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Season 01 Introduction  Digidestined Digimentals        Sound bytes     Video Clips Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 02 Introduction Digidestined Digimentals  Sound Bytes  Video Clips     

Episode Guide Voice Cast

Season 3 Introduction    Tamers      Digimentals    Sound Bytes Video Clips Episode Guide

Season 4?

Season 4


Digimon Adventure

Our War Game

The Golden Digimentals

(NEW!) Dioboromon Strikes Back

Digimon the Movie


Digimon World (PSX)

Digimon World II (PSX)

Digimon Rumble Arena (PSX)

Digital Card Battle (PSX)


Interactive Digivice

Interactive D-3

Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game

Future Games (Down)


Your Fanfics

Your Fanart

Your Digimon Jokes (Down)

You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When... 

Did You Ever Notice... (Down)

Staff Pages

Coming Soon


You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When...

Page one Page two Page three

Page two

~ You try to learn how to play the harmonica just to be like Matt

~ When you turn in your homework, your teacher asks why the only thing on it is the words to 'Hey Digimon'

~ At recess instead of playing kickball you practice the words to the digimon theme song

~ You attack anyone that makes fun of your beloved Taichi

~ Your screen name or your email address is name after one of the digimon or one of the charactors.

1. You find out that a place is on fire and go Meramon spotting (in the place that is on fire).

2. You go on safari just to spot a Leomon.

3. When you go on an aeroplane you keep a close eye out for a Birdramon.

4. You are frightened of circuses because you think a Piedmon might work there
5. When you find out that your friend has a pet mouse you examin it looking for any signs of it being a Chuumon

6. Every winter you make your friends look for a Frigimon
7. You go on a school trip to a farm and tell the farmer he could have a Kokatorimon

8. You don't go near your sisters dolls because one of them might be Puppetmon.

9. You stay away from restaurants because you don't like Vegimon.

10.You go into forests woods to find Piximon and Lillymon.

11. You buy a football, stick bat wings on the edge of it, paint it orange and call it Patamon.

12. Your life is a Digimon episode.

13. Your friends at school think you're weird because you talk to yourself, but you say you are talking to the Digidestined.

14. You dress and act like your favorite Digimon character.

15. Your imaginary friends have the names of the Digidestined.

16. You have 14 human and 15 Digimon imaginary friends.

17. You download all the Digimon songs on Napster even though you have the movie soundtrack.

18. When you go onto a Digimon site, you yell "Digi-port Open!"

19. Your favorites is full of nothing but Digimon sites.

20. You only draw Digidestined in art class

21. When someone asks you what your favorite song is, you say "Hey Digimon. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

1: You have a fanfic that's super complicated and used to be about Sonic but now is ALL Digimon

2: In said fanfic you've turned Hikari into an Icarian(Grandia) and Taichi into a draconian(Escaflowne) and they can do things like go through walls, make those lightning staff thingys of Ryoko's(Tenchi Muyo) not to mention other abilities you've dragged from Magic Knight Rayearth and Sailor Moon.

3: There are 7 different versions of the digidestined in your fanfic, including vampire versions and versions that you don't understand because you aren't fluent in japanese and their english sucks, except Mimi, because she'd be kinda stuck living in New York and not being good at english. And I haven't mentioned the 'Chaos clones', digimon that are practically gijinka versions of the digidestined that digivolve into eidolons(FF9)....Well I did warn you it was super complicated.

4: The Jyou-gomamon chaos clone named Jomamon is a now a girl. And a sailor senshi. Sailor NeoNeptune to be precise.

5: You ceaselessly try to explain your comlicated fanfic to people you don't even know by e-mail hoping desperately they won't get mad.

6: You don't hate any of the digidestined(Except maybe Ruki) at all and attach sama to all their names when they aren't listening (In case anyone doesn't know, -chan is used for your friends, kids and animals. -san is an all purpose polite address used for both men and women, -kun is used like -san, but solely for men and -sama is used to indidcate great awe and respect)

7: You write in e-mails like you know the digidestined.

8: You order episodes in raw japanese and prefer it that way because nothing is cut out, even though you barely understand.

9: You laugh at Takato-sama trying to explain his name to Gilumon and can recite the entire thing, like so:
Takato: "Anata wa Gilumon" (You're gilumon)
Gilumon: *points at himself*"Gilumon?" (Gilumon?)
Takato: "hai, to boku wa Takato!" (Yes and i'm takato)
Gilumon:"Ta.. ka.. to.. mon!" (!)
Takato: "iie! Boku wa Takato!" (No! I'm Takato!)
Gilumon: "Takatomon!" (Takatomon!)
Takato: "uwah! -_-;....boku wa..So da! Kimi no partaner! Boku wa Digimon Tamer!" (argh..i'm...That's right! I'm your partner! I'm a digimon tamer!)
Well...something like that. That's the gist of it.
By the way, don't use 'Boku wa...' to say your name unless you want to get sniggered at. The word you use for 'I' is a personal thing....Boku is the male boring way of saying it, Ore =cool male way, watashi = middle aged people use watashi Atashi = cool female way. Hikari uses Atashi, so it's good enough for me!

10: You refuse to refer to the chosen children, any of their digimon or any other digimon for that matter, by their english names if you can possibly help it.

11: You refuse to wear anything other than shorts/jeans and t-shirts

12: You laugh at the english version because in Japan, the school year starts in April, they would have been at 'summer camp' (it's the annual school trip, not summer camp) in the middle of the school year!

13: Your mother aks you who Aruchenemon is, ie: You watch digimon so much, when a villian your mother doesn't recognise appears, she asks you so it might continue to make some kind of sense. Just wait til those epiosdes in japanese get to my house.

14: You have dreams that have digimon charaters in them, and that actually correspond with your fanfic.

15: You want some goggles. YOU WANT SOME GOGGLES!!

16: You have the japanese theme tune in your head and constantly sing it out loud, despite the fact you have very little idea what you're singing and are making half the words up.

17: You try to teach the japanese theme song to your best friend who has only heard the midi.

18: You write a long list of 'you know when you're obssessed..' things to a poor web-site owner to has read all your garble that probably won't make a whole lot of sense unless you've played on a lot of RPGs i have and watched/read most of the anime/manga I have.

You try and legally change the name of your street Highten Blue Terrace St.

Your science teacher asks why you said prodigious in a thermal answer.

Pic Of the week

Quote of the week

Izzy- Tentomon, are you alright?

Tentomon- I'm fine. Just one question. Who's Tentomon?

-Digimon the Movie


Hentai Free (And Proud of it!)



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