

Before I go on and tell you stuff about this site, I wanna let you guys know first that the main reason I made this shrine in the first place is to express my opinions and feelings about Kaoru Kamiya, and Rurouni Kenshin in general.  I did not make this site to impress you with my designing skills whatsoever because it's obvious that I have none.  So for those who are wondering if I'll ever work on a better layout, I'm sorry but this is the best that I can give you for now.

 So what can I say about this site.  I have to admit, I made this the easy way.  I used Microsoft Frontpage (yeah, yeah I'm very lazy!).  It was basically quite easy (no HTML codes to memorize.  Frontpage does it for you!) but it was long and tedious (with all the posting, writing, typing etc.)  So I would really appreciate it if you could at least sign the guestbook whenever you visit.  It would really make your little webmistress quite happy.  All the text portion of this site was made by me (otherwise noted) and are not free for the taking.  If you want to use anything in this site, please ask me, ok!  I'm really very nice and I will almost always allow it.  If you want to use the stuff donated to me, please ask their respective owners and not me!  I posted their e-mail addys somewhere near their works for that purpose.  Guess that's it!  Until the next update!!!


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