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Fates of the Heart
by NeoLadySakura

Chapter 3

While Ruki was showing Takato, to his room he was looking around and thinking 'This kingdom so beautiful, like a dream paradise out of pure crystal. Everything here seems to depend on everything else, like the sweet melody of an orchestra, everything has a role and they fill it.' "Ruki you have a very beautiful kingdom, it is like a paradise only be able to be seen in a person's imagination," he said.

They stopped and she turned around to face him out-stretching her arm to her side, "Yes, it is beautiful, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have heard that your country is also very beautiful, with its grand forest and mountains," she finished as a falcon landed on her out-stretched arm.

"It is, very beautiful as you have heard and much more, I'm proud to rule such a beautiful place."

"I wish to visit your country after the talks are over it seems like wonderful place," she said while petting the falcon on her arm.

"It is," he looked to his left and saw a bench "Let's sit down and we can talk." They both went the bench and sat down.

"I have been meaning to ask, why are you here to have a peace agreement? From what I have heard, Terre is a peaceful nation," she said while letting the falcon go.

Takato looked at the two foxes playing with each other and said, "It is a very peaceful nation, very little crime and most of it is minor. The answer to your question is that King Medon's men are becoming very aggressive, they cross the border and burned down villages, killing men, women and children; for fun. If you ask me it is a very sick form of entertainment."

Shuddering at what vile and sick act these men had done she replied "How can they be human, those monster killing people for the fun of it."

"It gets worse, but I will not mention what else they do, because it is to gruesome," he said.

"You do need to tell me, if you let me I'll just read your mind and find out what else they do, since I will need to know this information, during the talks to reach a very good conclusion for both kingdoms."

"All right, what do I need to do?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all," she said. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and placed her hands on both sides of his head. Suddenly horrifying images appeared, one was of little children being killed in front of their parents, another was of a few men burning down a house, next was one of a man getting his head cut off in front of his wife and baby and finally the most gruesome one image appeared it was of a woman getting raped, being beaten to death and having her body mutilated.

Snapping her eyes open she had a shocked a look in her eyes and she was out of breath. 'I cant believe it, I just cant believe that those monsters did those things, that worse than plain death its self.'

"See what I mean, those monsters are just pure sick," he said.

"Yes, I see what you mean, let us move on to different subject. Do you have any family?" she asked.

"No, mine was killed when I was five, but my advisor and best friend Jenrya Lee, is like a brother to me. We are very close. How about you?"   

"My mother was killed by an assassin when I was 12, and my father was already dead before I was born. Her and I were, as close as could be, we never fought. Favorite season?" she said looking a little sad at the mention.

"I have a prefer, the fall, I love the beautiful colors on the leaves, makes the trees look so gorgeous. You?"

" I love winter, the snow and ice make the land seem so peaceful, and it's the best time when you don't want to do anything but just sit down and have a nice cup of hot chocolate," she said with a grin.

"My turn, what word describes you the best when you don't have any work to do?"

"That's simple I'm lazy, When I have a day off, I don't get up till one in the after-noon, It annoys my council till no end, but they don't say it around me, because the last time one of them said something about it the end up all wet," she said grinning ear to ear. "Now it's you turn."

"Same with me I'm super lazy, I hate getting up and doing my work, I sometimes get the idea to burn all my paperwork in one big barn- fire. Now, favorite time of day?"

"That's a tie between sunset and midnight. I like sunset because; it's a mix of pinks, purples, blues, and oranges. The reason that I like midnight, is because you can see the stars and moon so clearly at that time and the color of dark blue at that time just, has no name."

"Those are the same times that I like, when you see them it makes you feel at peace."

"Favorite food?" she asked.

"I don't have a favorite food, I like them all especially dessert," he said licking his lips. "How about you?"

"Same as you, I have no favorites."

"One of things you do when you have spare time?" he inquired.

"Sword fighting and archery.  Many of the other princesses say I shouldn't do those things because and I quote 'It is not lady like' unquote, but I don't care because I like doing it and it makes me feel proud that I can defend my self and be able to lead my people to battle if it is needed. You?"

"I love to do those things too. Remind me before I leave that I challenge you to a sword fight."

"I will, but remember, be prepared to lose," she said.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is or maybe it isn't," she said strumming her fingers against the arm of the bench, they were sitting on.

"Let's make a bet, If I win you have to be my faithful servant for a day."

"And if I win you have to go shopping with me. Deal?"

"Deal," he said as they shook hands.

"Want me to finish showing you to your room now?" she asked.

"That would be nice," he said as the both got up and started walking with Ruki leading the way.

"What would you do first, when you get there?" she inquired.        

"Probably, unpack, take a quick shower and a nice long nap," he said while yawning.

"That sounds nice."

"How about you what are you going to do after you show me to my room?" he asked.

"Get a snack and finish up some paperwork that's on my desk. I hate paper work!" she said with a sigh.

"So do I, it really does suck but somebody's got to do it or it doesn't get done," he said looking at the hall the were walking in. "Hey, Ruki what's the name of this hall and why does it have pillars?"

"This the 'Silver Moon' hall it is the most beautiful hall in the palace, since it was built to be able to see the large flower garden outside the palace and to be able to see it the had to use pillars made from white marble instead of walls. It is also the oldest hall, having been built by my great-grandmother, each, princess adds something to this hall, my grandmother added the plants that surround the hall, my mother carved beautiful pictures on the marble roof and I added poems, that are engraved into the pillars. If you look closely you can read them.

"Let me take a look," he said as looked on the pillar closest to him, the poem said:

Fate is not chosen for you.
You must choose your own path.
But in whatever path you choose.
You must not have any regrets.

"Wow, that was a real nice poem, Ruki."

"Thanks, Now let's go were only a little ways to your room."

"All right," he said and the continued on their way.

Finally they stopped when they came to a set of mahogany and white marble doors. They were engraved with many pictures of animals and nature it's self.

Ruki pushed open the doors to revile a room that was 90ft. X 120ft. The room it's self was painted navy blue, navy blue carpet that was very plush under the feet, with king size bed with gold and silver sheets bring out the navy blue, the room was decorated in that style, gold and silver, bringing out navy. There was a giant walk-in closet that was about 25ft x 30ft, it had a full size mirror. There was a giant bathroom with, a shower, bathtub, Jacuzzi, toilet; three sinks, all the bath oils, soaps, shampoos, and anything else need in a bathroom.

All Takato was think was 'Wow, this kingdom know how to treat guests.' He was snapped out of his trance by Ruki's voice.

"Well, here is you room, if you need anything, just knock next door since that's my room. I'll be back in four hours to take you to dinner. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine and thanks for the cool room," he said.

"Your welcome and bye."


As soon as she left Takato took of his armor and striped down to his boxers, jumped in bed, pulled up the covers and took a nap.


Chapter 2 / Chapter 4


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