um...yeah...can we all say 'workaholics?' lol, I (Kara) had the day off (YES! P.D. DAY! *dances* no school!) so I decided to do some work here. The profiles for ALL the digimon partners have been added! ^^ check 'em out! More updates soon! I'm about to go work on the 'Movie Script.' (for those of you who are wondering what the 'script' sections are for, here's the answer. It's where either Stephanie or I sit down in front of the TV with Digimon tape, remote control, pen and LOTS of paper to write down everything that everyone says, and everything that happens. Yes...we're very dediacted...)^^ ~*~Kara and Stephanie
*sweatdrop* what can we say? we're work-a-holics when it comes to things like this...*hehehe...* the 'polls' section has been added! Look for more updates soon! ~*~ Kara and Stephanie
lol, yes, *another* update today. What can we say? It's the weekend, and we're two very bored, very obsessed with Digimon webmistresses! ^^ The 'Links' section has been added, and expect another update later today, or tomorrow...or both. ^.~ polls should be up soon, as well as link to us, the rest of the profiles, pics, the pics for Digimon...you get the idea. Everything will be up within the next week...if not sooner. ^^ ~*~ Kara and Stephanie
The 'scans' section has been added! Check 'em out, their exclusive and came in rather nicely. ^^ ~*~Kara and Stephanie
The pages for Sora's pics, and Miyako's pics have been added! Expect another update later today, or early tomorrow! ~*~ Kara and Stephanie
The page is now up, the links are all working, and so on! Enjoy! Guestbook and other things will be up shortly (most likely Monday) ~*~Kara and Stephanie