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Pt.2 The Silent Snake

Merely two weeks after the incident Cody and I were waiting for Yolei to finish up in the computer lab. Yolei and Cody lived in the same building as me so it was nice to walk home with somebody.

Cody was a nine-year-old kid that had become a Digitestined only a year ago. Yolei was the same story other then being nine of course. Cody had green eyes and dark brown hair. For a little kid he sure knew a lot about people. Yolei however was fourteen and fell in love with every guy she saw. I’m not really sure if she ever had a crush on me and I don’t really want to find out. She’s a real whiz when it comes to computers or anything technical so other then being over emotional, Yolei is pretty helpful to the group.

Anyway we were waiting for Yolei to finish up with her extra curricular activities in the computer lab when she came out looking like she had seen a ghost.

“What is it Yolei?” I asked.

“What’s going on?” Cody chimed in after me.

“I-I-it’s the Digital World! Something gone wrong!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the computer room with a yank so hard I thought it would knock me hat off.

“Look!” She pointed at the computer screen. Cody came in the door after me. I tried to look under Yolei’s finger and saw Tentomon hovering over a burning city. It was a small town near a mountain. A strange feeling washed over me…kind of dejavou.

“T.K. are you listening? I said I think we should go call for Davis and Kari!” She was yelling now and turning slightly red.

“Sorry Yolei I wasn’t listening.” I said. The strange feeling wouldn’t go away and I could hardly tell what was going on around me.

“Like heck you weren’t listening!” She wasn’t calming down. Think T.K. think. I tried to think of were that city was familiar from…then it clicked. The city that Kari and me had ruled over when we went to the Digital World two weeks ago.

“There I sent Kari an e-mail she should be on her way. Yolei do you want me to send one to Ken?” Cody said. I had almost forgot about him.

“NO! You may not send Ken e-mail! I’m sending him an e-mail!” She hastily pulled out her D-terminal and started punching in letters. “Not that I like him or anything if your getting any ideas!”

“Right…” I said starting to sink back into reality now.

“We came as fast as we could!” Kari came through the door followed by Davis. He looked slightly out of breath.

“Yeah where’s the fire?” Davis panted.

“Kari! I’m so glade you’re here I really wanted to talk to you!” Yolei rushed over and hugged Kari.

“Uhum…” Davis made a small sound in his throat.

“Hi Davis.” Yolei said sounding not interlay enthusiastic. I couldn’t help but sinker. Davis glared at me.

“Kari come look at this.” I pointed to the scene on the screen. She came over and looked over my shoulder resting her on my shoulder. This kind of made Yolei mad for Kari showing no interesting whatever she had to say and Davis was totally steamed. I mean it looked like fire might come out his nose and steam out his ears. Not that I was looking to see his reaction or anything.

“But…that’s…. Yeah it is! It’s Tajria! T.K. what does this mean?” She asked she almost seemed hopeful of something.

“I’m not sure but let’s go! I really want to get a better look at what’s going on.” I said.

“NO! We’re not going anywhere until Ken gets here! And besides Tentomon will tell us what’s going on won’t you Tentomon!” She was getting angry again.

“Well I’m not exactly sure myself what’s going on…” Tentomon started but I cut him off with by shaking my head ‘no’.

“Well I believe, from very reliable source, that it is one of the guardian Digimon Malrisimon. She seems to be going crazy.

“Guardian Digimon?” Stated Cody. “Who are they?”

“The guardian Digimon are Digimon sent by Azulongmon and the other Digital World guardians to protect the Digital World for them because they don’t stay in the Digital World.” Kari said. They all stared at her but she continued. “They were frightened that something was going to happen and were trying to harness the powers of Light from me in order to make themselves stronger.”

“And you know this how?” Yolei was in shock now. At least that kept her mouth shut.

“When Kari and I went to the Digital World the first time this happened! I thought you sealed them Kari?” I said

“Yes but remember…nothing that happened then really happened…” She looked into my eyes and we just stared for a while. That must have made Davis REALLY jealous because he broke into the conversation right then and there.

“So you weren’t making it up? And what exactly happened there that you’re not telling me! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!”

I turned red and Kari did too. We turned away and said at the same time. “Nothing.”

“Sorry it took me so long.” Ken walked in with Wormon in his arms. “The subway was slow.”

“Oh! Ken! It’s no problem in fact we didn’t wait at all. Would you like to sit down we were just waiting for you so we could go to the Digital World. Not that we were waiting long or anything. Or even if we were we wouldn’t have cared would we?” Yolei was spitting out words faster then I could understand them then turned to us as if daring anyone to say yes. We all shook our heads.

