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Name: Sora Takenouchi

Grade: 10

Age: 16

School: Odaiba High

Hair: Red

Eye: Red

Crest: Love

Digi-Partner: Biyomon

About Sora:

Sora is one of the original Digidestined. She was one of the more “Down to Earth” kinds of people in the group. Sora and Biyomon have shared a special bond (as they call it.) Sora and her mother never used to get along. And growing up as an only child with a single parent, that tented to cause some problems. But after her experiences with the Digimon, Sora says she’s changed and now respects her mother. She even goes shopping with her every Saturday. Sora loves to play soccer but has kind of given it up over the years. Her and Tai used to play on the same team. I don’t really think Sora really ever liked Tai, but now she’s going out with Matt. That was a little weird.


Izzy's Digimon Archive

Character Bios

Kari's Camera Shoot!

Season 1 Digimon

Season 2 Digimon

Yolei's Gossip Corner!

Mimi's Fashion Tips!

T.K.'s Hat Box!

Tai's Ties!



Digi Couples


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