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I have interviewed some characters from the DragonBall Z series, read on! These interviews are with the old staff from PokeYork! *Eevee1 is still staff*

Charmander1:Hi we're live at PokeYork's interview!
So Goten some people call you Minigoku because you look like goku. How does this make you feel?
Goten: Hi mom and dad!!
Charmander1 Okay......ummm... can you answer this question?Goten:Ooooo! Candy!
Charmander1: You can eat the candy later! Answer my question!
Goten: Look at all the pretty buttons on the camera!
Charmander1:Noooo goten....Don't press that button!
Camera man: Uh...we're having some minor problems...please stand by.
Charmander1: Goten.......
Charmander1: I wonder if there are any other charmanders....
Camera Man: Uh...we're back on.
Charmander1: We are?? Okay....welcome back to PokeYork's Interview for dbz! I am interviewing Goten right now...Goten what's is your favorite thing do?
Goten:I like to fight! Here, I'll show you my super punch!
Charmander1: Well...okay..........but where will you.....................get away from the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***Please Stand By***
**Don't actualy stand though.....**
Charmander1: Goten...get out, get out, get out!!!!
Camera Man: Okay....end the interview!

Eevee1: Okay, this is my first interview, so let's make this good, okay Goku?
Goku: Hey, is that candy?
Eevee1: Uh, yeah, help yourself
Goku: Thanks! Wow, that table over there is loaded with food!
Eevee1: Hey, where are you going? Come back! This is my first interview!
Camera Guy: Cut!
Eevee1: No! This is my first's live! Don't cut! Goku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gohan (Teenager)
Eevee1: Gohan, I'll get straight to the questions, is it hard trying to get everyone to not suspect you are a Super Saiyan/Saiyaman at high school?
Gohan: Oooh! Food!
Eevee1: No, come back! Arg...get rid of the food...someone!!!

Eevee1: Do you think you will ever be stronger then Goku?
Vegeta: Kakoratto will stop training sometime, and then I will dominate!
Eevee1: And, what about trunks?
Vegeta: What about him? I'm trying to train him to be stronger then Gohan.
Eevee1: Oh...that' what about Bulma?
Vegeta: What are you...a giant rat?
Eevee1: Huh? No...I'm a type of fox...a Pokemon.
Vegeta: That's freaky, you talk!
Eevee1: How can you say that??? You went up against a giant lizard..freeza! Then there was the grasshopper, cell!
Vegeta: You still look freaky.
Eevee1: Watch it, I know a Suicune!
Vegeta: What the heck is a Suicune? It sounds wierd!
Eevee1: Speak for yourself! Your name sounds really wierd!
Vegeta: My name is honorable!
Eevee1: Your the only person called Vegeta that is still alive! Why would anyone want that name!
Vegeta: That's it you freaky little fox!
*Vegeta gets up and powers up*
Eevee1: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! **Runs away**

Trunks (Kid)
Trunks: Whoa, what happened to you?
Eevee1: Don't ask
Trunks: Okay...
Vegeta: There you are!
Eevee1: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! **Runs away again**
Trunks: Dad!
Vegeta: Not now, I've got some fox hunting to do!

Eevee5: Yay, it's my turn to interview! So, Piccolo, did you know that you are a musical instrument?
Piccolo: Is that an insult?
Eevee5: Well...I guess it could be an insult...
Piccolo: Why you little!
Eevee5: Ahhhhhhhh! *Runs*

Mew20:So Cell what's it like being a grasshopper?
Cell:Dont Call Me A grasshopper!!!
Mew20:Don't threaten me! I know some pretty good psychic attacks!
Cell: Yeah right! You overgrown freakshow!!
Mew20: Thats it you asked for it! Psychic Attack!**Burns Wall**
Cell: Ha Ha! Missed me.
Gohan:Hey! Who hit me with that!!
Mew20: Uhh. He did.
Cell: Uh oh!
Gohan: Come back here!

Chi Chi
Eevee1: These interviews aren't going too good, so let's do this quickly...before vegeta finds me
Chi Chi: Okay.
Eevee1: Was it hard home schooling Gohan?
Chi Chi: Not really, he was a very smart boy.
Goku wandering around: Where did the food go?
Gohan: I don't know...
Chi Chi: Can't you two think of anything else besides food?
Eevee5 and piccolo run past them
Trunks: Where's my mom? I can't find my dad either.
Eevee1: Uh Oh...
The whole building shakes
Eevee1: What was that? **Walks outside**
Krillin: Told you my blast was stronger!
Yamcha: 2 out of 3!
Eevee1: Stop!!!!!! This was a bad idea! I can't believe's so............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Go away vegeta!!!!!!!!
Vegeta: Hahaha....not in your dreams! I'll show you what a Saiyan can do!
Camera man: Uh.....stop the tape!!!!!!

Just hanging around with all the characters
Eevee1: I'm bored.
Trunks: Me too.
Gohan: What about the interviews?
Eevee1: Too much trouble.
Chi Chi: Oh least it's quiet now.
*Then everyone hears a loud long noise.*
Eevee1: What was that???
Goku: Oops, sorry, I'm hungry.
Krillin: You're always hungry
*Yamcha comes running towards them*
Yamcha: Oh my god..who took my hair gel???
*Krillin starts laughing*
Yamcha: It's not funny! I need my hair gel!
*Eevee5 strolls over*
Eevee5: Hey, check out my new hair dew!
Yamcha: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! used my hair gel...
Eevee5: Well you left it on the floor.
Yamcha: I dropped it!
Cell: Where did that food table go?
Eevee1: You eat food?
Goku: Yeah, where did that food table go? I'm starving!
Cell: Good, maybe you'll die.
Eevee1: Hey, goku, aren't you supposed to be dead?
Goku: .................oh yeah!
Tien: Oh life to the fullest.
Goku: But...I'm supposed to be training at the great Kai's place!
*A bell rings from a clock*
Eevee1: Well....time to start the interviews again. Get in a line everybody!

Tien: Yup...I'm..Tien.
Eevee1: Okay.....Tien....uh.....can you see out of the top eye?
Tien: Always about the eye...
Eevee1: you see out of it?
*Tien gets up and walks away*
Eevee1:...I take that as a yes! ...okay..........................turn the camera off already!!!!!! End of interview

Eevee1: ...
Bra: ...
Eevee1: ...
Bra: ...
Eevee1: ...
Eevee5 *Whispering*: Hee....hee....hee
Eevee1: Ssssshhhhhhhh!
Eevee5 *Whispering*: Look at her name!
Eevee1: Just keep quiet!
Bra: ...
Eevee1: So........*Chuckle* your name?
Bra: Well I...
Eevee5: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Eevee1: Quit it!
Bra: Maybe I should leave...
Eevee1: No...stay!
Eevee5: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Bra: What's so funny?
Eevee1: Maybe you should leave. <(-_-')>
Eevee5: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Eevee1: Stop the interview!
**15 minutes after**
Eevee5: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!
Eevee1: Hahahahahaha!!!!
Da_Bomb_Trunks: You two have problems.
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