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Great! So now you've chossen your Digiegg! Good choice! YOu wanna know what Digimon you've got to be your life-long partner? Just glance below at the picture and status! Then move onto the next part of you're training! What crest will you deam yours? Click a myster box below your digimon and findout!

    HP: 110

    Posin Ivy: 400

Just so you know there will be more options (Like different Digimon, Crests etc. coming soon! As well as having your own character to pick from!) SO check back soon!

Which crest will you recive??????

Izzy's Digimon Archive

Character Bios

Kari's Camera Shoot!

Season 1 Digimon

Season 2 Digimon

Yolei's Gossip Corner!

Mimi's Fashion Tips!

T.K.'s Hat Box!

Tai's Ties!



Digi Couples
