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What are 'Digimon'? And What do they do?

Digimon are digital creatures that aid the Digidestined to save the endangered Digiworld. Without them, the Digiworld and the real world would be totally demollished. Using the attributes (powers that allow them to do moves and to Digivolve) that they posess, they destroy either the black gears (the oldest way that the evil Digimon caught other ones and used them as slaves) or the black rings (the first method that Ken, the evil digidestined used to capture Digimon as slaves) or the second method that Ken used to capture and use Digimon as slaves, black spirals. Black rings can only control Digimon up to the champion level. Black spirals can enslave any level Digimon.

At the beginning, there were dark masters that the Season One Digidestined team had to defeat. First there was Devimon, he wanted to destroy me because I was the only one that could deafeat him. Patamon (my Digimon) had not Digivolved yet, resulting in the most powerful Champion Digimon that the Digidestined had seen yet. He (Patamons Champion form, Angemon) sacrificed himself so the Digiworld could atlast be at peace... for a while... From Angemons feathers, which floated down from where Angemon had been, formed a Digiegg, Digimon never die, they're just reconfigured into their Digiegg just to hatch again and be just like before. It was very scary...I was only a kid and I didn't now if I would ever see my best friend again! I took care of the digiegg until it hatched and Patamon rejoined the group. Ever since then I have sworn to defeat the powers of darkness at all costs(except for losing Patamon again).

Next there was Myotismon, an evil Digimon that wanted to find and destroy the eighth Digidestined, for I (Kari) was the only one who could deafeat him. Gatomon was his slave then, although she knew it was her destiny to meet someone else. She soon found out that the eighth Digidestined was me, and went to see me. Wizardmon, Gatomon's friend had found my Crest, light. They met me on my balcony, giving me my crest and Digvice. Tai kept my Digivice and said "It's too dangerous for you to have it." After, me and Gatomon were captured at the Odiaba Hall, all the other Digidestined and their Digimon came to the rescue. They got to the large roof top, Myotismon used his most powerful move, aiming for me and Gatomon, Wizardmon jumped infront, sacrificing himself to save us. Then and there, Tai tossed me my Digivice, Gatomon Digivolved to her Ultimate form, Angewomon, used Celestial Arrow and speared Myotismon, winning that battle.

After the gruling battle with Myotismon, the digidestined thought they would finaly get a break...wrong! It seems that the time spent in the real world had given the Digital world time to get worse. Some strange new emenys that called themselves the "Dark Masters". Being taken from their families again was hard but they were ready for this new challenge! After finding that the Digital world was possesed by 5 of the Dark Masters, each enslaving innocent digimon. It makes me so mad! When all the Dark masters were defeated but one. Piedmon. The digidestined tried in vain to defeat this powerful enemy but with a wave of his hand he turned the Digidestined into keychains. What a sicko! T.K., Kari, and Patamon were all that was left! As usual it was up to T.K. to save the day (and Kari) Together they scaled a huge rope only for it to be cut by Piedmon. As they plunged to the ground, T.K. thought of what all the digidestined had said to him in the past. Determined to protect Kari and the Digital World, T.K.'s crest of hope reacted and Angemon digivolved to...(da da da da DA DA) Magnangemon!!! Wow way cool! He kicked Piedmon's butt freeing the digidestined and the Digital World from his wrath! He then used Magna elixer and changed all the keychains back into the Digidestined and the Digimon!

While travelling back to the real wold, they came along onto Apocolomon, a little part of each dark master that they had defeated had come together with that little part of Apocolomon to make the most powerful digimon that the Digidestined had ever encountered! Apocolomon "ate" the digital world, encasing the digidestined in a land called "Binary" They had to realize how important they were to the universe. After suceeding to get out of that strange land of ones and zeros, the digidestined faced him again. their crests glowed, encasing Apocolomon in a colourful box, where he exploded, returning the balance of the worlds back to normal!

Ken was origianly a genious, but when a digivice came out of his brothers computer, he was drawn towards it. The second time he went in, he encountered a evil ocean. He put his Digivice in it and it transformed into a D-3. He then met Wormon, the digimon that would be his. He found that whatever he wanted would be his in the Digiworld. He grew greedy and created black rings and spirals to control the digimon. He saw that he needed to get the Digidestined out of the way, for they were keeping him from exceeding his goal. He created Kimeramon, a digimom whos only goal was to destroy the Digiworld. The Digidestined defeated him finaly, Veemon used the digiegg of Miracals. He was almost fully out of energy, when Wormon gave him all of his power. Magnamon used Magna Explosion to defeat him and the digiworld was brought to peace. Ken lost Wormon, and he became unevil. He went back to Primary Village and got him back. Ken is now part of the Digidestined team.

Arukennimon was next, she created evil Digimon from the Control Spires that Ken had created, and later confessed (well not really, she did it for her own pleasure) that she had been controlling Ken since he had come to the Digital World, but later came to know that she had been controlled also, by Cody's father's friend. She created Blackwargreymon, he stopped listening to her, and got out of control. He met Agumon... but that's another story. The man who was controlling Arukenimon and Mummymon turned nice, after taking a group of kids and Arukenimon and Mummymon to what he thougt was the Digital World, but was really a world that made wishes come true. Malomyotismon came out of him, and destroyed Arukenimon and Mummymon, because that was what they feared most... Weird!

Blackwargreymon is an evil Digimon that Arukenimon created, using Spirit Needle, one of her attributes, which turns the control spires that Ken made into evil Digimon that are more powerful than an ordinary Digimon. If Gatomon had her tail ring, and the powers of my crest could work, she'd Digivolve to her Mega form and dissolve that evil Wargraymon imposter! Blackwargreymon is out on a quest, to destroy all the Desitny Stones to unleash what he calls his only worthy opponent. The last Destinystone was at stake. The Digidestined thought that they had to move the Destinystone to save it. When they put up their D-3's to move it, Azulongmon came and explained Digivolving to the Digidestined. Blackwargreymon went up and challenged Azulongmon but he blasted light at him and Blackwargreymon stopped in his tracks! Azulongmon said that he protected the Eastern Hemisphere, and that it was protected by Light and Hope. He also said that the crests of Light and Hope freed him from the Control Spires seal, Power. Light and Hope are different than the other crests. Light brings light to the universe and Hope continues to shine no matter how hard darkness tries to hide it.

Izzy's Digimon Archive

Character Bios

Kari's Camera Shoot!

Season 1 Digimon

Season 2 Digimon

Yolei's Gossip Corner!

Mimi's Fashion Tips!

T.K.'s Hat Box!

Tai's Ties!



Digi Couples


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