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-The Wacky Webmisstres
-Ann's Top 50 Rocket Sites
-Weird Things

 The Gossip Column
-People You should know...
-James is...Gay?
-Jessie is...Evil?
-Meowth is...A cyborg?
-Add Your Thoughts and Speculations

 Shipper Sectiona
-Why I'm a Rocketshipper
-The Evidence
-Diffrent Ships

 Movie Maniac Mania
-First Movie
-Second Movie
-Third Movie
-Mewtwo Returns
-The Fourth Movie...Or what we know about it >o< Oh yeah...

 The Games
-Pokemon Red & Blue
-Pokemon Gold & Silver
-Pokemon Red Jessie Version
-Pokemon Crystal

 For the Game Freaks
-Breeding Guide
-Red Vs. Blue & Gold Vs. Silver

 Cheats Cheats Lalalala
-Battle Tower Tips For Trainers
-Modifier Codes
-How to Catch...
-Gameshark Codes
-Places to vist for cheats, w.t.'s, and codes...

 Stuff That Doesn't Go in ther Other Sections and Stuff like that....
-How Pokemon Started
-Find a place in your heart for...ADOPTIES
-Our Site Mascots

 Place, And Spaces YOU Should vist...Yes you over there.
The Rocket Directory

Why are you here? Well if you wanted to know about me why didn't you say so =P. Anyway My name is Annabelle (which goes with out saying really) and I'm 12 love Harry Potter, Cowboy Bebop, Pokemon (Team Rocket), Dragonball Z, and Fanfics. Yes fanfics a good story doesn't kill either but ah well. Put simply I'm a lunatic who has no life. I spend my free time drawing pictures that...well suck to say the least ><.

But yes what this site is about. Rocketshippyness ness ness. I love anything that had anything to do with romance. I first found the term while looking up info (I wanted piccys to mess with ^^) and found a fanart site. Well the term and the idea had never been introduced to me before. So we got aquantied and found out that well the same princable applied: James N' Jessie = Fun! And a wacky twist of imagination equals fanfics and fanart. I do both but I'm better at saying this is good and this is crap then anything else.

I also talk alot by the way. And another thing I have this weird this with profiles and usernames. I manage to make a nice number of them. Only remebering half the passwords and a quarter of the usernames =P. Yes I also go under the name TRJamesGal14, Jandjforever2002, Annabelle Ravenclaw, LupineaLover2006, TRAbragal2000, TRMeowthgal2002, and TRJessiegal2000. I'm crazy yes it's true. I also have a tendency to start things...And never finish. EVER. So please take this to heart when you see and fanfic that goes on and on and on and on and on and forever and ever and ever and ever and ever...And I think you get the picture.

I can type and type and never make any sense at all because that's the way I am ^^. I'm crazy I'll admit that. I don't care what kinda fanfiction ya got. What kinda fanart ya got. Could be slash...I like slash actually. Big R/S H/D fan. I like them for the simple fact that it just seems right. Some people look good together. Seem good. Sound good. The enire idea makes sense. For some odd reason I can picture Prof. Lupin with Sirius Black easier then I can with Prof. Snape (Come on RL/SS is just wrong. Don't sound right to me). Just like Jessie with James sounds better then Jessie with Butch or Jessie with Cassidy or James with Cass or Butch. You know what I'm sayin'.

Anyway I normally for some reason don't read half of what I post. I don't. I simply ask three things: A title, a name, an e-mail adress. That's it. I don't care about the rating of your story. Story is cool. Pic diffrent story. I don't like Porn Pics People (A group of Of Laddies and Gents Who don't like that stuff so. It's I.D.L.P.P.P. Nice ehh ^_^). Sorry I can deal with sex with the best of um okay as long as it's in good taste. A little hentai can't hurt but please people. Fanart porn is just wrong okay. I am 12 now. And I know not everybody who likes TR, HP, CB, and DBZ is over the age of 17. So one of my two rules (yes people there are two. Don't you 'a ww' and me mister!) is you respect the wishes of the I.S.L.P.P.P and that you have a Title, Username, and E-mail Adress attached to your works. Thanky!

So enough of that bull shit. As I have read two paragraphs of Cori Falls webmisstress thingy that's really, really,really long (people as much as I love the girls work you gotta admit that was getting a little boring). I on the otherhand blame you for coming here. It's your own damn fault. You wanted to read it you have to read it. I you don't wanna leave. Now. Go on. From here on out I will be ranting. A very long true blue rant. About G.W.B. war or no war. Okay you got 10 seconds.
10... Turn around
9... Go away
8... If ya come from Texas and know about his coke problem and have no problem with this outstanding man turn around
7... Please go away
6... Damnit I'm worin' ya boy!
5... Lalalalalalala *plants granades everywhere right near the land mines and electrocuted barbed wire)
4... I hate G. Wabba I hate G. Wabba! If this phrase offends you then leave now.
3... Dude I don't care anymore
2... AHH FALA LALALA A LALAL AL LA LA LA LA LA *looks at the white house and beams*
1... There is a child in there. A fifty year-old child. BUt I child non the less.


Now the I hate George boy campain...Will end. Because I'm an American. And I must have some respect. And well...I'm sorry folks. But Ahh maybe some other time. Let me see it's the 17th of December now... Year 2001...Maybe 2002? This time. Maybe. But not now. Well bye -TRJamesGal14, Jandjforever2002, Annabelle Ravenclaw, LupineaLover2006, TRAbragal2000, TRMeowthgal2002, TRJessieGal2000, TRJ, TRJam