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Trivia-type stuff

This isn't quite a FAQ, but it'll answer all the questions in your head.

Nymphs? Sprites? Humans?
Elemental Types?
Monarchy, Anarchy, etc...
Electric Types
Crossbreeding 2
Ear Sizes?
Lights, Camera, Action!
Why Four Versions?
Origin of Ideas
Apricorn vs Bonguri no Mi

Nymphs? Sprites? Humans? Yes, we all know what nymphs and sprites are, but humans? Humans are creatures that do not have any elemental powers. Humans are more related to Nymphs, because their pupils are round and circular and they have no fangs, unlike the sprites. Humans also have a very wide variety of personalities and they can varry between the basic gentle side of nymphs, and the more primitive minds of sprites.

Elemental Types? Nymphs and Sprites all have elemental powers, similar to a monster. The five basic types being fire, water, electricity, earth, and wind. Earth types can control the soil, rocks, and plants, unlike the limited types that monsters have. However, there are some cases in which an earth type is only specialized to one of the three. But this is usually concidered a birth defect, and the person gets really screwed.

Monarcy, Anarchy, etc... Different types are ruled by different, uhh... types (>.<) Electric and wind types have one or two monarchs. Earth types are controlled by a group of people of different levels (kind of like a messed up government). Fire types live among tribes of thirty or less, ruled by one person (the leader). Water types live in an anarchy and are controlled by nobody except themselves ('Nuff said).
Humans are controlled by... well, at this time period, the emperor of Japan. The natives (nymphs and sprites) of the Sekiei Island, however, are not ruled by the emperor, and continue to live by their own ruler, weather they like it or not.

Crossbreeding? Boy, there sure is a lot of it in there as well. How did that come to be? Oh well. Crossbreeding was something kind of never thought of until about... about fifty years ago (Yeah, I sure planned all this out in the beginning). It was discovered that crossbreeding between nymphs, sprites, humans, and elements could actually work. Some were very pro-crossbreeding, and some were against it. Some actually didn't care. Actually, the whole idea of labeling it crossbreeding was when I was trying to think (translation: fill some space) of why Hanako would be disgusted by Shigeru besides him being a "scruffy earth sprite." I just took something random and typed it without thinking. Isn't that impressive? ^^;;

Electric types I think the secondary power of electric types had been left out of the story. Electric typed nymphs and sprites have a small ability to fly. However electric types are only able to fly quickly in a short amount of time... in fact, it's so short it's probably only thirty seconds at most. Wind and sky types are able to float in the air at any speed they like, but electric types can only be airborne at lightning speed. However, flying is something rarely used by electric types, and they actually prefer running, as Satoshi had once demonstrated. In chapter one, Satoshi "almost flew" at Shigeru and then tackled him. Flying at somebody can be extremely dangerous if it's at top speed, so therefore he only ran quickly. The bottom line? Electric types fly, but they don't very often. The strange thing is that pidgeons have the same problem.

Crossbreeding 2 The results of crossbreeding is.... strange. There is no such thing as 1/2 nymph, 2/3 human, or 3/4 sprite or anything like that. You're one or the other... or the other. Types of elements can sometimes be dominant over species, and this is probably all very confusing right now. Allow me to make you even more confused:
Nymph X Human: When a nymph and human crossbreed, certain elements are dominant. Earth is not dominant, and if the nymph has that element, the child becomes a human. Electricity, water, wind, and fire are dominant, and the child will become a nymph.
Nymph X Nymph: Well, of course their child becomes a nymph, but certain types are dominant over others. Earth is dominant over electricity, electricity is dominant over fire, fire is dominant over wind, wind is dominant over water, and water is dominant over nothing. But, also, Wind is dominant over electricity and fire is dominant over earth.
Nymph X Sprite: Sprites are regularly dominant over nymphs, unless the nymph is a water type, in which it will be dominant over any type of sprite. Strange that in the future, half of the population of water nymphs will be created by Nymph and Sprite reproduction. Oh boy....
Sprite X Sprite: The exact opposite of of Nymph X Nymph. So now I don't have to waste my time typing so much. And this will also give me the the time to write my next paragraph, which will give me even more time for those that come after that in the near future, even though by now I'm already done with the whole page or else you wouldn't have been reading this because I never let my sites out until they're finished. This has been a very ironic thing for me to say, concidering I had just said I didn't (and I quote) "have to waste my time typing so much" even though this is one of the longest paragraphs I have typed on this page.
Sprite X Human: Again, the opposite of Nymphs. However, Fire type have been moved over to the non-dominant side, and earth has moved to the dominant side.
Human X Human: This is not even crossbreeding......

