Name: Gatomon
Attack: Lightning Paw
Evolutions: YukimiPotomon, Nyaromon, Salamon, Gatomon, Angewoman, and MagnaDramon
Digidestined: Yagami Hikari
Crest/Digimental: Light. With the digimental of light Gatomon becomes Nefertimon
Jogress Partner: Hawkmon
"This litter box ain't big enough for the two of us!"
"His dark rings are making us as weak as new born kittens, I heard were all gonna have to punch a time clock too!"
"Why don't you pick on someone one tenth of your size?"
"I hope my first litter doesn't act like this"
"Let's show Ken how the law goes around here."
Gatomon is one tough kitty. Her life growing up was a hard one, and her attitude shows that. She is hard to get to know because of her high defenses but once you get to know her she is as sweet as sugar. She's very devoted to her job in protecting Hikari and will go to extreme measures just to make sure that she's safe.