Dreams should stay that way
This is 7th year fic, there is no actual 6th year written because I thought it would take too long, and I wanted to write this with a Harry who was wiser and more pro-active, which he can稚 be at the beginning of fifth year.
Any relevant info will be given, and you can fill the rest in with your own imagination (or if I知 nice I値l do some cookies when I知 finished!)! I DO NOT do ships, they just end up sinking! Also sorry, there is NO slash; I知 quite sure Harry won稚 be marrying Draco any time soon in cannon! This is AU in the sense that he will be going into ANOTHER UNIVERSE, is will stay true to cannon, though my Harry is has more of a sense of humour... you値l see what I mean later ^-^;
Chapters (Click star by name)
Bloody barrier
Platforms and conversing with Owls