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Scattered Rain ~The Site Collective of Demon Hunter Naomi~


My Sites



Konnichiwa minna-san! Demon Hunter Naomi desu! And you've stumbled upon my site collective, Scattered Rain. Scattered Rain is named after the Trigun song (called... Scattered Rain ><), which I really like. Besides listing my sites, I've also listed fanlistings I've joined and personality quiz results in the 'other' section. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay! Please feel free to look around, and after you're done, check out one of my sites. ^_^ Thanks for coming!


Holy crap... she's alive?? I'm sure that's what you're thinking, if, indeed, anyone still actually visits this site. You know I don't. :P I fixed up the fanlistings links and such. Not that anyone cares. ;)

Ahh!! Bad news everyone! Muteki got shut down! >_< My beloved first site... it's because life's been so hectic that I don't have a chance to update anymore (hey, just look at Fellowship... I haven't been there in ages!). I feel stupid having a site collective with only one main website now... at least that's what summer's for. There's a few to come, don't worry. ^^; But yeah..
RIP Muteki Anime Central...
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Took another few personality quizes. I saw the first one on FireYoukai's (Nicole-chan's) live journal, snorted, and thought to myself, 'hah, I bet I'm about a three.' Turns out I'm a six! The highest! XP I'm cute! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!! *ahem* Yeah... don't mind me, I like the way it sounds. Heh. ^_^v So yeah, apparently I'm cute, Kagome, Yura (intersting combo.. Kagome and Yura.. ha), and Hitomi. Fwee!
~Demon Hunter Naomi

I'm Pirate Shaun! ^^' Ah, yet another personality quiz taken... I got Shaun White's 'alter ego', Pirate Shaun... arrr... hah, don't even ask. The site I took it at (the fan directory for him) has fanfics about him.. does anyone besides me find that kind of creepy? I mean, he's a real person, not some anime character... some of them were romance stuff. My reaction: >_O Strange. Ha, the day someone writes fics about MY life... they'd be so bored. Nyar~! 'And Naomi sat down at the computer after a hard day of inking and toning her manga for the Rising Stars Contest. As she checks her e-mail, she decides to take a personality quiz or two. Then she goes off to eat. Afterwards, she trudges upstairs to go to bed.' >_______<
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Took another Sorting Hat personality quiz. (The best ever, in my opinion; _very_ accurate results) I got Ravenclaw again. (Woot!) I wish I went to Hogwarts... I'd be a proud Ravenclaw! I almost got Hufflepuff... I think both are probably pretty accurate for me... ah well, not much else. Check out the quiz if your bored, it's really good! ( Click here )
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Well, I'm having _way_ too much fun with these fanlistings. ^^ Joined another three today, these being anime related ones. Roronoa Zoro (One Piece), Tezuka Kunimitsu (Tennis no Oujisama), and an Arina Tanemura one. Ah well, that's about it.
~Demon Hunter Naomi

I just joined 5 (O_o) fanlistings, all related to movie/book characters. They include: Eric Rivers (Grind), Sirius Black (Harry Potter Series), Harry Potter (Harry Potter Series), Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Series), and Dominic Toretto (The Fast and the Furious). Still pending, but meh, whatever. ^_^;
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Joined the Escaflowne fanlisting. Still a pending member though.
~Demon Hunter Naomi

I took a load of personality quizzes, so go check out the results! PQs are so much fun... ^^
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Fixed the link to the Jack Sparrow fanlisting. I also updated info on A Fellowship of Dreams' description, and MAC has a new layout up. Just thought you'd like to know. ^_^
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Well, the Jack Sparrow fanlisting was back up, so I signed up. That's about it. ^^' See ya later!
~Demon Hunter Naomi

I've joined two more fanlistings. Ahh! When will the madness end? >< Actually, probably never. I have so many to join, and so little time! ^_^() Anyways.. one for Ron Weasley (my abosolute FAVORITE HP character.. besides Sirius and Draco, who are up there too.. but Ron's my favorite..) and one for the Ravenclaw House in general. Yes, I'm a die-hard Ravenclaw at heart. Phooey too all those Gryffindors and Slytherins. ~_^ Go Ravenclaw! I was to join one other in the characters section as well, but apparently the great Jack Sparrow's fanlisting is gone for now.. but why??? (why is the rum gone? ><) *ahem* I mean, 'why is the *fanlisting* gone?'. ><
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Joined three more fanlistings. One for Izumi Rio from the anime Full Moon wo Sagashite, one for Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (another anime), and one for JK Rowling, my absolute favorite author in the whole world. ^___^ I also got a re-directing URL thingie for Muteki Anime Central, so the new URL is linked in the 'my sites' section. I like the new URL, it's so much easier to remember. Oh well, see yah!
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Joined two more fanlistings, both related to fanfiction. One is an anime-related one, one is fanfiction in general. Ah well, that's all.
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Hi everyone! Welcome to the grand opening of Scattered Rain, my site collective! Nothing really special... in fact, I don't even have a lot of sites yet. >< But I guess the keyword there is 'yet', so there will be more eventually. ^_^ Oh well, have fun looking around! And be sure to check out one of my more important sites. ^^; Thanks!
~Demon Hunter Naomi

Site started on 4-8-04