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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Stella Comes Home

Keith and Randy's new Berner Baby

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Stella aged 7 1/2 weeks

May 26th '08 - Randy and I just got home from Chicago last night and tonight at 630PM we picked up Stella and WOW she adjusted right in. She did not cry or even whimper in the car ride home! Joey was curious but not angry or wacked out as I thought he would be. Seems like she was always here... So far so good! The lady in the photo is my neighbor and friend Trissa, Ran and I went to her wedding in Cancun a few weeks ago. And She got to meet our friend Bev from across the street!

Pleased to meet you, Joey

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Stella meets the neighbours

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All tired out!

Awake again and ready for action!

Keith and the kids.

For earlier pics of baby Stella

For more pics of Stella as she continues to grow:

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