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Links Reviews

Goku Centeral- Good site, If you like goku. Simple layout and navigation with dballs is really neat - 8/10
Namek Universe- Good site, especially if you like Nameks. You don't see alot about Piccolo, and this site has it. Uniqness is surprising,layout simple, and above all created with a Macintosh (dont see that everyday, since the MAC is getting eaten up by IBM)- 9/10
Planet Namek- Good site, updated daily. Problem I have is that some sites dont like planet namek for some odd reason. Layout is average , yet very easy to navigate. Sometimes uses weird titles, but over all good site. I give Planet Namek - 9.5/10
DBZ homeworld- Good site, and has many eps for download, great multimedia, and great news about dbz. Great site but has alot of CONTROVERSY over full eps, and not full eps. - 9/10
Dasiavue Ex- Excellent site for multimedia. One of the largest multimedia sites on the net, and is very neatly organized. Only problem I have is that he keep on posting um,.. stupid editorials. Some are really good, but some are horrible and are mind boggling to stupidity, I give it - 9/10 Overall great site, their staff is really nice, and actually RESPONDS to your email. Very original, layout design is ingenious, especially the top banner. I give it- 11/10