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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

Snowed In!

February 9th 2007


"Oh, Pixie, I was supposed to go to the vet this morning and Jean had to phone really early and cancel the appointment as we are snowed in! We are surrounded by a total "White Out" and all the roads are closed and it's going to get worse, this is just the beginning!"

Barney and Pixie

"Don't worry, Barney, Jean and I will look after you, if need be she will get Dennis to come up with the tractor and trailor to take you to the vet, your new appointment is on Monday and we have enough of your meds 'til then, you will be OK!

Snow Bernese

"In the meantime, come on, let's go and romp, we Berners love the White Stuff and we have three days of Proper Snow before the meltdown!"

The heavy snowfall continued, by Saturday evening was two feet deep around the house and a good four feet deep down in the meadow below. Sadly, the batteries on my camera went flat and Grrr! No new ones and totally isolated here, but all the dogs had so much fun!:-))

The roads were cleared by the Monday for Barney's new vet appointment, he continues to do well on his many medications, finally uploading these pics two weeks later, hmmm! My camera even with new batteries was refusing to give me the pics, has taken two weeks for it to thaw out!:-))

*Next Page, Barney, is 9 yrs old!*

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