If you have a Kaoru fanart and you want me to post it up, please send them to me through e-mail. All contributions are very welcome.
*New* These were done by my friend Jason. He's really talented 'ne?
For Jason's other fanarts, non-Kaoru ones, that is, please click here.
*New* This beautiful fanart was done by Jane Oieh, the webmistress of the fanart page Just Breathe...
To see Jane's other equally beautiful RK fanarts, please click here.
My own fanarts
Yeah, yeah I know they aren't that good and they're mostly copies but I just had to post them up (if not just to fill this empty section ^_^X) Just click on the thumbnails to see them in their full glory (bwahahaha! who the heck am I kidding? :p) The media I used are drawing pencils and colored pencils. They look like that because I enhanced them with ACDSee. I might post up the unenhanced versions one of these days. ENJOY!!!
If you're wondering about the Kaoru x Hotohori fanart, I did it because I was pissed with Kenshin in the engagement ring filler episode. I just changed replaced Miaka's head with Kaoru's (hope that the Miaka fans aren't too offended).
My first attempt with watercolor. This is my fave because it's the hardest that I ever did. | Drawing Pencils |
Crayons | Drawing Pencils |
Pastel Color | Drawing Pencil |
Mongol Pencil ^_^X |
These fanarts were made by some girls in the K&K Together Forever Mailing List. Thanks for letting me use your drawings!!!
This one was made by Ms. Theresa. The drawing reminds me of the animation in episode 95, which I found to be very beautiful. | This one reminds me of Sakura from Card Captor Sakura. So cute!!! Made by Ms. Clarise. |
These were done by my younger sister Joanna.
My other fanarts are found here.