guy, and now those two digimon are gonna fight... over another digimon, no less! There's not been this much fun since... since... ever!" Ioree said nothing.

"W-w-w-w-WOW..." breathed Thian, in a state of blissful shock after having been kissed by Taira. He cocked his head, blinked, then grinned as he caught the pirate gear she tossed to him. "Sounds fun to me!" he said, yanking his tattered soccer shirt off as he spoke.

Wollymon was distressed that the new girl was beating up his friend Chris. He bounced over to her, then rammed her in the side. "Hey!" he squeaked, completely failing to sound authoritative, "leave him alone! He learned his lesson, and it wasn't him, anyway! He's supposed to be your friend!!" The little yellow Digimon was no longer smiling. His face was harsh and angry.

Kamika blinked as she suddenly saw the digimon up and fight. She shook her head and muttered to herself. "WHAT have I gotten myself into??"

Puttimon coughed loudly, hoping to stir the attention of the fight. "Excuse me. I think he's been injured enough. And don't we have BETTER things to focus on?? Like the other half of our group, per say??" She stared at the humans, HOPING that at least one would respond.

Kyrainia looked over at the little digimon. "Oh, I don't think he's been injured enough, especially for everything that he did," she sneered over in Chris's direction. "But I suppose it would be easier to deal with a conscious jerk...that way we wouldn't have to drag him," she paused, "however, if that girl ends up knocking him out, then we could just leave him out in the middle of the woods, and I wouldn't have to put up with him. And that sounds rather inviting..."

Mushroomon watched as all the digimon around him started to fight each other. This really confused the poor little guy. Weren't they supposed to be fighting the bad digimon? Not each other...

"Look, just lay off Techno-boy, alright?" Labramon said to Kyrainia, "He wasn't in control of his own body back in the giant swiffersweeper, and I think he's been punished enough for something he didn't even willingly do in the first place," Labramon paused, and walked back a bit so that she was standing with Wollymon and Puttimon, "And I'd like to know what either you or Sayu have against him. What has he done to you anyway?"

"I'm going to go look for some food," Christo said, suddenly realizing that it was beginning to get dark and she hadn't eaten since the evening she arrived in the digiworld, "Is anyone coming with me?"

Sayu growled at all the digimon.

"Well den, it's 'is bloody fault 'e was cont'olled in da firs' place! An' I've always beaten up who I damn WAN'ED ta, so back. Off. Or d'you wanna join 'im?" She gave him one last kick to the most sensitive region of the male body, then turned to glare down menacingly at the digimon.

Chris groaned in sheer pain as Sayu landed not one, but TWO kicks to his...erm, groin area. He clinched up, moaning, and started to haze out. He heard Kyrainia's comment about passing out and stuff, and considered for a second in his pain-wracked mind whether to faint just to spite her. But then he realized she'd probably just leave him here to die or make another digimon kiss him, and... He gagged quietly. He didn't need to go through THAT again. Anyway, it didn't look like he was gonna be able to pass out to get away from the pain, either. Bummer. So, mainly, he just lay on the ground in a fetal position, twitching and groaning every now and then.

Tekumon coughed, gagged, and spat frantically after Gizamon disengaged. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T LIKE YOU, AND YOU KEEP TRYING TO KISS ME, DAMMIT!" He considered simply blasting the annoying thing from behind while it faced Foxmon... wait. Gizamon and Foxmon were going to fight over him? Huh. "Maybe I'll just watch... and help out if Foxmon needs it..." He leveled his robotic arm at Gizamon anyway, ready to help out if anything happened.

Kamika turned to Christo. "Hey! I'll go with you. ." Shaking her head, she turned to the fighting pair. "I don't think I'd rather stay here and watch.. .. THIS."

Puttimon turned to Sayu, her eyes glaring. "Well I rather like to see YOU fight off a demon trying to possess your body. Granted that that's never HAPPENED to me, I think it'd be pretty hard. After all, how are you going to fight it?? And for how long could you keep that up? Answer THAT truthfully." Although being about less then half of Sayu's height, she stood bravely in front of the female.

"Why do you always try to pick fights," Labramon said softly, her eyes lowered, "When I was little I was always told that Digidestined only fought to defend the digital world. But no-one told me that Digidestined fought each other," she paused, looking from Sayu to Kyrainia and back again, "And whether you like it or not, if he--if anyone--goes, the rest of the team doesn't stand a chance." She turned, and stood next to Chris.

Kyrainia cocked her head and looked at the little digimon, obviously quite angry. "Then to hell with the rest of us I say. To hell with him; to hell with the rest of us," she hissed. "And let's not even go into what he did to deserve all of this..." She ran a hand through her hair. "Frankly, I'd much rather not have any of those memories brought back to the surface," she muttered.

Realizing that she was letting herself get a bit too vulnerable, she crossed her arms angrily. She walked over closer to Chris and glared down at him, obviously debating on whether or not to really beat the hell out of him.

Sayu rose an eyebrow at Puttimon. "D'you think I really care?" She sneered. "I'm wit' whazzer name on dis one," Sayu motioned at Kyrainia. "I dun care if we's all die, s'long as DIS jerk dies. Y'want my opinion? Dis's a bloody stupid world where alla yous digi-whatsits b'long wit' Anubis in hell! 'Sides, whoeveh asked our opinion on dis whole thing? When did I ever say I'd save dis hellhole? You answer me dat truthfully. Why should we help you? What've you ever done for US?" The last two questions were hissed, with narrowed eyes and a flaming temper. Sayu spat at the digimon, ready to kick them if they reacted with anything other than submission.

