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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Paxil's Story

De-Li's High Anxiety

Born November 27th 2003

B-G Dog ID = 19310

Owned and so much loved by Helen Hollander

Paxil July 2013

January 31st 2013, my sweet, sweet 9 year old was diagnosed with Histiocytosis localized in his left lung.

Needless to say, I was stopped in my tracks. I could not breathe. This can't be happening again. With out missing a beat, I began my crusade...I was not going to give up on my boy. We went on one heck of a roller coaster ride...first being told it was nothing only to receive a call several hours later saying "big mistake!" The mass in his left lung was indeed histiocytosis, however it appeared to be localized. His other organs appeared clean and his blood work was excellent. Paxil was also asymptomatic. He was the picture of health! How could this be?

Elton keeping a watchful eye on his brother Paxil

Next stop, once I caught my breath, was the visit to the surgeon and Oncologist. Was surgery a viable option and what *type* of surgery to remove the mass was involved? After more radiographs and cat scans, the surgeon called me at 8:00 in the evening with his opinion. His exact words to me, and I will NEVER forget them were " Mrs. Hollander, I think I can help your boy". I cried. And then I cried some more. That same week, we met againwith the surgeon and the oncologist (Dr. Gerry Post) to discuss his prognosis and they both said that Paxil had a few months to live with out surgery , but with Surgery, his chances were excellent.

I was not sure what to do. Maintaining his quality of life at that point was paramount. What would the surgery entail? What would his recuperation be like? He was 9, could he handle it all? I was not thinking of cost at this time. Paxil meant the world to me (as all our dogs do) but he meant more to me for very personal reasons as well. He was my rock through some very difficult personal times, my daily "anti depressant" and there was no way I was walking away with out a fight. I was prepared and ready to sacrifice it all....that was a definite and not up for discussion.

Sparing you all the little details, we opted to do the surgery. And I want to add... at this point I agreed to do the surgery ONLY after speaking with a fellow Berner owner whose dog was dx'd with the same exact condition as Paxil....right down to the same lung and location. He was and is still doing well. I think I have to say she was my TRUE ray of hope.
<See Brando's Story here!>

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Paxil's Surgeon

Paxil came through the surgery with flying colors, had 2cm of clean margins
and the rest was left to the Angels watching over him.


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Day 3
post surgery

Day 3
first night home post surgery

Day 4 post surgery
ready to go outside with his toy

On February 28, Paxil began his CCNU (Lomustine) oral chemo treatments, once every three weeks. He handled the medication well other than becoming "selective" about what he would eat. His appetite never diminished, appetizing meals were the only challenge. I suppose their taste buds change, but he could not tell me what he preferred. Sauerkraut still remains one of his favorites...GO FIGURE!

Paxil's wonderful Oncologist

Well it is now August 5th, just about 6 months post surgery. Paxil had his last treatment last week. His blood work was excellent other than the fact one of his three liver values was slightly elevated...normal for some dogs taking this chemo. Other than that, he is gorgeous, spunky, active and generally wonderful as he has always been. In addition to his last treatment, which also includes a complete CBC, he underwent a body scan & radiographs. At the time of the visit (last Thursday) his oncologist once again came out with both thumbs up. Whaaa Hooo!

I was away for the weekend only to come home Sunday evening to a phone message from the "2nd opinion" radiologist. My heart stopped..."NO SIGN OF RETURNING CANCER FOR PAXIL"!

I was once again stopped in my tracks and once again, I was crying...crying tears of joy. So now, Paxil will hopefully resume "life as usual" and will be able to socialize with his friends (which he was not permitted to do due to the fact his immune system was greatly compromised from the chemo). I don't take his prognosis for granted...not for a second. Histio is histio and it is a sneaky, nasty silent killer...but for now, Paxil is looking forward to his 10th birthday, Veteran parades and runs on the beach with his friends. He has missed visiting the horses and Berner group walks and hopefully, he will "remember" the foods he loved and make meal time easier for me. But most importantly, Paxil IS, at the moment, A HISTIO SUCCESS story.
Bless you Paxil...I never gave up hope. You are a trooper and a fighter and hopefully, we will, yes indeed, we WILL grow old together.

NEVER give up H-O-P-E !!!!

Paxil two months post surgery ~ April 2013 Looking Good


Paxil had his check up today. Blood panels done. They were NOT good....They were in Dr. Post's own words....AWESOME!!! Today was Paxil's "official graduation". Here are some pics of Pax receiving the "coveted" Orange Bandana! YOU DID IT PAXIL!!!! I love you sooooo much big boy. Keep it up...You are my CHAMPION is so many ways.

In Loving Memory of


De-Li's High Anxiety
November 27th 2003 to

February 19th 2014

Paxil's Tribute Page on Histio Roll Call
and on Berner Veterans aged 10 yrs 3 mths

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