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Movie Reviews

Movie 7
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Dragonball Z Movie #7
The 3 Super Saiyajins
Full Summary

This movie is really a good laugh, and brings back some more "Andriod Fun" from the Andriod Saga. So, sit back and enjoy!

In the beginning it shows Dr. Gero being killed by his own robots. Then, as blood spreads over the floor, we see 3 tanks labeled 13, 14, and 15. "Even after his death, his computer worked tirelessly to create the most powerful robot ever!"
Master Roshi, Oolong, Kulilin, and Mirai Trunks are lined up to see the "Miss Prettiest Girl in The World" contest. Master Roshi asks Oolong when the contest is going to start, but Oolong says that not for another hour since Master Roshi made them come early.("But how will we get good seats?") Then Oolong and Roshi go into a daydream about women in bikinis. Kulilin yells at them to stop for Trunks is here. He doesn't mind, and Kulilin yells to them that they are making a bad influence on an innocent young man. Then Master Roshi reminds Kulilin about asking to tour the dressing rooms earlier. Kulilin gets embarrased. So, Master Roshi, Oolong, and Kulilin all run off to the dressing rooms.
Gokou, Gohan, and Chi-Chi are in the mall, and after Chi-Chi wrestles some clothes off of an old lady she tells Gokou that he must wear a different outfit once in a while. He opens the box.......a tux!
Meanwhile #14 and #15 are tearing up looking for a man named Son Gokou. #14 is a big msucular white barbarian, and #15 is a short dude wearing a tux and an RR bowtie and a bowler hat. They continue their search, and see Gokou and company inside a resturant. Master Roshi and the pervert gang had realized that they were a day early and had gathered in the resturant. The andriods locate Gokou and fire a massive Ki blast, wiping out the whole floor. But, Gokou flies out carrying about 300 people. (He just finished eating, so his strength is max) Gokou walks up to the two troublemakers, and sees that they are robots, and more of Dr. Gero's robots as well! They start to fight, but since there are too many people around here they relocate to a polar region. Gohan wants to go help, but Chi-Chi reminds him that summer school starts tommorow. Gohan doesn't listen, and flies off. Kulilin walks over to Chi-Chi and says "I know how he feels," and then Chi-Chi whacks him on the head. ("YOU LAZY DOG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! GET GOING, MOVE IT!") She kicks Kulilin in the backside and he flies off.
Trunks and the others have met at the Polar Region. Gokou faces off towards the androids, and gets smashed. Then, #13 flies down from the sky, and laughs at what a pitiful fight is going on. Gokou asks how many andriods Dr.Gero made, and #13 explains they were made by Dr.Gero's computer. Trunks butts in, and then #14 and #15 both attack him. Kulilin arrives, but after seeing Trunks getting pummeled he decides to watch with Gohan. #13 prepares the "SS Dead Bomb" and launches it at Gokou, but then it is knocked aside by a different blast. Vegita appears. ("Kakarotto, I am not here to help you. I am a Saiyajin Prince, and I am not going to let a bunch of wind-up toys steal the pleasure of killing you from me!") #15 then attacks Vegita, #14 attacks Trunks, and #13 attacks Gokou.Vegita and Trunks go SSJ, and Gokou follows it quickly. All the andriods are knocked back as the three SSJ fly up into the sky. Kulilin is in awe, and Trunks starts beating on #14. Vegita pulverizes #15, but for Gokou they are both outmatched. Vegita and his opponent charge at each other, and Vegita collapses, and #15 laughs, but hten his head falls off and he explodes. #14 dashes at Trunks, but then we see HALF of the robot fly away and explodes. Trunks sheaths his sword. Gokou is having trouble with his opponent, and Gohan then blasts #13 in the back. #13 turns around and shoots an immensive blasyt at Gohan, and I bet you can guess what happens next--Piccolo saves Gohan. (Hmm, where have we heard that before??) Piccolo then proceeds to greet everybody as he trashes #13. Then, Trunks and Vegita show up. #13 is shocked that #14 and #15 were beaten so easily. Vegita goes SSJ and runs at him, but then #13 grabs him and slams him into Kulilin. Trunks tries to save him but is blasted away. Piccolo tries, but he is blasted too. Gokou is beaten thouroghly and thrown into the icy ocean. Kulilin tries to hold off #13, and Gokou, underwater, prepares a Genki Dama. #13 goes toward Gohan, but then Gokou jumps out of the water with hte Genki Dama and Gohan is shot at. Vegita yells to #13 "KAKAROTTO IS MINE" and attacks, but he's fried, and Trunks fires at #13, yelling "I came from 20 years in the future to destroy you..(Blahdey-blah)" and swings his sword at #13, but he breaks it, and gets fried. #13 preps a SS Dead Bomb to block the Genki Dama, but Piccolo runs behind him and pushes him over just a bit, missing Gokou. But, instead of throwing it Gokou absorbs the energy into his body and he goes SSJ. He is completley out-buffed, and Gokou punches a hole through #13's stomach. The android is materialized and Dr. Gero's computer is shown shutting down.
In the hospital, Gohan, Kulilin, Gokou, and Trunks are bandaged up in beds. Trunks wonders what happened to Vegita.
Vegita and Piccolo are meditating above the sea, back to back on a rock.