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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Berner Pups Zoe and Tucker
with Sister Hannah

03/06/04 "Hi everyone, Remember Hannah, Tucker and Zoe ? We just received new photos of the 3 of them.. Hannah 2 yrs. old is flanked by Tucker at 2 years on the left side of the photo, and Zoe, almost one year old, on the right side of the photo.. The 10 months they have all been together has truly brought some real changes.. Love prevails at the Burnell home, and is so evident in this picture of " The unseperable threesome "... Real Cool !!
Love to all from Chris and Herb ~~~~~ p.s. Other photo is of Tim Burnell with Zoe and Hannah."

Hannah with Bernese Mountain Dogs Zoe and Tucker
Tucker, Hannah and Zoe.

{short description of image}
Tim Burnell with Zoe and Hannah.

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