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Name: Iori "Cody" Hida

Grade: 4

Age: 9

School: Odaiba Elementary

Hair: Brown

Eye: Green

Digi-Eggs: Knowledge and Reliability

Digi-Partner: Armadillomon

About Cody:

Cody is the youngest of the new digidestined and is as reliable as two people! He has a strong character. For mental training he takes Kendo (a kind of Japanese fencing). His D-3 is Yellow and his digi-eggs are Reliability and Knowledge. Cody is very sentimental\emotional and will eat anything unless it smells bad.

Izzy's Digimon Archive

Character Bios

Kari's Camera Shoot!

Season 1 Digimon

Season 2 Digimon

Yolei's Gossip Corner!

Mimi's Fashion Tips!

T.K.'s Hat Box!

Tai's Ties!



Digi Couples


Hit Center