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Sailor Starlights

    The Sailor Starlights first
appear in Sailor Stars. They are aliens from
the planet Kinkomu and are on a quest to seek
their princess, Kakyuu. In their human froms on Earth,
they pose as the male pop rock idols, The Three
Lights. When they transform into Sailor Senshi, they
take on Female forms. Their Sailor costumes deviate
from the traditional fuku worn by the other
senshi, consisting of very revealing black leather
bikini tops and hotpants. The Sailor Starlights do not
use Henshin sticks (transformation wands) to
transform, but instead microphone headsets that
materialize when they are ready.
Choose the Starlight you want information on.

Sailor Star Fighter
Sailor Star Healer
Sailor Star Maker

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