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Season 01 Introduction  Digidestined Digimentals        Sound bytes     Video Clips Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 02 Introduction Digidestined Digimentals  Sound Bytes  Video Clips     

Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 3 Introduction    Tamers      Digimentals    Sound Bytes Video Clips Episode Guide

Season 4?

Season 4


Digimon Adventure

Our War Game

The Golden Digimentals

(NEW!) Dioboromon Strikes Back

Digimon the Movie


Digimon World (PSX)

Digimon World II (PSX)

Digimon Rumble Arena (PSX)

Digital Card Battle (PSX)


Interactive Digivice

Interactive D-3

Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game

Future Games (Down)


Your Fanfics

Your Fanart

Your Digimon Jokes (Down)

You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When... 

Did You Ever Notice... (Down)

Staff Pages

Coming Soon


You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When...

Page one Page two Page three

Page three

Your English teacher gets mad when you use prodigious in almost every sentence on a page.

You yell at your friends that Matt and angemon are yours and only yours!

You won't let anyone out of the house without something digimon or digimon related on.

You try hard to find Digimon World (2) on the internet instead of using the money you have to buy all the digimon toys.

You think you saw Gatomon walk by.

You DID see Gatomon walk by!

You think a big bird you saw was Birdramon.

You yell at the pilot in Japan for not taking you to Odaiba so you could go to Highten Bue Terrace.

You DO go to Odaiba and you DO find Highten Bue Terrace.

You're disappointed when you find out that it was Highten Bue Terrace it was Darken Bue Terrace and claim that it was Malmyotismon fault it is.

You ask for Tai Kimaya when you get to Odaiba.

You find out that there IS a Tai Kimaya.

Turns out Tai moved and was an old page that old guy at the residence office looked at.

It was Gennai who was the old man at the residence office!

You sit and drool over a pic of Angemon all day and then ruin it and find another one.

-You carry a minature spyglass around with you, as well as a harmonica, digivice, pink cowboy hat/bike helmet, glasses, (even though you have 20/20 vision), a whistle, you get the picture.

-You e-mail the digidestined at:

-You try the above e-mail addresses to see if they work.

-Not only do you e-mail the digidestined, but all their digimon at:

-You try the above addresses to see it THEY work.

-You e-mail them.

-When you e-mail them, you get an answer back.

-Then, you start a whole chain of letters back and forth, and you tell them that you are the lost digidestined of America, and that you know Michel and Willis and everyone else. You get to know each of them personally, and finally go out with Ken and help him get over his insecurity.

1. You jump off your roof thinking if Biyomon can fly, you can too!

2. You mummify your little brother hoping he will become a Mummymon.

3. You own hundereds of pet Myotis bats, hoping they will turn into Myotismon as you change.

4. You run up to clowns at a circus hoping one of 'em might be Piedmon.

5. You own all of the games ever made in case Puppetmon comes to your house.

6. You swear to God in a past life you were Myotismon's crimson boxers, and your best friend was his cape.

7. Your father has a friend who works at a movie store and you begged him to get you the Digimon Movie and all off the episodes which were made into videos before they came actually came out. 

8. You have a Devimon card you bring with you everywhere.

You try and learn Japanese.

You want to go to Japan.

You moved to Japan.

You stare at your computer all day, hoping to connect with the digital world.

You can play every single episode, line for line, frame by frame, in your head.

And it's your daily pasttime.

You know you're obsessed with Digimon if you think the Washington Monument is a control spire.

You consult cherry trees for advice.

You scream if you see the sea in a misty day.

When you buy a D3, your eyes become dark and you repeat to yourself, again and again, with an evil voice: "it's mine, it is mine..."

You see an obelisk and yell: "IT'S A DARK TOWER!!!!!!!"

Pic Of the week

Quote of the week

Izzy- Tentomon, are you alright?

Tentomon- I'm fine. Just one question. Who's Tentomon?

-Digimon the Movie


Hentai Free (And Proud of it!)



Digidestrined Forever



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