Name: Hawkmon
Attacks: Hawk Beak, Buzz Saw
Evolutions: Pururumon, Poromon, Hawkmon, Aquilamon, and Silphymon
Digidestined: Inoue Miyako
-Love. With the digimental of love Hawkmon becomes Halsemon
-Sincerity. With the digimental of sincerity Hawkmon becomes Shurimon
Jogress Partner: Gatomon
"Come back little Sushi!"
"Do you think Ken hit his head? I did that once and thought I was a fruit bat."
"Harumph! Why do I get stuck with a defective human?"
"Can we end this quickly? After all, I'm on vacation"
"Sorry, But duty calls, and so does Yolei!"
Hawkmon is a very cultured and polite digimon. Although his personality clashes with Miyako's loud one, they get alone wonderfully and would do anything for each other. Hawkmon is very loyal, and would stop at nothing to help protect his friends and loved ones.