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Gatomon is the champion form of Salamon, but is more commonly known as Gatomon. Her in-training form is Nyramon, her rookie form is Salamon, champion, of course is Gatomon, her ultimate is Angewomon and her mega form is Magnadramon!

Gatomon has an interesting history. As Salamon, she was captured by Myotismon, to work with him as long as he could keep her in his wrath. But Gatomon is no wuss. Gatomon knew from the beginning that it was her destiny to meet someone else and be their loyal digimon. On a mission to find the eighth Digidestined, she met Kari, she revisited her past, and realized that she never wanted to go back to Myotismon again. She joined Kari, and became her digimon, for she knew that she was the eighth digidestined. Together, Kari and Gatomon defeated Myotismon. Once again the digidestined had saved two worlds!

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