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Fates of The Heart
by NeoLadySakura

Chapter 4

Ruki sat at her desk and read a piece of paper. After she finished reading the document she
picked up a pen that was on the right side of the paper and signed the document that was on
her desk.

Ruki got out of the chair she had been sitting in a few seconds earlier and stretched for a
second before looking at the clock that was on the wall; it read 5:50. 'It's almost dinnertime.
Now to go get Takato.' with that she walked out of the room.

After finishing the short walk from her office to Takato's guestroom; she knocked on the door.
All she heard was snoring so she decided to open the door.

What she saw was one of the funniest sites she would ever see in her life; takato was sleeping
with half of his body on the floor and half on the bed, with his butt sticking up of the bed.

Deciding to be mean, she graded the ice bucket that was on the nightstand next to the bed. She
checked to see if it was full of ice and lucky for her it was. So, she grabbed the bucket,
lifted off the top, pulled up part of Takato's boxers and filled them with ice.

After a second, Takato jumped up and started to run around the room, screaming 'It's cold, it's
cold, my butt's freezing!' After getting rid of the ice in his boxers, he saw Ruki laughing so
hard that she was nearly crying. "Ha ha very funny," he said sarcastically.

After she stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes she said " It really was, but you
should get dressed unless you want to go to dinner in that," pointing to Takato's boxers.

"Good point," he said, "Give me a sec."


In with a few seconds Takato had come out of the bathroom wearing, black pants, a white shirt
and a pair of nice black shoes, with his hair combed. " Not bad, Not bad at all," said Ruki
while walking around him to get a good look.

"Not bad yourself, Ruki."

"Thanks." Ruki was wearing black high heals, with a black skit and a white turtle neck sweater.
" Now let's get going, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."

"Yes, your highness," he said as the both walked out of the room.

"Hey, if you do that again I'm going to hit you on the head with a giant fan!" she said.

"All right, don't get barbaric on me."


On their way to the dining hall they talked about bunch of stuff including: what's better: pizza
or fries, why the sky is blue and other sill nonsense stuff.

When the reached the dining hall it was set-up as a buffet out looking the sea. At the same time
the said the exact same thing " Cool!"

Ruki started on one end and Takato on the other. After a few minuets the meet in the middle and
took all their plates, sat on a sofa with a table on front of it, which was out looking the sea
and started eating.

After the plates were cleared, they laid down on the grass and talked, but because they were
having so much fun they didn't notice that soon it was ten o'clock.

Takato lifted his wrist to look at his watch and noticed it was 10:00 p.m. He was tired so he
decided to go to bed. He turned to tell Ruki he was going to go to bed, and noticed she was

Takato lifted Ruki of the ground and took her to her room in which laid her in bed. He kissed
her on the forehead and said "Goodnight Ruki."

A few seconds later he heard a mumbled "Night, Takato," from her. He stood up and walked out of
the room closing the door lightly and leaving, Ruki to her sweet and pleasant dreams.

Chapter 3


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