by John C. Lee [Revised 8/22/99]
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word "free" as "costing nothing." In the real world, we often think of free things as "gimme things." In some sense, this assumption might be true, however, it does not apply to fansubs. Fansubs are free in the sense that you should not spend money to rent or "buy" them. Once a title has been fansubbed, you may freely distribute and copy them for others under the condition that you do not profit from your actions. There have been a lot of misconceptions of what "free" really means. Fansubs are only "truly free" through the method of SASE (self-addressed-stamped-envelope). In this process, you mail blank tapes, return shipping costs, address labels, and envelopes to the distributors who are willing to copy specific titles for you. However, just because distributors allow SASE, it does not mean that they have any obligations toward giving you preferential treatment or to copy anything within in certain time period or anything for you at all. Getting fansubs is a privledge and not a right.
Most people acquire fansubs through "distributors." There are two different kinds of distributors: Official and Unofficial ones. Official distributors acquire special permission from certain fansubbing groups to distribute their work. They usually acquire "Master Copies" from these groups and help them make copies off for distribution. An unofficial distributor, on the otherhand, are usually independent groups that acquire fansubs through trades, official distributors, or other unofficial ones and distribute them to the public. They usually have no affiliation toward any fansubbing groups in any way.
The process of acquiring fansubs from distributors often involves sending money so the distributor can buy tapes, copy them, and send them back to you. There has been a lot of discussion and flame wars on the "optimal" amount distributors should charge and when is free fansubs considered really "free." Before this question can be answered, you should know that subtitling anime requires a tremendous amount of money, time, and resources for the fansubber. A lot of fansubbers use their own money for translations, subtitling equipment, and other necessities because they simply love anime and want others to enjoy it too. Often fansubbers acquire "donations" from people to undergo certain projects because they simply can't afford the cost the projects by themselves. In exchange, fansubbers often offer their thanks by giving these sponsors "Master Copies" of various title or preferential treatment in their requests.
People often argue that because of this preferential treatment, fansubs are not "free." In essence, they feel that by "sponsoring projects" (giving fansubbers money), sponsors are "buying off" the fansubbers for "Master Copies" or faster turnaround times for requests. Although this perception might be true, it does not violate the "Nature of Free Fansubs." Sponsors make it possible for fansubbers to subtitle more anime for fans to enjoy and just because fansubbers give them preferential treatment to show their appreciation, it does not necessarily mean they are "buying off" the fansubbers. The goal of every fansubber is to widely expose anime to the general public and with the help of sponsors, they are able to more readily do so. It should be in the interest of the fans to applaud these sponsors, for without them, they would not be able to see and acquire more fansubbed anime.
Now, how much should distributors charge for fansubs? Is there an "optimal price" from which charging anything above it would be "unethical?" The answer is that there is no "optimal price" for fansubs because different distributors sustain different different costs. Should they impose their costs to fans? The decision is usually up to each distributor, for you are using their tapes, VCRs, and other resources when requesting from them. Although there are many distributors who take advantage of fans by charging them excessively and "profiting" from their notion of "free" fansubs, the decision to "buy" fansubs from them is always made by fans. Once fans make their decision to "buy" these fansubs, they revoke their right to complain about not receiving preferential treatment or being charged excessively. It doesn't help to cry over spoiled milk.
One can make an analogy of "buying" fansubs to purchasing a stereo. For example, if you goto a store to buy a stereo, there will be many different kinds of stereos to choose from, each with their own price and features. It is always up to the customers to decide which stereo to buy. If you choose to buy a cheaper one (cheaper distro) which most people can afford, you stand a chance of it being sold out or becoming out of stock (slow turnaround time). If you choose the expensive one (expensive distro) which most people pass on, you might get a good stereo (faster turnaround time). Once you've bought the stereo, however, there is no point complaining on the stereo's quality, for you got what you paid for. Of course, there is no guarantee that expensive distros are also good distros, but again, the decision to "buy" fansubs is clearly the fans' to make. Once you send in your money and "buy" them, you revoke your right to complain. In essence, although there's no "optimal price" for fansubs, the decision to pay a certain amount for them is made by fans, so there's really no point in complaining about overcharged distributors. Just don't "buy" fansubs from them!
In summary:
1) Fansubs are "free" in that they should not be sold or rented out for profit.
2) Only through SASE Distribution are fansubs "truly free."
3) Fansubbers and distributors do NOT have the obligation to give special treatment to people who donate, however they have the right to if they feel like it. Remember, getting fansubs is a privledge, not a right.
4) Preferential treatment for sponsors does not violate the "Nature of Free Fansubs", for the decision is solely for the fansubbers to make and offering "gifts of gratitude" should always be considered "free."
5) There is no "optimal amount" that distributors can charge for fansubs to be considered "truly free."
6) Fans have choices to order fansubs from whoever they like. If they feel some distributors are ripping them off, they should not order from them. No distro points a gun at the fans to order from them. If fans can't afford to order from distributors, they have no right to blame distributors for overcharging. If cheaper distributors don't have the titles you want or have slow turnaround times, fans also do not have the right to critize them because even though fansubs are supposed to be "free", in the real world, you get what you pay for.