
Kenshin Himura

I think that Kenshin is such a great guy!!!  He's just the perfect man to bring home for your parents to meet...  you know, the gorgeous, intelligent, overly polite, well-mannered, and "safe" type of guy.  Parents will instantly love him because he's not the type of guy who'll take advantage of their daughters.  In other words, he's just PERFECT.  I wish I could find a guy like him (but with a job).

The best thing about Kenshin is that he is so secure with his masculinity that he doesn't mind doing household chores such as cooking and doing the laundry.  Some guys might find such a thing degrading but Kenshin takes it in stride.  And that's the thing I love the most about him.   

Sanosuke Sagara

I think that Sano is also a great guy like Kenshin.  But he's so not the type of guy a girl could bring to her parents.  Not because he's a bad guy, but because he looks like a bad guy.  Sometimes, Sano could be an idiot but other times, he could surprise me with the way he uses his brains.  All in all, I think Sano is okay but given a choice between him and Kenshin, Kenshin is definitely the man!  (And to be honest, I don't think Sano looks like he smells good.  And Megumi did confirm my suspicion in episode 95)

Myojin Yahiko

I think Yahiko is a brat.  He calls Kaoru all sorts of impolite names and doesn't seem to appear the least grateful about the fact that Kaoru took him in. (Sometimes I wanna call him an ingrate)  He's always grateful to Kenshin but never to Kaoru.  But I know that underneath all the insults and hitting, he genuinely cares for Kaoru.  He just doesn't know how to show it. ^_^X  And Yahiko can be so cute at times, especially when he squabbles with Yutarou!

Megumi Takani

At first I liked Megumi.  She reminded me a bit of Rei Hino from Sailor Moon who happens to be one of my favorite anime girls.  But I disliked her in the episode after Kenshin left for Kyoto.  I wanted to strangle her when she said something like "Oh, here's the pathetic girl Kenshin left behind," or something like that.  She didn't have to rub it in you know!  And I wanted to strangle her even more after she told Kaoru she's weak.  As if she's a stronger woman!  Ha!  At least Kaoru never thought of ending her life, unlike her, who attempted to kill herself in the Aoshi/Oniwanbashu episode.  If not for good ol' Sano, she would've been dead already.

I want to clarify something though.  I don't hate Megumi because she flirts with Kenshin and in the process makes Kaoru jealous.  Not at all.  Strange as it may sound but I really love it whenever she flirts with Kenshin.  It's so fun to watch and she's such a good flirt (I wish I were half as good!).  It also cracks me up whenever she's up to something and her fox ears suddenly appears.  Or when she suddenly pulls a potion underneath her sleeve to give Kenshin or Aoshi (in the girls' day out episode... my fave filler episode!).  I actually like her in those moments.  What I dislike about her is that I'm never sure if she cares at all for Kaoru.  She seemed to care a great deal about Kenshin, Yahiko, and even Sano!  But Kaoru... I'm not really sure.  I have this strange feeling that she only puts up with her because of Kenshin.  Have you noticed that when Kaoru 'died', she was the only woman who didn't cry?  Sure, she was sad but only because Kaoru's 'death' drove Kenshin into his own living hell.  And when they found out that Kaoru was alive, sure she was happy but only because it meant Kenshin will be fine.  Doesn't she care even a bit for Kaoru?  I'm not sure.  

Overall, I prefer Megumi in the anime than the Megumi of the manga.  Megumi in the anime was a whole lot nicer and was almost like an older sister to Kaoru.  And there, I was sure she really cared for Kaoru.

I guess that's all I have to say about Megumi.  I already said too much in the interactions page!

Misao Makamachi

 Misao is a true blue genki girl!!!  Next to Kaoru she's my favorite anime girl.  She's so cute and funny and a good fighter.  I also like her costume and her weapons.  Not only that, I also love her song "Ice Blue Eyes".  And I like how she pines for her Aoshi-sama. ^_^X  Most of all, she's every bit as real as Kaoru as a character.  Even as a genki girl, she was able to show different emotions other than happiness.  Personally, I prefer Misao in the anime than in the manga with respect to her looks.  She was prettier in the anime, and sexier, unlike in the manga wherein she looked about Yahiko's age (especially in the last few volumes). 

Tomoe Yukishiro

First of all, I think that Tomoe is very beautiful (even prettier than Megumi) which was definitely a plus because I'm the type of person who prefers the prettier girls (with the exception of Megumi :P).  I've always been fascinated by her enigmatic personality but I was wary at first of her existence because I didn't know how her "appearance" in the manga would affect the blooming K&K relationship.  But in the end, I learned to like her as a character because she's so much like Kaoru *Tomoe fans looking at me as if I've lost my mind*.  She is!  Superficially it may seem like she and Kaoru had nothing in common.  But looking deeper into their personalities, I saw that they are both strong, had a hard time expressing their love for Kenshin, had a good heart, and were willing to sacrifice their lives for the man they loved.  (It's no wonder Kaoru always reminded Enishi of Tomoe.)  I saw that beneath that seemingly cold facade was a will stronger than steel, a heart that can love with no bounds, and a soul that can shine as brightly as the spring sun.  