Gizamon's eyes welled up with tears, and he stared, horror-filled, at Tekumon. "I'M UNLOVED!!!!" He sobbed. "FIRST MY PARTNER KICKS ME AROUND AND INSULTS ME, NOW MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE REJECTS ME!!! ABUSE!!!! ABUSE!!!!!" He wailed, burrowing his head in his webbed paws. "NOBODY WANTS ME! EVERYBODY HATES ME!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" And so Gizamon continued to cry. "WOE, WOE, WOE IS ME!!!!!!" He hiccuped, then continued wailing loud enough to make a deaf man wince.

Puttimon glared at the female. "Do you think that WE came in out of nowhere either?? Believe it or not, but we were ALL destined to be part of this. And you can step away if you'd like but you know what will happen?? WE'LL ALL JUST DIE. But I guess you wouldn't care, eh?? It doesn't seem to matter to you unless THAT boy dies. And as for your question on what we've done. Well, let's see. . . . I think the digimon pretty much SAVED much of our lives through all those battles, if you remember. If we weren't here, you'd have probably DIED as soon as you set foot on our land. So BACK OFF." Taking a deep breath, she finally stopped her long rant.

Foxmon glared at the so called Gizamon. To her he looked like a deformed rabbit in heat. "Well, since you have nothing intelligent or truthful coming out of your mouth I will be forced to shut it permanently! And for you information THAT MON BELONGS TO ME! You poor excuse for a Rookie digimon! I'LL DISSIPATE ALL YOUR DATA ACROSS THE DIGITAL WORLD!!" With that Foxmon growled and leaped into the air and tackled the Gizamon in the stomach with her hard head. Biting at the closest limb to her. This Gizamon better hope she don't digivolve, though with out her partner I don't know if it is possible.

Taira on the other hand was having fun watching her man undress. She clapped as if he were a muscle man which he wasn't...really. She smiled and turned around. Taking of her shirt and throwing it aside. Before he saw anything too interesting she slipped on the dress. It was a tad to big in the waist but she didn't mind. "Oh, captain... I have been kidnapped by a wood thing and I have a splinter!" She overdramatized the southern accent and put the back of her hand to her forehead. Holding the other hand, with the invisible splinter, out in his face.

Isthian swung the belt around his waist, and smirked, in a very bad imitation of a pirate. Being Japanese, his grasp of that part of Western culture was not astounding. "I'll save you, my darling!" he cried, with a superhero's accent. He bounded up onto a box, struck a pose for a few seconds, then leapt down again, catching Taira around the waist with his arm and rushing the few steps to the other side of the closet with her in tow. He pressed her against the wall and leaned close against her. "Do not worry, my love! I shall protect you!" He gently kissed her "injured" finger, then spun around with his arms out-spread, protecting her. "No wood-spirit will harm you any more!

"HYAH! HYYYYAAAAH!!" Isthian kicked fiercely at the center of the closet, yelling fierce battle cries. "EEEEYAAAH!" He kicked again, then stood straight and proud. "Behold! I have vanquished mine enemies!"

Outside in the forest, Wollymon was distressed at the fight that was now raging. He hopped around angrily. "The Digidestined came to this world to help us save it, Digimon! It's our job to help them, and we can't say 'no,' not anymore! And helping them means helping ALL of them, every single one of them, whether they want it or not!" He rounded on the humans that were still standing. "And you! You were chosen to help us! Are you going to turn your backs on your responsibilities? Are you going to ATTACK one of your own, who has done nothing wrong?!" His voice grew enraged. "IF YOU WON'T HELP US, YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE!!!" The small, yellow Digimon broke down in tears, weeping angrily.

"OK. Come on!" Christo walked off into the forest. She saw a few fruit trees, and some bushes covered in berries. "Do you think this stuff is edible?" she asked Kamika, gesturing towards the ripe-looking fruit on a tree in front of her.

"He's right!" Labramon wasn't shouting, but she was obviously angry, "We are here to fight for you, and do you think we got a choice? No! No-one asked us if we wanted to help save the world, but do we complain? No! Our partners are our friends, that's why we fight for them, and you know what? We are proud to fight for people like them, because they care about us, and about each other. But you just care that Chris Podima dies. As long as he goes, you're happy. Well, if he goes, so does the digital world, so does your world, so do the Digidestined, and so do YOU!"

Labramon finished her outburst with a shout. She was beginning to cry, "I want to be back with Christo, but there are more important things, like the strength of the team. The Digidestined are stronger together than apart, and that's the way it has always been."

Tekumon shouted. "NO! STOP! FOXMON!" He flapped over, and started trying to yank the two digimon apart. "HAVEN'T YOU TWO BEEN LISTENING?! We can't be fighting now! We have to get back to the others and figure out what's going on!" He looked around. "It's weird... we've never fought this much before. I wonder if something about this place is getting us to do this?" He finally managed to yank Gizamon away from Foxmon, and tossed Gizamon gently back a bit, getting between Foxmon and him. "Foxmon, I know you're ticked off. But can't you see how wrong this is? Your partner is in danger! We should be going to rescue her, not fighting with each other!"

As for Chris...

He was still twitching on the ground in a fetal position, groaning. This had not been a good day for him.

Somewhere far away, something watched the boy, and frowned....

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