Name: Veemon
Attacks: V-Headbutt,
Evolutions: Chibimon, DemiVeemon, Veemon, XVeemon, Paildramon, and Imperialdramon
Digidestined: Motomiya Daisuke
-Courage. With the digimental of courage Veemon becomes Flamedramon
-Friendship. With the digimental of friendship, Veemon becomes Raidramon.
Jogress Partner: Wormmon
"My name's Veemon, but you can call me Veemon!"
"Davis can I ask you something? If you're one of the guys now does that mean you were one of the girls? And if so how come you never told me?"
"Veemon digivolve too...ChampionMegaDancermon!"
"Davis, how come if we're on land I'm getting seasick?"
"Human females make human males act weird!"
Veemon is an energetic digimon with a heart as big as his amount of energy. He's the perfect match with Daisuke, for they are both hardheaded, loyal, and they have enough energy to provide for three men. Veemon is as brave as they come and he would eagerly risk his life to save his friends.