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Season 01        Introduction  Digidestined Digimentals                Episode Guide         Voice Cast

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Season 4?

Season 4


Digimon Adventure

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The Golden Digimentals

(NEW!) Dioboromon Strikes Back

Digimon the Movie


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Old Updates

Monday, Agust 2nd, 2004

Update made by:Agumon58



Friday, July 16th, 2004

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: My bad

Well, um...hi again sorry that I haven't been updating, I just haven't been able to get on the computer that has frontpage on it, so I couldn't do anything.  I wish I could, but I wasn't.  sorry about that. Well, this is gonna be a short update because this computer is not working very fast and this is about all i can do for now.  I'll try to update more later on in the next week.


Thursday, March 25th, 2004

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Screw ups...

Sorry about the site. all the side bars went down so I am going to try some new things to see if it works.

Saturday, March 20th, 2004

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Sorry...

Sorry about the long line of no updates.  I've had a long time before I was even able to get on to the website.  Hopefully, I will soon have a new pic and quote of the week, and will try to get all the pics on here working.  See Ya!

Friday, December 19th, 2003 9:16 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: New Pic of the Week, update update

Well, I put a new pic of the week up. Since it's Christmas week coming up, I decided to put up this season 4 pic I found.  Soon, I will update the other pages. It is just taking some time.  By the way, after the new year, I will have one staff member on staff, and he will be new!

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December elventh, 2003 2:23 PM

Update made By: Agumon58

Subject: Affiliate Success

Guys, I am now officially an affiliate with my firs web site.  ADDC is now an affiliate with the website Digimon Squared. I just found out about this site a while back and was pleased when I saw how much info that they had to offer. They said they were looking for new affiliates, so I signed up. I also needed to tell you that I probably won't be able to update next week at least until Friday, but probably later than that.  My school is doing finals, so I have got to study for these things.  So 'till Christmas Week.


Monday, November 24th, 2003 7:45PM

Update made By: Agumon58

Subject: Coming Back

Well, after a long absence, I'm back and ready to do this one more time.  I slacked off the last year, not thinking about the Data Center. I'm sorry.  The Digimon Experience closed down earlier this year as many of you probably already know.  I started this site because they inspired me to and I'm gonna' see this thing through to the end. I have just asked a site for a chance to affiliate with them so keep your hopes up.



Friday, January 31st, 2003 3:26 PM

Update made By: Agumon58

Subject: So many missed things...

Well, as you can tell, I haven't updated for quite some time. Things have been pretty busy around here and I haven't had a chance to update. Happy New Year! By the way, I haven't been too fond of what Disney Did to what we call the Digimon Universe. I want to hear you guy's opinion. If you could, tell me what you think. g2g. See ya on the flip side

P.S.: I have seen pictures for a possible season 5. If you possibly have any info, e-mail me.

Monday, October 14th, 2002 6:41 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Season 4 started!!!!!

    Digi fans, I have the best news ever since Digimon the movie was going to be released in the US. Season 4 has started! You heard right. UPN is showing them every Monday at 5/4 cent. time! When I saw it today, I found out that it had been on for a couple weeks, so I'm trying to figure out what in the heck is going on. From what I saw today, It looked like Digimon went back to it's roots, trying to save the digiworld. Just like the old days in season1 and two. Don't think that Tai is going to make a cameo or something on the show, this is still a completely different universe than that. They just have no clue on what the heck are Digimon. This season looks like it's going to bring us clasic Digimon freaks back to our roots.


Tuesday, September 24th, 2002 4:22 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: New looks

    Hey there. This site is getting to be pretty nice now that I'm starting to get the hang of this program. Hope you guys like the new graphics, too. I made them myself. You may also look at the brother site area on here. you may see some new sites pop up there. And look for the link for my groups site in a couple weeks. 


Thursday, August 22nd, 2002 5:28 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: New Digimon fall line up, on new channels!

Hey guys. I just loged on to The Digimon Experience and saw this:

>>       abc
I have the official ABC press release for their fall lineup which contains the showtime for Digimon 04.

  • 8:00 a.m. Disney's Teamo Supremo
  • 8:30 a.m. Disney's Recess
  • 9:00 a.m. Disney's Fillmore! (new)
  • 9:30 a.m. Disney's Recess
  • 10:00 a.m. Lizzie McGuire
  • 10:30 a.m. Proud Family (also seen 
  • on Disney Channel)
  • 11:00 a.m. Disney's Kim Possible (also seen on Disney Channel)
  • 11:30 a.m. Power Rangers: Wild Force (new)
  • **** 12:00 p.m. Digimon effective on 11/30/02 ****
  • 12:30 p.m. NBA Wild Stuff (new)

    upn Digimon will also be joining the UPN kids block this fall. It will premiere Monday, September 9th and Sunday mornings beginning September 15th. The times vary depending on your local UPN station... email them for the showtimes.
    Hopefully this information won't change. Since there are so many rumors and schedules floating around right now, it's hard to find accurate info... If anything changes, or more info is released, I'll post it here.

I Did NOT Expect ABC to pick up the licece! UPN at that! This will be an interesting year for all you fans out there in Digiland! I'll keep you posted as soon as more word gets out!

Friday, August 16th, 2002 7:55 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Need help...

    Hey you guys. I really need your help. I need you to help me with any possible info on any page link that is not underlined in the links. That would really help! School just started for me, so I wont be able to update that much. 


Friday, August  2nd, 2002 11:02 AM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Lost  pages

I am sorry to say some of the normal pages have to go down for repairs.  Sorry!

Thursday, July 25th 2002 9:41 PM

Update made by: Agumon58

Subject: Story update...

    Hey "all you fans in Digi-Land"! I just wanted to say that The first couple of chapters of the first book in the "My Story Series" tentatively  called "My Story" was posted on Digi Tenka. I am happy to say that I will be sending the next chapter to her soon. By the way, My Story #2," The newest Digidestined", will have it's first update this week or next on this site. 


Wednesday, July 5th 11:47 AM

Updade made by:Agumon58

Subject: Staff

Guys, I'm sorry to say that we have to lose some staff. Patamon, I'm gonn'a miss ya man!


Friday, June 28th 12:32 AM

Update made by:Agumon58

Subject: New look...

Hey out there! I just wanted to tell ya that ALL my Sites (ADDC, Kero's Book Of Clow, and the soon to be released Zoids Federation) will be joining together to create one gigantic site, THE ANIME INFO NETWORK! I'll exclusively show you guys the logo picks soon.


Wednesday, June 20th 9:16 PM

Update made by:Agumon58

Subject: Not enough updates

Hey guys and gals! How are you doin'? anyway I haven't updated enough lately, so you will see more updates in the future.


Tuesday, May 28th 1:46 PM

Update made by:Agumon58

Subject: Did you notice?

Hey everybody! If you have seen or heard anything on season 4, I just wanted to see, DID YOU NOTICE that Season 4's characters are lookin' a lot like season 1's? By the way, that's the newest section on the site. DID YOU NOTICE is going to show what nitpickers may have seen mistake wise or just a thought to chew on.


Wednesday, May 8th 5:41 PM

Update made by:Agumon58

Subject: Gone way to long!

    Hey you Digimon Fans out there in the Digi-World! As you can tell, I haven't done much since I updated last. All I can tell you is Digimon season 4 started April 4th in Japan.


Pic Of the week

Quote of the week

Izzy- Tentomon, are you alright?

Tentomon- I'm fine. Just one question. Who's Tentomon?

-Digimon the Movie


Hentai Free (And Proud of it!)



Digidestrined Forever



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