Geez, was that poetic or what?  ^_^X


Too damn timid!  Why does she have to hide behind that stupid tray and blush most of the time?  I wish she showed more spirit like the other girls like Kaoru, Misao, Megumi, or even Tae!.  She even lets Yahiko shout at her... If I were her, I'd shove a pair of socks down his throat (since she doesn't have a weapon like Kaoru)! ^_^X  Of all the girls in RK (with the exception of Tomoe), she's the most feminine, and to think she's just a young girl.  Okay, I'll say something nice about Tsubame... she's pretty. Period.  (Sorry, she had no impact on me!)

   Aoshi Shinomori

Woweee, one of the coolest (literally) bishounen in all of anime-dom!  I just love this guy!  He's so tall, so masculine, so gorgeous, so...... so bishounen!  (Sorry I can't seem to find the right words!)  I wish I knew a guy who look just like him, with those soft black hair, and piercing ice-blue eyes (drool...drool...).  What can I say, he looks perfect!!!  Personality-wise, I guess he's okay once he got over his obsession to become the strongest.  Sure, he's a bit too silent/unexpressive at times but don't we have this saying that silent water runs deep?  Actually, I understand Aoshi's need for solitude.  I guess that after getting beaten up by Kenshin and finally realizing that beating Kenshin is not the way to honor the memory of his dead comrades, he does have a lot to think about.

I'm a firm believer of the Misao X Aoshi pairing.  I think that after Aoshi finds himself, he'll end up with Misao.  After all, nobody can love him as much as Misao does and if he's smart, he'll realize that she's the best he can get.  And anyway, he needs someone like Misao in his life, someone loving, light and carefree... someone who can pull him out of the darkness. ^_^X  (Am I corny or what?)

Soujiro Seta

What can I say about this ever-smiling bishounen?  Actually, if there's one guy I like better than Aoshi, it would have to be Soujiro!  He's my all-time favorite RK guy, looks and personality-wise!!!  He's just so gorgeous, with those floppy black hair and smiling blue eyes!  I swear that if I find a guy who looked like Soujiro, I'll go after him (Hey, it's not that impossible.  I know a guy in my school who looks like Kenshin in his Battousai mode, only the guy I know has black hair!).  Anyway, I like Soujiro because despite his black childhood and twisted upbringing (by Shishio), he's remained a good guy at heart.  Sure he killed in cold blood but he actually didn't like doing it.  In fact, Kenshin was able to see through him, that he never really wanted to hurt anyone in his life.  Okay so he smiles a lot (even when killing) but it's not because he finds pleasure in killing, but because he knows that by smiling, he can keep his opponents guessing.  For him, smiling is his way of covering how he actually feels.

In the end of the Kyoto arc, Soujiro wanders (like Kenshin) to "find himself".  Damn Watsuki-sensei again for not showing what happened to Soujiro.  I wish there could be a sequel or a spin-off from RK entitled Rurouni Soujiro wherein he meets a girl named Sakura. ^_^X (dream on!)

Komagata Yumi

I like this lady!  She's so darn sexy and beautiful (although that green lipstick is a bit too much!), and like all the other RK women, incredibly strong-willed.  She could also be funny, especially when squabbling with Sano. ^_^X  I like her so much that  I nearly cried when she died!  But I guess she was happy because at last she was able to do something important for Shishio (except for when she attended to his (ahem!) other needs! ^_~X).  I can't really blame her for doing whatever she did because I know that some people do stupid things when they're in love.  And Yumi was definitely in love with her Shishio-sama (although I still can't figure out why!). 

Sekihara Tae 

She's an okay girl and she's been a real friend to Kaoru.  But it really got on my nerves when she kept on nagging Kaoru about her weight in one of the filler episodes.  And who could forget her famous scheme in the engagement ring episode?  Yeah, yeah, I know she was only trying to help but she really messed things up there.  But other than that, I like Tae.  She's almost like a motherly figure to Kaoru, constantly worrying about her and Kenshin.  I really wished she ended up with Tsunan, Sano's bomb-wielding friend!

Saitoh Hajime

I like Saitoh because he's just so cool!!!  I like the fact that he doesn't seem to experience much emotions...  Come to think of it, I think he's even more emotionless that Soujiro!  But let's not forget that he has a wife... I guess he is human after all...


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