“Alright then! Let’s go to the Digital World!” Ken held up his Digivice and opened the gate. I was just thankful the subject had been changed.

“Right behind you Kennypoo!” Yolei chased him through the Digi Port but he was too far ahead to hear her, which was also a good thing.

When we all had gotten through the Digi Port safely we looked around at the surroundings. I was kind of glad that the other Digidestined were here this time. If anything weird happened this time they’d have to believe me. Patamon and Gatomon were here too with the rest of the Digimon of course. That was an also very helpful just incased we came upon trouble. I had a bad feeling about this place.

Kari came over and walked beside me. This was definitely the same place.

“So what do you think we should do T.K.?” Cody asked looking up at me for advice.

“Well I guess we should go up the mountain to the city. There might be trouble so we might as well take a look.” We started up the mountain and after a few hours we had made it too the top. It wasn’t that the climb was tough that it had taken us so long, it was because Yolei kept whining about her feet and Davis needed to go to the bathroom. But when we finally did reach the top I saw that the city was in ruins. Houses ablaze, carts overturned everything you needed in a horror movie.

“What happened?” Davis asked looking around.

“This is horrible!” Yolei said. After she had finished I heard something and turned to see Kari sitting on the ground. She looked like she was fighting back tears.

“How could this have happened?” She asked through sobs. “It was so beautiful and peaceful when we left.”

“Don’t worry Kari…I’m sure all the Digimon are safe.” Yolei bent down and tried to comfort Kari. I knew how she felt. I felt it was my fault and that I should have been there to help.

“Yolei’s right and besides we might as well focus on helping the Digimon get back together.” I lent Kari my hand and helped her to her feet. She nodded and smiled at me. Then we heard Cody gasp and run to the shadows. He came back moments later holding a small Digimon.

“What happened?” He asked it. “Are you hurt?”

“Malrisimon has gone crazy! You must stop her! She is at the top of the mountain. I can say no more.” With that the small Digimon jumped from Cody’s arms and ran as fast as it could away from the burning city.

“Malrisimon…” Kari said under her breath. “We have to go up to the top of the mountain! We have to stop her!” She took off towards the end of the village.

“Great idea Kari! I’ll come with you!” Davis called following her up the hill.

“T.K. are you coming?” She called back at me. I knew that we should probably have come up with a plan but I felt drawn to follow her. I nodded and started running.

“Wait! Don’t you guys think we should come up with a plan first?” Cody called from the bottom of the hill.

Gatomon and Patamon followed by Veemon ran up the hill behind us. Well Patamon flew and landed on my hat.

“You guys stay there and come after us if we don’t come back in two hours! We’ll just check it out!” I called.

“Be careful Kari, T.K.!” Yolei called.

“Yeah!” Cody chimed in after her.

“What about me?” Davis looked hurt.

“Yeah, Yeah and you too.”

When we came to the top we could see the whole village below us.

“Wow…it’s beautiful up here.” Kari breathed.

“Yeah…” I said but was cut off by a loud screech. When I looked up I saw a huge flying Digimon sitting in a nest. It looked like a Taradactial but I was sure it was a Digimon. It moved it purple head back and forth screeching. I turned to look at Kari and Davis to tell them to look out but it was too late. The purple Digimon swooped down and was carried away by the Digimon. As he drifted out of sight, over Kari’s screams I heard an evil laugh. I turned and saw a faded image of a huge red snake looking thing with four arms. It all of its four hands there was a large sword. I gazed into it slit eyes as it laughed then said, “And then there were five…” I cackled and the image disappeared.

“No…” Kari said.

“That must have been Malrisimon, she’s probably holding him somewhere on the mountain. We’ve got to keep looking Kari. Don’t worry she won’t hurt him.”

“How do you know?” She asked.

“I just have…a…a feeling…”

“I hope it’s right….” She said then sighed.

We continued climbing after we had messaged Cody and told the others what had just happened. They were on their way up now. We were walking totally focused on getting to the top when I heard Kari scream. I turned around to see Kari stuck in the ground. It wasn’t quicksand; the ground was eating Kari.

“KARI!” I yelled and grabbed her arms. I tired to pull her free but she kept sinking.

“T.K. help me!” She yelled. The ground was up to her waist now.

“Kari…don’t let go!” I pulled but her hands were sucked into the ground. I was left to stare at an empty patch of grass. I patch of grass where Kari had stood moments ago.

“No….” I said to no one. “NOOOO!!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Then I sat on the ground and actually cried. Something I had not done since I was eight. I couldn’t help it. She was gone and there was nothing I could have done. No…you could have done something T.K. I thought to myself, You could have…but you didn’t! I punched myself hard in the face then finally woke up to the truth. I couldn’t just sit here and feel sorry for myself. I could do something…and I would! I knew they were safe. Both of them, it was just a matter of finding them.

