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Name: Mokyo "Yolie" Inoue

Grade: 8

Age: 13

School: Odaiba Jr. High

Hair: Purple

Eye: Reddish

Digi-Eggs: Love and Sincerity

Digi-Partner: Hawkmon

About: Yolie

Yolei is one of the new digidestined. She has a habit of speaking her mind without thinking about what she is saying. Yolei has another habit of falling in love with every guy she sees. Full of curiosity about everything and great with machines, she is head of the computer club. Her D-3 is Red.


Izzy's Digimon Archive

Character Bios

Kari's Camera Shoot!

Season 1 Digimon

Season 2 Digimon

Yolei's Gossip Corner!

Mimi's Fashion Tips!

T.K.'s Hat Box!

Tai's Ties!



Digi Couples


Hit Center