Ear sizes It's strange, but actually true. Here, different types have different ear sizes. Hopefully, this isn't as confusing as the crossbreeding issue above. There is the "standard" ear size, which is about five or six inches in length, and this is usually on wind, fire, and water types. Earth types have shorter ears, and electric types have longer ears.

Lights, Camera, Action! Quiet on the set, even though this is actually a fic you're reading on the internet. I like seeing the modern version as a movie since I always wanted to see a Pocket Monsters movie with real actors in it. In fact, seeing all of my ideas for fanfiction as movies or OAV series is what lets me write at all. I like to picture each scene as an actual part of a movie so then I can just describe what's going on and see just what look everybody has in their faces. Now, this may not be the best way to right a story, but you have to at least be thankful for no script writing.

Why Four Versions? Well, when I first started the fic, I really wanted to make it a bigger fic than the other ones I wrote. The fic got a few compliments from friends and such; more than any of my other fanfictions, and I decided to take it into a new level and make a website for it. Now that's just silly. One lonesome little fanfiction on a site. Of course, one of the aspects is that it doesn't go for too long, but it still seemed like a waste of space. While I was thinking of making a site for Evil vs Evil, I looked back at my chapters, noticing some little places where I could have snuck in a joke or two, but I didn't put them in just yet since I wanted to keep the fanfiction on the serious side. So, I made the comedy version a little while after. Then, I started seeing the fanfic as a modern every-day fic that went on in the present (or actually it's near-future, but who the hell cares?). This took a little more time to make since there couldn't be any forested areas or elemental powers. Then, finally, because there are almost no sci-fi Pocket Monster fanfictions out there, I decided to start working on that as well.

Origin of Ideas Well, all this junk with nymphs and sprites and sci-fi junk couldn't have just jumped out of nowhere. Now, the origin of the idea came from some really OLD fanfictions I wrote when I was a dubbie (like half the readers here probably are).
Now then, the following really old fanfictions I once wrote (some of them were never finished) and things were used to help me create Evil vs Evil:
Sprite, Galaxia (not from Sailor Moon), Good vs Evil, Nymphs X Sprites, Heart to Ego (read it here).
That's a lot, but there you go. Except for Heart to Ego, they're all dubbie fics I made. Sprite was a fic with a fantasy genre which included some sprites inhabiting an island. Galaxia is the sequal, which has a sci-fi genre. Good vs Evil was a fic that was Satoshi-tachi against Roketto Dan but Satoshi-tachi was evil and Roketto Dan was good. Nymphs X Sprites was a spin-off of Sprite in which I first created the idea of the sprite and nymph difference. Heart to Ego was originally a one-chaptered egoshipping fic called Kidnap a Crush, and was restored into a four-chaptered advanced sci-fi fanfiction.
And that is what "inspired" Evil vs Evil. Want to read Sprite or Galaxia? Too bad, I won't let you. I'd be too embarrassed.

Apricorn vs Bonguri no Mi This is probably the one thing I left for the dubbies. Of course you all know that the "apricorn" is a made-up fruit-type thing that grows on trees, which you can turn into monster balls, and the original Japanese name of it is "bonguri no mi." But does anybody realize how many messages and emails I get asking me about the dubbie names of almost everything I mention? I figured saying that a ball was made out of bonguri no mi would confuse the readers even more than they should be. Of course... I do still get some people asking what an apricorn is... o.O