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Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Cream
Rocket Position: White, Former Top Cat
Rocket Uniform: None
Pokemon: None - He is a pokemon
Japanese Name: Nysau
Note: I missed the Meowth Epi everytime. I'm sooo sorry and there for I have very little info on Meowth so I'm using the bio from Cori's Site instead. Sorry :^@

Meowth is the cute and cuddly cat member of Team Rocket. He's one of the few pokemon who can use human speech, and he even acts as his own trainer. More human than pokemon, Meowth is a full-fledged member of the Team Rocket trio, and Jessie and James treat him as their equal. The only thing sharper than Meowth's sarcastic wit is his set of claws, which he'll use to Fury Swipe his foes (and sometimes even his friends). And here's an interesting fact -- Meowth's character is based on the Maneki Neko, or Japanese Lucky Cat. In Japan, these adorable cat figurines -- some of which really do look like Meowth -- are found in many homes, restaurants, and stores. If the cat's left paw is raised, it's said to attract customers to the restaurant or store, and if the cat's right paw is raised, it's said to bring wealth. Meowth, however, always seems to have both of his paws raised. Hmmm...could that mean he's Team Rocket's good luck "charm?" ^_~ (Thanks to Shigeru1313 for the info on the Maneki Neko.)

Meowth was born homeless and starving -- his first memory is of being abandoned and left in the pouring rain. When he was a kitten, he saw a movie that inspired him to seek a better life in Hollywood, and once there, he survived by joining a gang of stray Meowths. Even though the gang looked out for Meowth and kept him fed, they couldn't offer him what he really wanted -- love.

Before long, however, he met and fell in love with a beautiful female Meowth named Meowsie. Unfortunately, Meowsie was a shallow, selfish bitch, and she hated Meowth because she saw him as nothing more than a lowly street-cat...and when he taught himself how to walk upright and talk in order to win her affections, she called him a freak and rejected him again. Heartbroken, Meowth set out to become rich and famous to try to win Meowsie's heart, and he ended up joining Team Rocket. And when he joined Team Rocket, he met Jessie and James, who became his best friends and gave him the love and acceptance he'd spent his entire life in search of.

Meowth may act tough and sarcastic, but he's proven time and again that he really is a sweet and heroic kitty. In the "White Tomorrow" CD drama, he saved Jessie, James, and Mondo from a swarm of Beedrills. When he was sick and Cassandra nursed him back to health, he repaid her by helping to train her Paras and make it evolve. He helped raise Misty's Togepi when it was still an egg, and he still thinks of himself as its mother. He battled for Jessie at the Princess Festival so that she could win the princess dolls she'd always wanted. He once acted like a wild Meowth so that he could be a little boy's hero on Children's Day. When he was reunited with Meowsie, he stood up to the Meowth gang to save her, even though she still hated him. In Mewtwo Strikes Back, he was one of the only pokemon who refused to fight his clone, and he was the first to realize that the only way to win the battle was to end the violence. When he was on an island of Meowth worshippers in the Orange Archipelago, he gave up the chance to be treated like a god for the rest of his days because he realized that Jessie and James were the people who truly made him happy, and he didn't want to leave them. He helped James search for Salvea Weed when Jessie got sick and did everything he could to make her feel better. When Jigglypuff was depressed about losing her microphone, Meowth cheered her up and restored her shattered confidence by telling her never to give up her dreams. He often uses his power of speech to help humans and pokemon communicate with each other. And he always looks so gosh-darned cute when he's sitting on Jessie and James's heads! ^_^ Meowth is even a Rocketshipper -- he's always teasing Jessie and James and dropping hints about them being in love, and in "The Double Trouble Header," when Jessie and James were reciting their motto and sharing an extremely romantic moment, Meowth looked on, crying tears of joy.

Meowth acts like he's jealous of Giovanni's Persian, and he says he says his goal is to become the top cat again, but he'd never leave Jessie and James. He doesn't need to be Gio's pokemon anymore -- in the eyes of his friends, he's already top cat!