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Taisen Puzzle Dama Games

First things first - here are all the known instalments of the Taisen Puzzle Dama series. Unfortunately, I've got very little information on the three Tokimeki Memorial conversions, although I do have box art and, in one case, a screenshot.

Although I've reviewed each separately, I should probably suggest that it's not worth owning more than one TPD game. They all play very similarly, so in gameplay terms, there's no especial advantage in owning any particular title. With that in mind, if you're a Twinbee, Tokimemo or Tsuyoshi fan, you should probably go for the relevant licensed game. If you don't care for any of those series, then Susume! might be the way to go. However, my personal recommendation has to be in favor of Twinbee TPD - for the simple reason that it also contains on the CD the only existing console port of the original Taisen Puzzle Dama. At the very least that represents two games for the price of one.

Having said all this, you may be hard pushed to find any of the older games, including Twinbee TPD. Susume! and the Tokimemo conversions may be a lot easier to obtain. below on the logos to see more information about each game:

Taisen Puzzle Dama - 1994 - Arcade & Sony Playstation as part of Twinbee Taisen Puzzle Dama (Japan only)

Tsuyoshi Shikkarishinasai Taisen Pazurudama - 1994 - Super Famicom (Japan only)

Twinbee Taisen Puzzle Dama - 1994 - Sony Playstation (Japan only)


Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Pazurudama - 1996 - Sega Saturn & Sony Playstation (Japan only)

Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Tokkaedama - 1997 - Arcade, Sega Saturn & Sony Playstation (Japan only)


Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama - 1998 - Nintendo 64 & Sony Playstation (Japan only)


Tokimeki Memorial 2 Taisen Pazurudama - 2001 - Sony Playstation (Japan only)


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