“T.K. what’s wrong!” Yolei and the rest of the Digidestined rushed up the hill. “Where’s Kari and Davis?”

“They’re at the top I know! We have to hurry!”

“I’ll come with you T.K.! Yolei, Cody, you two wait at the village. You’re our only back ups!”

We headed up the hill and after running for a long time, I saw a small room sitting at the top of the mountain. It was lit with chandeliers and huge candles. There was music coming from the room and I was suddenly drawn to it.

“T.K.! Where are you going?” Ken tried to chase me but was sealed off by an invisible force field. None of this I saw though, because I was in a sort of trance. Patamon had been locked out of the room also. But I didn’t really care, this room smelled so nice, and the music was so nice. As I shifted my gaze to the spot where the music was coming from I saw a beautiful girl with long black hair and dark brown, almond shaped eyes sitting at a piano. So that’s where the beautiful music was coming from. It made sense; she was a beautiful girl.

“Hello there, and who might you be?” She asked me; her voice was like silk.

“I’m T.K.” I said. I sounded like a zombie and didn’t even realize I was talking.

“T.K. hum…and who are you’re friends outside?”

“They are Ken, Yolei and Cody. They are Digidestind like me and are here to try and stop Malrisimon.”

“Try and stop her? Why would you want to do that now?” She licked her lips reveling pointy teeth.

“Because she is hurting the innocent Digimon.” She didn’t seem like she liked the idea of trying to stop Malrisimon. I didn’t want her to not like anything I had been a part of.

“Do you know what would make me very happy T.K.?” She jumped off the piano stool and stood in front of me. I shook my head no. “I would like if you tried to stop them…you know…for me? It would make me very happy.”

“Okay!” I said over anxiously. I really wanted her to be happy.

“Oh and one more thing…there are six of you right?” I nodded. “Then were are the rest of the Digidestined? You know…just out of…interest…” She licked her lips again. I couldn’t stop myself from answering.

“They’re at the village. They’re planning a sneak attack with the rest of our Digimon.” She smiled. She must have been pleased.

She pushed me to the ground and looked me straight in the face. I don’t know what was going on but I really wanted her to kiss me. She wasn’t. She got up and walked over to a man sitting on a windowsill. Why didn’t I see him before? She went to the man and whispered something to him. I couldn’t move. I wasn’t even listening to what they were saying. Maybe if I didn’t do anything she’d come back?

“Good job T.K.! Now go out and kill that nasty little Ken boy would you please? It’d make me very happy…” She turned and I floated to my feet. Why didn’t that seem a little weird to me?

“Go now!” I ran out the door and looked for Ken. He was hiding behind a rock.

“T.K.! What happened? Are you all right? I thought-“ I cut him off by jumping at him and pushing him to the ground. He struggled not knowing what to do until I wrapped my hands around his neck. He raised his knees and kicked me hard in the stomach. I was knocked backwards and lost my breath.

When I finally got to me feet Ken helped me up. I was totally confused and didn’t have a clue what was going on. Ken later told me about the incident and said I must have been brain washed by the weird girl. The only thing that was bothering me was, I did remember that weird girl and a little of what had happened. Why on earth did I choose her? Wasn’t I thinking of Kari at all? I tried to assure myself that it was only the brain washing that had made me think so weird. But I couldn’t help feeling like I should have resisted her.

I decided to shake off the feeling and the only way I could help Kari was to do something about it. I had to hurry. Ken and I ran up the lush green hillside and I started to wonder how such a beautiful place could be filled with such horror. Oh no! I had just remembered that when I was being controled by that strange girl I had told her that Yolei and Cody were at the village gethering the troops. Now they're in danger!

"Ken! We have to go back Cody and Yolei are in trouble!" He looked at me funny then asked how did I know. "I told her...the creepy ladie. I told her that they were gethering the troops at the bottom of the hill! In the village!"

"We've got to hurry! He turned around and started running back down the hill. He jumped over the stones and kept running. I could hardly keep up.

When we had just emerged from a dew soaked feild full of little blue flowers I could see clearly the huge black patch where the city had once been. It's gone... I though, compleatly gone...

"No! Yolei! Cody! Yolei!" Ken kept running down the hill. He tripped but got up and kept running. Covered in dirt now we reached the bottom of the hill and looked through the ruble. This is all my fualt... i though, This is all my fualt.

"Yolei! Cody! Yolei! No..." Ken ran through the

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