Scattered Rain ~Version 2.0-Rum~
Welcome! You've stumbled upon my site collective, Scattered Rain. Scattered Rain is named after a song from the anime Trigun, which I really like. Besides listing my sites, I've also listed fanlistings I've joined and personality quiz results in the 'other' section. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay! Please feel free to look around, and after you're done, check out one of my sites. ^_^ Thanks for coming!
I put up a new layout. I've wanted to do a Jack Sparrow one anyway, and now that the second movie came out, it seemed as good a time as ever. Enjoy!
Holy crap... she's alive?? I'm sure that's what you're thinking, if, indeed, anyone still actually visits this site. You know I don't. :P I fixed up the fanlistings links and such. Not that anyone cares. ;)
Ahh!! Bad news everyone! Muteki got shut down! >_< My beloved first site... it's because life's been so hectic that I don't have a chance to update anymore (hey, just look at Fellowship... I haven't been there in ages!). I feel stupid having a site collective with only one main website now... at least that's what summer's for. There's a few to come, don't worry. ^^; But yeah..
RIP Muteki Anime Central...
Took another few personality quizes. I saw the first one on Nicole's live journal, snorted, and thought to myself, 'hah, I bet I'm about a three.' Turns out I'm a six! The highest! XP I'm cute! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!! *ahem* Yeah... don't mind me, I like the way it sounds. Heh. ^_^v So yeah, apparently I'm cute, Kagome, Yura (intersting combo.. Kagome and Yura.. ha), and Hitomi. Fwee!
I'm Pirate Shaun! ^^' Ah, yet another personality quiz taken... I got Shaun White's 'alter ego', Pirate Shaun... arrr... hah, don't even ask. The site I took it at (the fan directory for him) has fanfics about him.. does anyone besides me find that kind of creepy? I mean, he's a real person, not some anime character... some of them were romance stuff. My reaction: >_O Strange. Ha, the day someone writes fics about MY life... they'd be so bored. Nyar~! 'And Lisa sat down at the computer after a hard day of inking and toning her manga for the Rising Stars Contest. As she checks her e-mail, she decides to take a personality quiz or two. Then she goes off to eat. Afterwards, she trudges upstairs to go to bed.' >_______<
Took another Sorting Hat personality quiz. (The best ever, in my opinion; _very_ accurate results) I got Ravenclaw again. (Woot!) I wish I went to Hogwarts... I'd be a proud Ravenclaw! I almost got Hufflepuff... I think both are probably pretty accurate for me... ah well, not much else. Check out the quiz if your bored, it's really good! (