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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

CH DeerPark's Donato's Tesoro de Gioioso

Born September 18th 2010

Tesoro's BG page

With thanks to Diana for this update, May 4th 2013

I have a DRAFT DOG!

As some of you know, I hooked him up last weekend for the first time...he stepped out, did a slow and normal, wide left turn, wide right turn, and backed up 5 feet with me standing by his side.... Since then we've gone out three more times. He's doing crossovers and his tail is wagging the whole time. He's doing great! Guess I'll be going to some draft tests in the fall.

Party boy keeps putting his toys in the we take them for rides and when I unhook him he takes one out and we play!

UPDATE on the photo contest...for those on Facebook...we are in first place and ahead by 10 vote.

Thank you all for voting....but please keep it up. Remember you can vote once every 24 hours!
(If you putthe link in your favorites or Bookmark Bar it make it easier to get too.)

Here's his link

Cheers, Diana and Tesoro

For earlier pics of Tesoro

Introducing Tesoro

Christmas Greetings

Happy 4th July

Happy 1st Birthday



Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Ho, Ho, Ho!

Happy Valentine's Day

It's Spring

First Show

Big Weekend

1st Major

Happy 2nd Birthday

A NEW Champion

In Loving Memory of

Fidelio Donato

Donato's Death Cap Mushroom Flyer

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