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Name: “Ken” Ichijogi

Grade: 8

Age: 13

School: ???

Hair: Blue

Eye: Blue

Crest: Kindness

Digi-Partner: Wormon

About Ken:

When Ken was little, him and his older brother Sam found a Digivice in their room. Sam said it was his and he didn’t want Ken to touch it. Now, Sam was very smart, popular, and well liked by everyone. Well everyone but Ken. One day Ken felt an urge to look at the Digivice. Why should Sam get to have it? It was in his room after all. When Sam found Ken playing with the Digivice he hit Ken. Later at the dinner table, Ken got really mad and wished Sam would disappear and he did (I wish I could do that!) and that was it. He was gone… At Sam’s funeral Ken noticed a strange man standing in the back of the room. He’d never seen this guy before. He thought it must have been one of Sam’s many admires. Besides…everybody liked Sam. Week’s later Ken decided that now that Sam was gone he could take the Digivice. So he opened a portal to the Digital World through his computer. This had never been done before! The original Digidestined were always taken to the Digital World only when they were needed. Ken and Wormon were fighting a monster when a dark spore shot out and sunk deep into Ken’s neck. This was the beginning (Oh…so dramatic!) After three weeks of Wormon taking care of Ken, he said he wanted to go back to the Digital World. When they got there Ken found himself in a dark ocean. He put his Digivice into the water turning it into a black D-3. The gateway to the Dark dimension. Ken then took up taking over the Digital world (you know as something to do on Sundays when there’s nothing good on TV) He enslaved the inhabiting Digimon forcing them to do his laundry! AHHHHH!!! The horror! Anyway…so everything was going nicely and it was just another day you know making innocent Digimon miserable, making dark rings and control spires, picking up your mom a loaf of bread at the corner store the usual 13 year old stuff. When what should happen but T.K. and Kari followed by three new Digidestined come along and start knocking down all those control spires! Geez talk about having no respect for evil geniuses! HUMP! Anyway…When Ken thought of making a Digimon out of other Digimon’s parts…well he’d gone too far! T.K. marched up there and beat the crap out of him! ALRIGHT! That was when Ken started to realize maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…maybe hurting Digimon was a twisted way to have fun (Geez and he calls himself a genius!) Then later Wormon dies trying to stop Ken’s sick version of Frankenstein and Ken finally realizes that Wormon was only trying to help him be a better person…(duh!) and that he should stop hurting Digimon. Then Arukenimon starts making Digimon out of Ken’s control spires (man! she’s makes Ken look like a pussy cat!) and who should show up to the rescue but…(Da da da da da DA!) former bad guy new good guy Ken! YEAY! (Yeah, yeah give him a medal…) And explains that he is sorry for what he’s done and wants to beg for forgiveness…(yeah! You get on you’re knees you…um…sorry) and joins the Digital team as one of us. Even later when Deamon and the creepy guy from Sam’s funeral show up in Tokyo well that’s when Ken finds out that he’s not a total loser (that depends on your point of view) because he was being controlled by the dark spore. Arukenimon was busy capturing kids well the Digidestined were running around the world trying to stop the rampaging Digimon there. And now she’s threatening to hurt them if Ken doesn’t come with them. He did, which means he really did change. The creepy guy scans Ken’s DNA for stuff like jealously and hate that make the dark spores grow, and scans it into the kids. When you are under the control or the dark spore you are really smart and good at sports so the poor kids got sucked into the idea of being popular like Ken. Now the Digidestined have to try to stop the kids before they turn into evil genesis just like Ken!


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