Name: Patamon
Attacks: Boom Bubble
Evolutions: Poyomon, Tokomon, Patamon, Angemon, MagnaAngemon, and HolyDramon
Digidestined: Takaishi Takeru
Crest/Digimental: Hope. With the digimental of hope, Patamon becomes Pegasusmon
Jogress Partner: Armadillomon
"He's so big and I'm... not."
"The forces of good are more powerful!"
"Some day I'll digivolve too!"
"I am not pig T.K.!"
Although Patamon may be a small digimon, his personality is not at all like his size. His attitude is larger then life. He's brave, loyal, smart, and all together a totally cute digimon. He works well with Takeru, for they are both somewhat childish and their personalities compliment each other well. Patamon is always willing to do as much as he can to help his fellow digimon in any way he can.