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Tips & Tricks for Music Videos

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Tips & Tricks For Music Videos
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Download the DVD guide!!!!

Some Tips....

The key to good music vids is to match the footage with the music. If you have very cool footage but it doesn't match with the music, the video SUCKS. First, know what kind of video you want to make. The most common ones are: action, drama/serious and comedy. I recommend using pop, rock, game music and dramatic/sentimental songs, since it's much easier to match footage with the music. R&b can also be used for drama and rap for action.

(If you don't want to download the guide, below is the online one.)

DVD footage method by Dark Sephiroth:

Ok, you need the right tools first. Download DVD decrypter, eXstream MPEG and the 3.11 Alpha codec (assuming that you have downloaded all other needed software, everything can be found at the software page) and install the programs. Of course you need a DVD player in your computer.(if you don't have one, at is a tutorial for using DVD footage without the DVD player in your computer).

Now put the DVD in your DVD drive and right-click on the DVD icon (example, for me it is the D:\ ), don't play it. You can see the option "decrypt using DVD decrypter". Select it and you will see the ripping program, with lots of files. You'll only need to rip the BIG (about 1 GB) files such as "VTS_04_1.VOB". Don't use the _0.VOB files, since it doesn't contain any footage.
An example for me would be:
You can select them all and if you want. Now hit the "Decrypt"button and the process should begin. After this is done, close the program and open eXtream MPEG.

Now you'll see the "input" screen. Select one of the .VOB files and go to "Output". ( you can select more if you want, but it's not recommended, because large files aren't practical in premiere) Select a place to save the output. Now hit the start conversion button. You can select the codec in this screen. Select the "DivX;-) MPEG-4 Fast-Motion codec" and hit OK. The program starts converting.
THIS TAKES A LONG TIME!!! If the .VOB file is over 1GB, than it should take 1½ hour. BE SURE TO CLOSE ALL OTHER PROGRAMS!! eXstream MPEG will take MUCH longer when you are doing other things. Just let it go for a while. When eXstream is done, check the output.

You can wath this in the Windows Media Player. Most of the time, the resolution is 320x240, but sometimes it is the original resolution (768x576). Don't worry about it, you can make it 320x240 in premiere. Now you can edit the divX files in premiere as you would do other files. Note: if you have a slow computer, premiere has a tendency to trip. (you'll have to wait about 5 seconds between doing a thing) This concludes the guide.

If you have questions, please e-mail me.
