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News and UpdatesAnime WallpapersAnime DVD ReviewsAnime Character ProfilesAbout the Site

Anime Wallpapers
-Agent Aika
-BubbleGum Crisis 
-BurnUp W
-Cowboy Bebop
-Ghost in the Shell
-Jin Roh
-Love Hina
-Misc Series
-Tenchi Muyo
Character Profiles
[not up]
 DVD Reviews
-Jin Roh
-Trigun Series
About Section 

Here's a little info on just what the heck you're visiting right now. 

When I began doing website design I always aspired to make a site as good as sites
like the Anime Web Turnpike, Albatross Anime, and other long running triple A sites.
The problem was I just wasn't good enough. I had to learn more, do more, and just
build more. 

When I started working on my CIS Web Design degree I began to attain the skills I
needed. When I took Advanced Webpage design I started to make really proffesional
looking stuff. So, to test my progress I made Otaku Visual Binaries (RIP). For six 
months I dedicated myself to updating the site, making anime wallpapers for and 
generally trying to make it look better. 

Unfortunetly, I had this stupid idea that good looking always means better. That 
apparently isn't the case. I must have went through half a dozen site redesigns 
before I finally said enough is enough. Otaku Visual Binaries had originally been a 
school assignmentof sorts. A way to track and guage my progress as a site designer. 
I realized I needed a site that I would make for myself and for the anime community. 

That is what Anime Elite will be. 

Right now I have so many ideas for the site its mind boggling. Hopefully, this fall 
I will get some actual webhosting and my own domain name. Then I'll be able to 
bring Anime Elite to the full potential I want it to have. 

Until then I'll still be able to do a lot with the extra space Angel Fire offers over 
the previous Geocities account I use to have. The only gripe I have about it, is 
that eyesore of a banner they make you have atop your site :P

And Now, some info on the bakas who run this joint.

Profile: Chris E. Carlson .alias. Spiffu

Position: Site Director

Age: 21

Location: San Diego, CA


Height: 6' 4" (yeah, I'm tall)

Shoe Size: 15" (hey ladies >:)

ok, nothing else relevant in that department :P


Anime (duh), console gaming, PC gaming, off roading when I have the time, fishing when
I get the chance, other stuff too just can't think of it right now. Oh yeah! Constantly 
testing my spicey f00d tollerance. 

Current Occupation

Soon to be 4th year college student at Southwestern college majoring in Computer 
Information Systems with an emphasis in Web Page Design. 

Currently, I'm on vacation due to an overly hectic semester. Thats why I have time 
for the site :P

Games I'm Currently playing...

As for console games I've been mostly playing some of the Squaresoft classics such as
Seiken Denetsu 1 and 2 (Secret of Mana) and Final Fantasy III. I'm also playing 
Guilty Gear X, Virtual On 2, Capcom vs SNK, and Project Justice on my import Dreamcast.

As for PC gaming I haven't been playing the lastest games since quite frankly, the lastest 
ones suck. So I've been playing A LOT of mods for Half-Life and UT. Primarily Tactical Ops
and Wasteland.

Anime I'm Currently watching...

I pretty much watch all that I have frequently and randomly. But more than anything
I've been watching BubbleGum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Serial Experiments Lain, and Cowboy Bebop
over and over again just cuz they're so damn good!

I guess thats about it on me. If I think of something else, I'll post it.