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Tokimeki Memorial 2 Taisen Puzzle Dama - 2001 - Sony Playstation (Japan only)

Again, there's little to say. This was released only a few months ago...I'm slightly surprised as I assumed TPD was probably dead. Then again, this is probably a Tokimemo game first and a Taisen Puzzle Dama game second. Not having played it, I can't really comment on what TM2TPD is like, although given how recent it is, I'd assume that it has pretty nice graphics and presentation. Is it possible that Konami will continue to churn out occasional licensed TPD games like this one? Perhaps, although it's difficult to get too excited at the prospect. If we are due another game, let them attach it to Parodius, or Twinbee (again), or Konami World or something...anything other than Tokimeki Memorial!

If you're still interested, here's the Cover Art and the Back Art.

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